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The use of Flink CDC mongodb and the implementation of Flink SQL parsing complex nested JSON data in monggo
2022-07-03 02:15:00 【HD0do】
Need real-time acquisition MongoDB Data in , So consider using flink cdc mongodb, stay flink cdc2.1 It also supports MongoDB Data collection of , It's through oplog.
MongoDB Document structure of stored data in (JSON):
{"_id": {"$numberLong": "375756968729522176"}, "tenantId": "1000000001", "grade": 1, "name": "VIP1", "growth": "0", "enable": true, "createdAt": {"$date": 1623849842573}, "createdBy": "system", "lastUpdatedAt": {"$date": 1656424909977}, "_class": "com.xiaoshouyi.member.service.document.GradeSetting", "updatedBy": "707", "gradeRightList": [{"gradeRightType": "POSTAGE_DISCOUNT", "postageRight": {"consumeAmount": "10", "postageType": 1, "discountPostageAmt": "10"}}, {"gradeRightType": "MULT_CREDIT", "creditMultRight": {"isMult": true, "multiple": "12", "productScopeList": [{"scopeType": "0", "isIncluding": true, "elementList": [{"name": "Fancl sunscreen ", "code": "C-3002"}, {"name": " Shen Xin brand giant lobster 500g(±3g)", "code": "S-05030001-500"}, {"name": " test PLU Intercept 01", "code": "01010005"}, {"name": " test PLU Intercepted ", "code": "01010004"}, {"name": " Document the test 2", "code": "01010003"}, {"name": " Luffy's hat ", "code": "06010001"}, {"name": " Huxi River ", "code": "02010001"}, {"name": " Master Bao ", "code": "01010002"}]}]}}], "growthTo": "50"}
This document data structure contains a complex nesting JSON data :
So this article mainly introduces how to resolve complex monggo Nested in complex JSON data
flink SQL
create table members(
_id bigint,
_class string,
createdAt date,
createdBy string,
enable int,
grade int,
gradeRightList ARRAY<ROW<gradeRightType STRING, creditMultRight ROW<isMult BOOLEAN,multiple STRING,productScopeList ARRAY< ROW<scopeType string,isIncluding BOOLEAN ,elementList ARRAY<ROW<name STRING ,code STRING>>>>> ,postageRight ROW<consumeAmount STRING,postageType int,discountPostageAmt STRING>>>,
growth String,
lastUpdatedAt date,
name string,
tenantId string,
updateBy string,
'connector' = 'mongodb-cdc',
'hosts' = '',
'username' = 'readonly',
'password' = 'y5Gi2BjbK3',
'database' = 'member_db',
'collection' = 'm_grade_setting'
gradeRightList Fields are nested JSON Complex fields , If there is the same complexity JSON nesting , Refer to the corresponding analysis , It should cover all .
gradeRightList ARRAY<ROW<gradeRightType STRING, creditMultRight ROW<isMult BOOLEAN,multiple STRING,productScopeList ARRAY< ROW<scopeType string,isIncluding BOOLEAN ,elementList ARRAY<ROW<name STRING ,code STRING>>>>> ,postageRight ROW<consumeAmount STRING,postageType int,discountPostageAmt STRING>>>,
Corresponding query parsing :
tableEnv.sqlQuery("select _id,gradeRightList[2].creditMultRight,gradeRightList[1].postageRight from members").execute().print()
Of course, you can also refer to :Flink sql Yes array map ROW Use and analysis of
complete SQL Code :
object FlinkMongoConnect {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
var env: StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
var tableEnv: StreamTableEnvironment = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)
var mongoDBKafaSql:String =
|create table members(
|_id bigint,
|_class string,
|createdAt date,
|createdBy string,
|enable int,
|grade int,
|gradeRightList ARRAY<ROW<gradeRightType STRING, creditMultRight ROW<isMult BOOLEAN,multiple STRING,productScopeList ARRAY< ROW<scopeType string,isIncluding BOOLEAN ,elementList ARRAY<ROW<name STRING ,code STRING>>>>> ,postageRight ROW<consumeAmount STRING,postageType int,discountPostageAmt STRING>>>,
|growth String,
|lastUpdatedAt date,
|name string,
|tenantId string,
|updateBy string,
|'connector' = 'mongodb-cdc',
|'hosts' = '',
|'username' = 'readonly',
|'password' = 'y5Gi2BjbK3',
|'database' = 'member_db',
|'collection' = 'm_grade_setting'
* sql The way 375756968729522176
tableEnv.sqlQuery("select _id,gradeRightList[2].creditMultRight,gradeRightList[1].postageRight from members").execute().print()
Flink Code mode :
Don't introduce more in this way , Code processing JSON It's too easy ...
object FlinkMongoConnect {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
var env: StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
var tableEnv: StreamTableEnvironment = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)
var value: SourceFunction[String] = MongoDBSource.builder()
.deserializer(new JsonDebeziumDeserializationSchema())
Refer to the official article :
This article mainly introduces MongoDB CDC Use , Introduction to the follow-up meeting flink SQL Write in MongoDB, The official has not well supported this , It is also necessary to modify some code to realize this function . More excellent articles on principles can be focused on 《 Dida 》 official account
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