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Basic information commands and functions of kernel development

2022-07-05 08:03:00 Changjiang houlang blog

1、 Kernel module loading / uninstall
Use insmod The command to load
Use rmmod Command uninstall

2、 Kernel module entry / exit
module_init(): This function is automatically executed when the module is loaded , Perform initialization operation
module_exit(): The function executes automatically when the module is unloaded , Carry out cleaning operations

3、MODULE_LICENSE(): Indicates that the module code receives the software license agreement ,Linux The kernel obeys GPL V2 Open source licenses ,
Kernel module and Linux Just keep the kernel consistent .

4、MODULE_AUTHOR(): Describe the author information of the module

5、MODULE_DESCRIPTION(): A brief introduction to the module

6、MODULE_ALIAS(): Set an alias for the module



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