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Explain task scheduling based on Cortex-M3 in detail (Part 2)

2022-07-05 08:04:00 Car chezi

stay The explanation is based on Cortex-M3 Task scheduling ( On )_ The car (chezi)-CSDN Blog In this article , We already have a theoretical basis , This article , Let's write code and practice .

The code is based on the project provided by netizens and the reference code in the book , Don't ask for everything , Just clarify the principle .

Project description

I use it STM32F103 This chip , The engineering structure is shown in the figure :

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User The following is the bare board driver of the serial port , Call the official library function , Very routine ;

Cortex-M3 The following are the documents provided by the manufacturer , Generally, there is no need to modify ;

OS The following is the focus of this article , The essence of task scheduling is in it ;

Compiler Here are the components I added , from ARM Provide , You don't have to modify it . Convenient to use when there is no board PC Simulation run .

experimental result

The result is 4 Tasks are executed in turn . Although every task code has while(1), But it won't always occupy CPU, When its time slice arrives ,OS Will deprive it of CPU Right to use , Let the next task run .

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If you have a board , Then use serial port output . Need to be in RTE_Components.h Comment out these two lines in the file

//#define RTE_Compiler_IO_STDOUT /* Compiler I/O: STDOUT */
//#define RTE_Compiler_IO_STDOUT_ITM /* Compiler I/O: STDOUT ITM */

If there is no board , During the simulation , open Debug(printf) Viewer The window will do .

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Code explanation

The beat of the clock

The last blog post said , System tick timer (SYSTICK) Interruption is necessary , Trigger task switching in this interrupt .

void OSSysTickInit(void)
	//Systick Timer initial 
	char *Systick_priority = (char *)0xe000ed23;       //Systick Interrupt priority register 
	SysTick->LOAD  = (SystemCoreClock/8/1000000)* 1000; //Systick Timer reload   Count 9000 Time =1ms 
	*Systick_priority = 0x00;                           //Systick Timer interrupt priority 
	SysTick->VAL   = 0;                                 //Systick Timer counter clear 0
	SysTick->CTRL = 0x3;//Systick Open and enable interrupt , And use an external crystal oscillator clock ,8 frequency division  72MHz/8=9MHz  Count 9000 Time =1ms  Count 9 Time =1us

To configure SYSTICK The counting frequency of , Then enable SYSTICK And interrupt .

If SystemCoreClock yes 72MHz, Namely 1ms An interruption .

void SysTick_Handler(void) // 1KHz
	System.TimeMS++;  // The system clock beats are accumulated 
	if((--System.TaskTimeSlice) == 0)  {
		System.TaskTimeSlice = TASK_TIME_SLICE;// Reset the initial value of the time slice 

That's all SYSTICK Interrupt handling function .System.TaskTimeSlice The initial value of 10;

stay main() There are initialization statements in :

	System.TaskTimeSlice = TASK_TIME_SLICE; // #define TASK_TIME_SLICE 10 
	System.OSRunning = OS_TRUE;
	System.TimeMS = 0;

in other words 10ms Switch tasks once .

Be careful , This is task scheduling based on time slice , Not based on priority .

Task switching task_switch()

void task_switch(void)
	if(System.OSLockNesting != 0) 
	switch(curr_task) {
			break; // Should not be here
	if (curr_task != next_task){
     // Context switching needed
		SCB->ICSR  |= SCB_ICSR_PENDSVSET_Msk; // Set PendSV to pending

The first 3 That's ok : Determine whether the scheduler is locked , If it is , Prohibit task switching , Go straight back to .

The logic of switching is simple , Only 0-3 A mission , 0 Cut to 1,1 Cut to 2,….next_task It's a global variable , Record the next task number .

The first 26 OK, it's important , Set up PendSV Interruption hangs . When SYSTICK After service interruption and exit , We'll be in... Soon PendSV Interruption of service .

Although this function is called task_switch, But the real switch is in PendSV Interrupt service .


