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[neo4j] common operations of neo4j cypher and py2neo
2022-07-05 07:30:00 【MatchaApril】
Document links : https://neo4j.com/docs/cypher-manual/4.3/.
1. establish
- Create a node
create (n:teacher{name:“2”,id:”teacher1”}) return n - Create relationships
WHERE a.name = ‘TEST-NAME’ AND b.name = ‘TEST-NAME1’
CREATE (a)-[r:RELTYPE] -> (b)
2. Inquire about
- Show all
MATCH(n) RETURN n - Show 20 Nodes
MATCH(n) RETURN n limit 20 - Query node
MATCH(n:User{name:“2”}) RETURN n - Query relationship
match ()-[r:watch]->() return r - Query nodes according to attributes
match(n:course) where (n.marked=TRUE) return count(n) - Query according to the relationship type
match(n)-[r]->(m) where type=“teach” return n - Query the number of nodes
MATCH(n:User{name:“2”}) RETURN count(n) - Query the number of nodes
MATCH(n:User{name:“2”}) RETURN count(n) - Query related nodes
match(n) where ((n)-[]-()) return n - It doesn't matter to query course node
match(n:course) where not ((n)-[]-()) return n - Query and course Unrelated nodes
match(n) where not ((n)-[]-(p:course)) return n - Query all labels of the node 、 Number of nodes per label
MATCH (n) RETURN distinct labels(n), count(*) - Inquire about ID It ends with ” mathematics ” The node of
match(n) where n.id ENDS WITH ‘ mathematics ’ return n - Inquire about ID The beginning is ” mathematics ” The node of
match(n) where n.id START WITH ‘ mathematics ’ return n
match(n) where n.id =~ ‘ mathematics .*’ return n - Inquire about ID The beginning is ”and”( Case insensitive ) The node of
match(n) where n.id =~ ‘(?!) mathematics .*’ return n - Inquire about ID It ends with ”.com” The node of
match(n) where n.id =~ ‘.*\.com’ return n - Inquire about ID contain ” mathematics ” The node of
match(n) where n.id CONTAINS ‘ mathematics ’ return n - The query contains attributes name The node of
match(n) where exists (n.name) return n - Inquire about A Type or B Type of relationship
match()->[r:A|:B]->() return r - Find all the shortest paths between nodes
match(n),(m),p=allShortestPaths((n)-[*]-(m)) - Find the shortest path between nodes , The maximum length of the path is 10
match(n),(m),p=shortestPath((n)-[*…10]-(m)) return p - Find the node 1~3 Jump in the relationship ( A little uncertain , Use with caution )
match(n)-[r:SHIP*1…3]-(m) - Query and display multiple relationships
MATCH p=()-[r:prerequisite]->(),q=()-[wr:taught]->() RETURN p,q
3. modify
Delete Used to delete graph elements ( node 、 Relationship 、 Or the path ), To delete the relationship connected with it, use detach delete.
remove Statement is used to delete attributes and labels of graph elements .
- clear database
match (n) detach delete n - Add the attribute of the node ( If the node does not exist, a new node will be created )
MERGE (n:Course) ON MATCH SET n.name=”yang” - Delete nodes and their related relationships
match (n:teacher) detach delete n - Delete node properties
match (n {name: “huzong”}) remove n.age - Delete node labels
match (n {name “huzong”}) remove n:teacher - Delete multiple labels of nodes
match (n {name “huzong”}) remove n:teacher:user - Delete node / Relationship
MATCH (n:User) -[r:study]-(p:Course{name:“f”}) DELETE n,r,p - Set up with course Properties of nodes on the path related to nodes
MATCH p = (t:course)-[r]-(A) FOREACH (n in nodes§| SET n.marked = TRUE )
4. Sort ORDER BY
Order by It's following RETURN perhaps WITH Clause of .
- Sort nodes according to attributes
MATCH (n) RETURN n.name ORDER BY n.name,n.id - The nodes are arranged in descending order
MATCH (n) RETURN n.name ORDER BY n.name DESC
5. Import csv file (load csv)
Than admin slow , Than py2neo fast .
- LOAD CSV FROM “file:///entities/teacher.csv” AS row For subsequent use row[0]、row[1] To read the corresponding information , If the file has a header , Then use row.id and row.name To read the corresponding attribute value . Here is the absolute path , Files to be placed in import Under the table of contents .
- if csv The documents are very large , Then use USING PERIODIC COMMIT LOAD CSV FROM “file:///entities/teacher.csv” AS row
6. Indexes
- Create index
create index on:Student(name) - Delete index
drop index on:Student(name) - Create unique index
create constraint on (s:Teacher) assert s.name is unique - Delete unique index
drop constraint on (s:Teacher) assert s.name is unique
1. Connect to database
from py2neo import *
from py2neo.matching import *
test_graph = Graph( # Connect Neo4j,test_graph Name yourself , This is used for subsequent calls test_graph
auth=("neo4j", "neo4j") # The former is the user name , Followed by password
Other header files that may be used :
from py2neo.bulk import create_nodes
from py2neo.bulk import merge_nodes
from py2neo.bulk import create_relationships
2. Create nodes
a = Node("Person", name="Alice") # The front is the label ,name For attributes
b = Node("Person", name="Bob")
test_graph.create(a) # Put it into the database
a.add_label("Employee") # Add tags ,a The label of becomes {
'Employee', 'Person'}
print(set(a.labels)) # a Node label set aggregate
a.remove_label("Employee") # Remove the label
print(a.has_label("Person")) # a If there is a label Person Then return to True
a.clear_labels() # Delete all labels of this node
other :
node[name] Return a file named name The value of the property .
