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[trio basic tutorial 17 from getting started to mastering] set up and connect the trio motion controller and input the activation code

2022-07-05 08:02:00 Changjiang houlang blog

Many new friends , Get the controller for the first time , I don't know how to connect . Some friends, the number of axes activated by the controller is limited , You need to activate additional axes or activate the robot 、IEC And so on .

Today's tutorial is to open the number of axes by hand , Do not need any technical skills , Business also handles this matter . Let's do it hand in hand .

1、 Connect the controller 24V Power Supply , Plug in the computer and controller network cable .

2、 Set computer local IP Address

1》 Control panel -》 The Internet and Internet-》 Network and Sharing Center


Local connection settings IPV4

Set up IP Address , The controller address defaults to :

Then we guarantee that the local computer and the controller are on the same network , You need to set IP: -

So here we're going to set theta , Subnet mask :

After confirming the settings, you can proceed to the next step

3、 Open the controller programming software Motion Profect V4 And establish the controller connection

》Controller -》Conncetion settings

Apply & Connect ->Connect in tool mode

After entering the tool mode

Click on Controller-》Enable Features Enter the serial number input interface

The serial number information obtained by continuous business is shown in the figure

Controller Type: MC4N ECAT (2 Axes) Motion Coordinator Controller Serial Number: P900-02556
Feature Code  0: 4L8AV6FQAE4U purchased this order P912 Remote Axes   
Feature Code  1: DDVN7F2N0750 purchased this order P912 Remote Axes   
Feature Code  2: XXXXXX P912 Remote Axes   
Feature Code  3: XXXXXX P912 Remote Axes   
Feature Code 21: XXXXXX P877 IEC   
Feature Code 22: XXXXXX P750 Kinematic   
Feature Code 31: XXXXXX P751 User Security   

P900-02556 This is the controller serial number , After the controller security code 5 Bits can correspond to

Feature Code  0 The said code 0 Channel number

4L8AV6FQAE4U This expression corresponds to code Activation code

The input is shown in the figure below

After input, the Enabled Check this column , Click on close To restart

After restarting the connection, you can check the open axis status in the direct connection mode

Enter the restart command in the channel :EX

The activation code input information will be printed here , The above figure shows activation 8 Axis

The communication connection input activation code has been completed , Switching to a synchronous connection allows programming and other operations

Now you can start the journey of motion controller programming

This concludes the article , Thank you for your patience ....


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