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How can fresh students write resumes to attract HR and interviewers

2022-07-05 08:30:00 Learn open source together

Up to now, I have been engaged in technical team management for some years , Since the transition to management , Part of the job is recruiting ; In recent years, I have screened many resumes , I have also interviewed many fresh students , And previous students ; Today, from the perspective of the interviewer, let's briefly say how to write the resume of the next fresh student will cause HR And the attention of the interviewer , I hope it can help you who just graduated or are looking for a job

Resume screening focus

Resume screening process

Generally, the recruitment process of small and medium-sized enterprises for fresh students is as follows :

  1. The employing department puts forward the demand , And draw up JD Provide to HR
  2. HR Publish recruitment requirements according to the requirements of the employing Department ( Go to major recruitment platforms or offline targeted recruitment channels )
  3. HR Collect resumes and do simple screening that meets the conditions , Then recommend it to the Employment Department ( Usually department managers )
  4. The employing department is right HR Filter the filtered resume , Finally, determine who can enter the preliminary examination
  5. HR According to the screening results of the employing Department , Invite the selected personnel to participate in the preliminary examination one by one
  6. The interviewer and the interviewer have a preliminary examination ( The initial examination is generally a basic interview on professional knowledge , Of course, there will be HR First try , This kind is usually an outsourcing company ); Generally, the initial test is the technical leader or technical backbone of the Department , All the questions are practical and professional
  7. After passing the initial test HR Then according to the evaluation results, make a retest ( Different enterprises may have different forms )
  8. Second interview : Re examination is a key link , You may also ask some professional questions , But latitude will rise , More is to ask some comprehensive questions , Inspect the communication of the other party , In mind , Growth and other aspects
  9. Generally, for fresh students 2 Round may already have results , But it does not rule out that some enterprises have long processes , want 2+ The wheel , But nothing more than two aspects , The department manager asks some professional or comprehensive questions , Next HR Ask some questions about life , character , sense of worth , Salary expectations

How do fresh students make their resumes bright

The general process is described above , However, it does not rule out that some enterprises add or subtract on it , It can't be summarized here ; Next, let's talk about how to find fresh students in the process of resume .

Outstanding educational background

The recruitment of fresh students is actually a process of scouring the sand , Therefore, many enterprises start with their academic qualifications , such as 985、211、 Regular undergraduate 、 Third rate undergraduate 、 Vocational Schools 、 Colleges and universities ; If you come from a better school, it is suggested that this part be written clearly , Academic qualifications and degrees are clearly marked , How many levels of English have you passed

Certification can add points

If you have passed some professional or professional certifications in school , Generally speaking, this can be scored , Especially if the software industry has taken the soft exam , It shows that your comprehensive knowledge ability is still ok , After all, the passing rate of the soft exam is there , Of course, some business certifications can also , Although the gold content is not so high ;

Internship experience is important

In the past, in the process of screening resumes , Many students have internship experience , But the time is short , I'm too lazy to write , This resulted in being eliminated at the time of preliminary screening ; If you have internship experience , Be sure to state the company , What you are doing , The main duties and responsibilities , And write down the projects you are involved in , The exercise and harvest you get ( Of course, if it is a technical post , It's best to write down the technology stack of the project you participate in ); Generally, the actual experience gained through internship can often be higher than the salary of those without internship experience

Graduation design must be written

As a fresh graduate , Graduation design is something everyone has , How to reflect one's achievements and attitude in school , That is graduation project ; No matter whether you have skipped classes before , Finally, the graduation project is a very important aspect that reflects your personal comprehensive ability , And I can use relatively simple language to explain the overall business and technical implementation .

There are two points about credits and rewards

Whether a student is excellent in school , One is to measure from credits , The other is to quantify the award-winning situation of students in the school ; If you do nothing in school , Finally, the teacher may not have much impression of you ; In this way, it is difficult to shine in enterprises . So be sure to write your professional score clearly in the process of writing your resume ( If not bad ), And my own awards in school ( It can be an award , It can also be scholarships or participating in competitions held by other schools or industries )

Participate in community or volunteer activities

Generally, participants participate in community and volunteer activities , It can better reflect a person's positive behavior , So if you have participated in a club or have a position in a club, you might as well write it down , I've contracted to volunteer or something ;

Personal achievements are essential

Personal achievements include but are not limited to , Graduation project 、 A small system that makes its own mistakes 、 Patent for invention 、 Soft wait ; Are able to reflect personal achievements

Personal introduction

Personal introduction or self-evaluation , It is a process of self-awareness and evaluation , You must write well here , It reflects both personal values and personal attitude towards doing things


Maybe every interviewer has different requirements for candidates when screening resumes and interviewing , But as a fresh student , Our actual combat capability is limited , Generally, I will not specifically ask , Pay more attention to the theoretical basis of the applicant 、 attitude 、 Learning ability 、 Growth, etc . I hope this article can help you

The above is only a partial sharing , If you are interested in content , Welcome to join “ Learn open source together ” official account , Let's exchange and study together , meanwhile > There are also some job recommendations


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