__asm void PendSV_Handler(void) 
// Simple version - assume No floating point support
// Save current context
	MRS R0, PSP // Get current process stack pointer value
	STMDB R0!,{
    R4-R11} // Save R4 to R11 in task stack (8 regs)
	LDR R1,=__cpp(&curr_task)
	LDR R2,[R1] // Get current task ID
	LDR R3,=__cpp(&PSP_array)
	STR R0,[R3, R2, LSL #2] // Save PSP value into PSP_array

// Load next context
	LDR R4,=__cpp(&next_task)
	LDR R4,[R4] // Get next task ID
	STR R4,[R1] // Set curr_task = next_task
	LDR R0,[R3, R4, LSL #2] // Load PSP value from PSP_array
	LDMIA R0!,{
    R4-R11} // Load R4 to R11 from taskstack (8 regs)
	MSR PSP, R0 // Set PSP to next task
	BX LR // Return

This code is short , But it is the essence of task switching , In short, save the context of the current task , Load the context of the next task .

stay PendSV_Handler After occurrence , There will be 8 Registers are automatically stacked ,7-8 Line is used to manually press the stack in addition 8 A register .

We say it sentence by sentence .

The first 7 That's ok :MRS R0, PSP

Load stack pointer to R0, That is to find the stack of the current task

The first 8 That's ok :STMDB R0!,{R4-R11}

R0 = R0-4, hold R11 The value of the R0 Memory pointed to ; then R0 = R0-4, hold R10 The value of the R0 Memory pointed to ;…

To be more intuitive , I got a picture :
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This picture is just after pressing the stack , You can see ,R4 It's the last one pressed in . The box on the right shows the stack of a task .

The first 9 That's ok :LDR R1,=__cpp(&curr_task)

This sentence means to put variables curr_task The address of is assigned to R1

The first 10 That's ok :LDR R2,[R1] // Get current task ID

take R1 Point to R2, That is, get the number of the current task

The first 11 That's ok :LDR R3,=__cpp(&PSP_array)

Take an array PSP_array[] The address to R3

The first 12 That's ok :STR R0,[R3, R2, LSL #2]

Equivalent to pseudo code STR R0,[R3, R2<<2], That is to say STR R0,[R3 + R2*4]

because R2 Inside is the number of the current task , therefore [R3 + R2*4] Is indexed by task number PSP_array Array ( Each element accounts for 4 Bytes ), Meaning is to put the R0 The value of is saved to PSP_array[R2] , combination R0 Point to the stack of the current task , That is to save the stack pointer of the current task to the array .

The above operation , In fact, it saves the context of the current task .

Let's continue to look at the code :

	LDR R4,=__cpp(&next_task)
	LDR R4,[R4] // Get next task ID
	STR R4,[R1] // Set curr_task = next_task
	LDR R0,[R3, R4, LSL #2] // Load PSP value from PSP_array
	LDMIA R0!,{
    R4-R11} // Load R4 to R11 from taskstack (8 regs)
	MSR PSP, R0 // Set PSP to next task
	BX LR // Return

1: Get variables next_task The address to R4

2: hold R4 Point to R4, That is to get the number of the next task

3: Storage R4 Value to R1 Memory pointed to ,R1 yes curr_task The pointer to , So it is to assign the number of the next task to the variable curr_task , use C Language expression is curr_task = next_task;

4: amount to LDR R0,[R3, R4*4], That is to R4 The value of is the subscript index PSP_array Array , Give the value inside R0, Connecting is to get the next task PSP To R0

5: Manually stack , Put the next task on the stack 8 Values are restored to the corresponding register . be left over 8 What can I do ? It will automatically stack when the interrupt returns .IA Indicates that the address increases after each transmission 4, The stack order is first R4, Again R5,…, Last R11

6: use R0 Adjust stack pointer PSP, Prepare for the automatic stack out later

7: Start the exception return process

After the above statement is executed , Will switch to the next task .

