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Use of orbbec Astra depth camera of OBI Zhongguang in ROS melody

2022-07-05 07:41:00 LCH Nan'an


Introduction to personal construction :

One . Installation dependency

Two .  Configure workspace

3、 ... and . Download feature pack

Four .  establish astra udev The rules

6、 ... and . Compile in the workspace astra_camera

7、 ... and . Filter enabled ( Not recommended : It is recommended to try the main branch first )

8、 ... and . function astra_camera

1. Open a new terminal , Input :roscore( Do not shut down. )

2. Return to the original terminal ( Do not shut down. )

3. Open a new terminal ( Do not shut down. )

4. Subscription node

5. View point cloud

Conclusion :

Introduction to personal construction :


Installation tutorial :VMware+Ubuntu18.04


Installation tutorial :Ubuntu18.04 install Ros

Orbbec Astra: Environment building

course :Ubuntu 20.04 Next, build Obi Zhongguang -Astra (18.04 Edition and 20.04 The steps of version are the same )

Please carry out the following operations after the above are built

One . Installation dependency

sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-rgbd-launch ros-$ROS_DISTRO-libuvc ros-$ROS_DISTRO-libuvc-camera ros-$ROS_DISTRO-libuvc-ros

Two .  Configure workspace

1. After installing the dependent files , You need to create a new workspace for Astra Camera's ROS Development ( If you don't have a workspace )

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src

 2. Configure the environment variables for the workspace

cd ~/catkin_ws/
source devel/setup.bash


( Use zsh The direct of the terminal will bash Switch to zsh That's all right. , The same below )
If you set the environment variable like this , Then this environment variable is only valid for this terminal , To open another terminal, you need to set the environment variable again ( Not solved yet )

3. Check that the environment variable is in effect

Input :


Output : 

3、 ... and . Download feature pack

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/orbbec/ros_astra_camera

  without “ Science and the Internet ” Methods ,git clone https://github.com/orbbec/ros_astra_camera This step may not be performed , You can try downloading on your own computer , Then place the downloaded folder in ~/catkin_ws/src Next

Four .  establish astra udev The rules

roscd astra_camera


6、 ... and . Compile in the workspace astra_camera

cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin_make --pkg astra_camera

7、 ... and . Filter enabled ( Not recommended : It is recommended to try the main branch first )

Astra  The driver provides normal and filtering methods . Use the filter driver , We can get more accurate depth data , But it will cost more computing resources . If the program will be executed on the embedded system , We suggest using the common method . You can change the method as follows .-DFILTER=ON / OFF 
catkin_make --pkg astra_camera -DFILTER=OFF


8、 ... and . function astra_camera

1. Open a new terminal , Input :roscore( Do not shut down. )

2. Return to the original terminal ( Do not shut down. )

① Use Astra

roslaunch astra_camera astra.launch

② Use Astra Stereo S (w/ UVC)

roslaunch astra_camera stereo_s.launch

3. Open a new terminal ( Do not shut down. )

Input... At the terminal :rviz

4. Subscription node

Current rviz No nodes have been subscribed to in , At this time, you can subscribe to view image information . Click on the bottom left Add Button selection image type , Add image node .

  Then open the tab on the left image, stay image Topic Select the node you want to subscribe to in the .

  Then repeat the above operation , Select different nodes to display different images


5. View point cloud

Click on the bottom left again Add Button , choice PointCloud2 Type new content .


  On the left side PointCloud2 Under options, subscribe  /camera/depth_registered/points topic of conversation , And will Global Options Next Fixed Frame Selected as camera_depth_optical_frame. After the above operations are completed , You can view the point cloud options in the center .

Conclusion :

because Astra The camera is officially provided ROS Drive development , This driver currently only supports ROS Kinetic and Melodic edition ,

and Ubuntu20.04 Corresponding ROS Version is  Noetic, So switch to war Ubuntu18.04.

I hope this article can help you .



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