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PIP installation

2022-07-05 08:24:00 Sharing master

1. Download the latest PIP The installation files :http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip#downloads

2. download pip-7.1.2.tar.gz (md5, pgp) When it's done , Unzip to a folder , use CMD The console enters the decompression directory

Enter the command   python setup.py install

Once installed , We type it directly on the command line pip, It will also be displayed ‘pip’ Not an internal command , It's not a runnable program . Because we haven't added environment variables yet .


Common commands :

pip Upgrade yourself : 
pip install --upgrade pip

Find and install :
  Use search、install These two parameters .

Install to user directory :

pip install pkg_name --user

View installed Libraries : 
pip list

Get expired libraries : 
pip list --outdated

pip list --outdated | grep Jinja2

Show version and path

pip --version

get help

pip --help

upgrade pip

pip install -U pip

If there is a problem with this upgrade command , You can use the following command :

sudo easy_install --upgrade pip

Installation package

pip install SomePackage              #  The latest version 
pip install SomePackage==1.0.4       #  Specify the version 
pip install 'SomePackage>=1.0.4'     #  Minimum version 

For example, I want to install Django. With one of the following commands , Convenient and quick .

pip install Django==1.7

Upgrade package

pip install --upgrade SomePackage

Upgrade the specified package , By using ==, >=, <=, >, < To specify a version number .

Uninstall package

pip uninstall SomePackage

Search package

pip search SomePackage

Show installation package information

pip show 

View the details of the specified package

pip show -f SomePackage

List installed packages

pip list

Check out upgradeable packages

pip list -o

matters needing attention

If Python2 and Python3 At the same time there is pip, The usage is as follows :


python2 -m pip install XXX


python3 -m pip install XXX

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