The code for the task

void task0(void) // Mission 0
		 OSprintf("Task0 is running\r\n");						
		 OS_delayMs(500);	// Task delay  

void task1(void)  // Mission 1
		 OSprintf("Task1 is running\r\n");		  
		 OS_delayMs(1000);  // Task delay  
void task2(void)  // Mission 2
		OSprintf("Task2 is running\r\n");
		OS_delayMs(2000);	// Task delay  
void task3(void) // Mission 3
		 OSprintf("Task3 is running\r\n");						
		 OS_delayMs(4000);	// Task delay  

Foolishly did four tasks , Each task outputs a sentence to the serial port .

OSprintf There is an operation to lock and unlock the scheduler , Prevent the printing of each task from being confused . The relevant code is :

#define OS_CORE_ENTER __disable_irq
#define OS_CORE_EXIT __enable_irq

#define OSprintf(fmt, ...) \ {
       OSSchedLock(); printf( fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); OSSchedUnlock();}

// System Boolean 
#define OS_FALSE 0 
#define OS_TRUE 1 

// System variable type definition 
typedef struct 
	INT8U OSRunning;    // Run flag variable 
	INT8U OSLockNesting; // Task switching lock level statistical variable  
	volatile INT32U TimeMS;      // Cumulative variable of system clock beat 
	INT32U TaskTimeSlice; // Task time slice 

// System variables 
SYSTEM System;

void OSSchedLock(void) // Task switching lock  
	OS_CORE_ENTER(); //  Close the interrupt 
	if(System.OSRunning == OS_TRUE)  
		if (System.OSLockNesting < 255u)  //  Task locking can be nested to the maximum  255  layer 
	OS_CORE_EXIT(); //  Open the interrupt 
void OSSchedUnlock(void) // Task switching unlock  
	if(System.OSRunning == OS_TRUE)
		if (System.OSLockNesting > 0) 

INT32U GetTime(void)
    return System.TimeMS;

void OS_delayMs(INT32U ms)
    INT32U counter;
    counter = GetTime() + ms;
        if(counter < GetTime()) 

OS_delayMs There is something wrong with this function , The overflow of timer is not considered . in addition ,OS_delayMs This function will not suspend the current task . A better way is when the task calls this function , Give up on your own initiative CPU, Now CPU You can choose other tasks to perform . When the delay time is up , The suspended task is restored to the ready state .

Important global variables

// Stack for each task (4K bytes each)
unsigned int 	task0_stack[1024], 

// Data use by OS
uint32_t curr_task = 0; // Current task
uint32_t next_task = 1; // Next task
uint32_t PSP_array[4]; // Process Stack Pointer for each task

2-5: Defined 4 An array , They correspond to each other 4 Stack of tasks

10-11:curr_task Record the number of the current task ,next_task Record the number of the next task

12: Array PSP_array Stack pointer used to save each task .

Actually, there should be a management task TCB( Task control block ), But our code is relatively crude ( Prevent the guest from dominating ), So we use these global variables to deal with .

main() function

So much bedding , Finally come to the main function .

#define HW32_REG(ADDRESS) (*((volatile unsigned long *)(ADDRESS)))

int main(void)
	USART1_Config(115200); // A serial port 1 Incipient application 
	System.TaskTimeSlice = TASK_TIME_SLICE; //  Set time slice to  10ms
	System.OSRunning = OS_TRUE;
	System.TimeMS = 0; 
	// Enable double word stack alignment
	//(recommended in Cortex-M3 r1p1, default in Cortex-M3 r2px and Cortex-M4)