node[name] = value Name it name The value of the property of is set to value.
del node[name] Remove from this node the name name Properties of .len(node) Returns the number of attributes on this node .
dict(node) Return the dictionary of all attributes in this node .
clear( ) Delete all attributes from this node .
values( ) Returns a list of all attribute values .
get( name , Default = nothing ) Return a file named name The value of the property .
3. Create relationships
ab = Relationship(a, 'CALL', b) # The type of relationship is "CALL", Both relationships have attributes count, And the value is 1
ab['count'] = 1 # Set the value of the relationship
KNOWS = Relationship.type("KNOWS") # The relationship of another expression is established
ba = KNOWS(b, a)
ab['count'] += 1 # node / Attribute assignment of relation
test_graph.push(ab) # Update of attribute value
print(ba.nodes) # Print nodes Start node and end node 2 Tuples .ba.end_node Indicates the end node .ba.start_node Indicates the start node .
other :
del ba[‘count’] Delete attribute .
clear( ) Delete all attributes in this relationship .
4. Query nodes
nodes = NodeMatcher(test_graph) # NodeMatcher Node matching
keanu = nodes.match("Person", name="Keanu Reeves").first() # For simple equal matching of tags and attributes
nodes.match("Person", name=STARTS_WITH("John")).all() # Match name with “John” All nodes at the beginning ,
nodes.match("Person", born=ALL(GE(1964), LE(1966))).all() # Match was born in 1964 - 1966 year ( contain ) All of us
nodeList = list(nodes.match().where("_.name=~‘ Yang .*’")) # Find a name to “ Yang ” All nodes at the beginning
for i in nodeList:
nodeList = list(nodes.match().where("_.name=~‘ Yang .*’")).order_by("_.name").limit(4) # add “ Sort ”“ Limit the number of returns ”
other :
IS_NULL( ),IS_NOT_NULL( ) Empty check predicate .
EQ( value ),NE( value ). Sort predicate LT( value ),LE( value ),GT( value ),GE( value ) Equality predicate .
5. Query relationship
relation_matcher = RelationshipMatcher(test_graph)
re = relation_matcher.match((a,), r_type="KNOWS").first()
reList = list(relation_matcher.match()) # Query all relationships
6. route
abc = Path(a, "CALL", b, Relationship(c, "KNOWS", b), c)
d, e = Node(name="Dave"), Node(name="Eve")
de = Path(d, "KNOWS", e)
abcde = Path(abc, "KNOWS", de) # Two Path Constitute a Path
for relationship in abcde.relationships: # Traverse Path Relationship on
other :
types( ) Returns a collection of all relationship types that exist on this path .
7. Subgraphs Subgraph
A subgraph is an arbitrary set of nodes and relationships . A subgraph must contain at least one node , The empty subgraph should be None Express .
friends = ab | ba # Combine
other :
keys( ).labels( ).nodes.relationships.types( ).
subgraph | other | …: Combine .
subgraph & other & …: intersection .
subgraph - other - …: reduce .
subgraph ^ other ^ …: Return to a new subgraph , The nodes and relationships contained in this subgraph only appear in subgraph Medium or other in , Nodes connected by relationships are also included in the new subgraph , Whether these nodes exist in subgraph perhaps other in .
8. call cypher Internal methods
You can use run Method to directly execute Cypher sentence , It returns a cursor cursors,cursors The results must be presented by traversal .
match_str = "match p=shortestPath((m:m Of label{name:'m Of name Property value '})-[r*1..4]-(n:n Of label{name:'name Property value '})) return p"
p1 = test_graph.run(match_str)
for p in p1:
9. Import csv File and process
import csv
with open('F:/neo4j/data/MOOCCube/subject/ Computer science and technology .csv', 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
next(f) # If the file has a header , You can make the file read from the second line
reader = csv.reader(f)
for item in reader:
# print(" The current number of lines :", reader.line_num, " Current content :", item)
a = Node("Course", name=item[1], ID=item[0], subject=' Computer science and technology ')
Neo4j Database connection
stay cmd Input from the command line neo4j.bat console, After loading, open the web page in the browser http://localhost:7474/ You can use .
Other minor uses
1.neo4j–Cypher Grammar practice (WITH、 FOREACH、Aggregation、UNWIND、UNION、CALL):
link : https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37503890/article/details/101565515?spm=1001.2101.3001.6650.1&utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-2defaultCTRLISTdefault-1.no_search_link&depth_1-utm_source=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-2defaultCTRLISTdefault-1.no_search_link
2.Py2neo Partial right node、relations、subgraph The little usage of :
link : https://blog.csdn.net/claroja/article/details/84287093
3. Application of some methods in official documents :
link : https://blog.csdn.net/Elenstone/article/details/106452464
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