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How to recruit programmers
2022-08-04 17:48:00 【Listen to the wind in the right ear】
工作这么多年来,been interviewed,interviewed others,对于程序员的面试,Had a good interview,Very professional interview,also experienced someBTand unpleasant interviews,Personally, I think a good interview,The interviewer is very important,所以,This article intends to start from“面试官”from the perspective of.于是,With such an article on the below,Hope this article is useful for your career experience,Especially those who are hiring and interviewing programmers,I think this article will give you a lot of inspiration.
对于招聘方来说,when hiring programmers,I guess when interviewing candidates,The main thing to know is the following three things:
Is this programmer smart enough?
Can this programmer get things done??
Can this programmer work with my team?
我相信,This is all the hiring manager to consider three problems,All the questions basically revolve around these three questions.有些时候,You may think that the technical skills of a programmer can solve all three problems at the same time,A person with excellent technical ability must be a smart person,someone who can get things done,Of course you can also work with the team.是的,feel like this,但其实并不是这样的.有些人的确很聪明,But can't handle things at work,This guy should be your friend,your advisor,but not your employees.Some people are very nice,Get along well with everyone on the team,but not very smart,But work hard,Such a person can be your subordinate,For example, the assistant of a certain subordinate backbone,Or the whole team's assistant.If someone can't work with the team,no matter how smart,How strong is the problem-solving ability,You shouldn't be working with him.个人认为,The harmony of the team is the premise of everything.
I personally find this interview method ridiculous,也很糟糕,Especially the latter two.通常来说,Will only make you this interviewThe interview to some“书呆子”或是一些“技术痴迷者”,Let me analyze the disadvantages one by one.
Give the candidate one or more difficult algorithm questions,give ten minutes,Then ask the interviewer to write down the pseudocode or code.That's pretty ridiculous,Can't discuss, can't look up information,Make people answer in a state of pressure,This is not the state at all in real work,And our interview has become a kind of difficulty(My most perverted experience is,When I hand in the code written on two pages,The interviewer gave it to the programmer next to the output computer for verification,As a result the programmer said,编译出错.于是,面试官说,“很遗憾,Maybe you haven't written a lot of programs”,相当可笑).对于这点来说,It's not the answer that matters,But the problem solving ideas and methods.
I've been through a lot of interviews before,When the technician came to interview me,我发现,“Technical personnel's thinking”For some people, it's impossible to tell the difference between an interview and an exam,在潜意识里,In many cases, they not this person during the interview,It's to make things difficult for this person and to show their skills.I personally think I'm a good programmer,But I can tell you that I can't pass an interview like that,Because that interview is for them,not for candidates.
那么,How did I go for the interview??
一、确认简历.首先,阅读一下别人的简历是需要的,从简历上,工作经历,项目经历,技术技能这三个事情是你需要了解的.一般来说,你可以先通过电话确定一下他的工作经历,项目经历和技术技能,然后,如果他和你需要的人条件相符的话,可以叫到公司做面对面的面试.千万不要把别人叫来,你又说你的经历和我们的工作有差距之类的话.(I had an interview experience,I don't talk about the company,It's the company that claims to need good communication anyway.,面试了我9次左右,from the average programmer,PM,经理,to the general manager,And the last time you told me directly,My previous experience and their demand gap is very large.I can't help but ask,Several times before the interview they are doing?)
三、多让应聘者说说他的经历. 接下来,如果你要觉得这个应聘者是否是一个可以解决问题,是一个可以把事情搞定的人,不用问他/她会做什么,直接问问其做过什么?干过什么事?对于一个好的程序员来说,很难想像其没有相关的实践,就算你是在大学里,你也应该做过什么.如果你有解决问题的能力,那么,很显然,今天你应该解决了很多问题,也搞定了很多事情,听听应聘者说一说他的那些事.(Don't use the question-and-answer method,Should the interviewee say more,and listen more,多想)
when he talks about his project,通常来说你要注意下面几点:
role and location.Maybe he's involved in a big project,But just made a very simple module.所以,It is necessary to understand their role and position in the project.When the candidate says“我们”或者“大家”之类的词汇时,Be sure to refine and clarify.
Contributions made and problems solved.这个很重要,通过了解这个,You can tell if an interviewee is smart,Ability to solve problems,Is there a good technical foundation.
**演示.**如果可能,You can ask the applicant to show some of the written code,design done,Or directly show you a demo of the program he wrote.(从设计上,代码的风格,重用性,You can learn a lot about maintenance)
**基础知识.**Learn some basics about the technology candidates are using in this program,比如,通过整个过程,You can ask some of the network,语言,面象对象,系统的一些基础知识.基础知识是非常重要的,It's directly related to his ability.
流程和工具.Understand the flow of the project that the candidate is familiar with(银弹,瀑布,敏捷,……),There are some in the process artifacts(如:需求文档,设计文档,test file etc.),and the tools used during development(内存测试,代码检查,BUG报告,版本维护,开发调试……)
有人会说,The candidate's experience can be made up by himself,He can say he did something that he didn't do.是的,It is indeed possible.不过,不要忘了,Behind a lie, more lies are needed to make up the lie,所以,你不必担心这个问题,As long as you gradually refine the candidate description process,细化问题,You'll know if a candidate is making up a story.
**四、实际参与??**This step may be very difficult to implement.因为,This requires some applicants to pay a certain amount of time,If you are a graduate,那没有问题,Let him to practice for a period of time.but if someone else has a job,就不好了.也许你会说,This is a probation period of use.不过,我个人觉得,You have to respect the candidate,They quit their jobs over there,come to work with you,three-month trial period,If there is no question of principle,You as a recruiter backtracked,That's pretty bad.If you find such a thing,Can only be recruiters their own problems.
在面试过程中,Some recruiters make candidates play a game together,Or have a debate,Or set up a team on the spot to do a simple thing,Some even ask candidates to take a day off to work with their own team for a day at their company,and to accomplish something(Even to its settingdeadline),And through these to consider the actual participation ability of the candidates.
是的,If you haven't worked together,nothing actually happens,It's hard to get to know a person just by interviewing for a few hours.Set up these interview sessions,Get to know everything about the candidate in the shortest possible time,Nothing wrong with recruiters.But sometimes also can get good effect.在这里,我只提一点,Sometimes this cycle is very long,Make candidates pay a lot,Retaliation can make candidates feel disgusted and bored,从某种意义上来说,This is really disrespectful to the applicant.
对于这一点,I've always been skeptical,所以,I put two question marks after it.老实说,For actual participation in this session,My personal opinion is that enough is enough,因为时间太短了,No matter what you do you can't understand the whole.Although it is not possible to understand the complete,Then get what you need most,The three questions at the beginning of this article,and the above“第三点”(Learn about the candidate's past experience).
Maybe there are some points in this article that you disagree with,没问题,欢迎批评,if you have a better way,我也想听听,Please leave a message here.
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