	// Create stack frame for task0
	PSP_array[0] = ((unsigned int) task0_stack) + (sizeof task0_stack) - 16*4;
	HW32_REG((PSP_array[0] + (14<<2))) = (unsigned long) task0;
	// initial Program Counter
	HW32_REG((PSP_array[0] + (15<<2))) = 0x01000000; // initial xPSR
	// Create stack frame for task1
	PSP_array[1] = ((unsigned int) task1_stack) + (sizeof task1_stack) - 16*4;
	HW32_REG((PSP_array[1] + (14<<2))) = (unsigned long) task1;
	// initial Program Counter
	HW32_REG((PSP_array[1] + (15<<2))) = 0x01000000; // initial xPSR
	// Create stack frame for task2
	PSP_array[2] = ((unsigned int) task2_stack) + (sizeof task2_stack) - 16*4;
	HW32_REG((PSP_array[2] + (14<<2))) = (unsigned long) task2;
	// initial Program Counter
	HW32_REG((PSP_array[2] + (15<<2))) = 0x01000000; // initial xPSR
	// Create stack frame for task3
	PSP_array[3] = ((unsigned int) task3_stack) + (sizeof task3_stack) - 16*4;
	HW32_REG((PSP_array[3] + (14<<2))) = (unsigned long) task3;
	// initial Program Counter
	HW32_REG((PSP_array[3] + (15<<2))) = 0x01000000; // initial xPSR
	curr_task = 0; // Switch to task #0 (Current task)
	__set_PSP((PSP_array[curr_task] + 16*4)); // Set PSP to top of task 0 stack
	NVIC_SetPriority(PendSV_IRQn, 0xFF); // Set PendSV to lowest possible priority
	__set_CONTROL(0x3); // Switch to use Process Stack, unprivileged state
	__ISB(); // Execute ISB after changing CONTROL (architectural recommendation)
	task0(); // Start task 0
		stop_cpu;// Should not be here


It is more important to create stack frames for each task , such as

	// Create stack frame for task0
	PSP_array[0] = ((unsigned int) task0_stack) + (sizeof task0_stack) - 16*4;
	HW32_REG((PSP_array[0] + (14<<2))) = (unsigned long) task0;
	// initial Program Counter

	HW32_REG((PSP_array[0] + (15<<2))) = 0x01000000; // initial xPSR

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When in PendSV_Handler When switching in , To manually stack 8 A register ( Blue ), in addition 8 A register ( Red ) Will automatically stack , For the task to be switched ( Tasks to be run ), Its stack pointer should point to R4

So the first 2 That's ok :PSP_array[0] = ((unsigned int) task0_stack) + (sizeof task0_stack) - 16*4;

Subtract 16*4 It means to reserve this 16 Location of registers , hold PSP Point to R4

this 16 There are 2 Give the initial value , One is PC, To point to the entry function of the task ; The other one is xPSR

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xPSR Of bit[24] Must be 1, Express Thumb state, So there will be code

HW32_REG((PSP_array[0] + (15<<2))) = 0x01000000; // initial xPSR

Continue to look at the code

	curr_task = 0; // Switch to task #0 (Current task)
	__set_PSP((PSP_array[curr_task] + 16*4)); // Set PSP to top of task 0 stack
	NVIC_SetPriority(PendSV_IRQn, 0xFF); // Set PendSV to lowest possible priority
	OSSysTickInit(); // SysTick  Initialize and enable 
	__set_CONTROL(0x3); // Switch to use Process Stack, unprivileged state
	__ISB(); // Execute ISB after changing CONTROL (architectural recommendation)
	task0(); // Start task 0

The first 2 That's ok : Because the stack frame is set in front ,PSP_array[0] In fact, it points to task0 The stack ( In the picture above R4 The location of ), however task0 First run , It's not in PendSV_Handler Switch to the past , But by adjusting the function task0() To start execution , So its stack should be empty , That is to put its PSP Adjust to the highest , So add 16*4

The first 3 That's ok : hold PendSV_Handler Set to the lowest priority , Why do things turn out like this? , You can read my previous blog post : The explanation is based on Cortex-M3 Task scheduling ( On )_ The car (chezi)-CSDN Blog

The first 6 That's ok : Use PSP, And run at the non privileged level

The first 7 That's ok : Command synchronization barrier . Used to empty the assembly line , Make sure that before executing new instructions , The previous instructions have been executed .

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The first 8 That's ok : perform task0. In fact, there are other ways to perform the first task , Like triggering PendSV_Handler, In the interruption “ Switch ” To task0

The above is the whole content of this article , Readers are welcome to criticize and correct .

The code download

link :https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dnl7Cld97hujA3OoxGfd3Q
Extraction code :chez

Reference material

【1】《Cortex-M3 Authoritative guide 》

【2】《The Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processors(Third Edition)》


本文为[Car chezi]所创,转载请带上原文链接,感谢
