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I can't stand the common annotations of idea anymore

2022-07-05 07:17:00 I am the king of X

1、Ctrl+N Search for classes by name

amount to eclipse Of ctrl+shift+R, Enter the class name to locate the class file , It's like idea It's the same in other search parts , The search class name can also match multiple parts of the content you want to search , And if you can match your own classes , Match your own classes first , You can search even if you don't write your own class .

2、Ctrl+Shift+N Search for files by file name

Similar to search , It just matches all kinds of files .


View the inheritance relationship of the class , for example HashMap The parent class is AbstractMap, Subclasses have a lot of .

4、Ctrl+Alt+B See subclass method implementation

Ctrl+B You can view the parent class or the parent method definition , But not as good as ctrl+ The left mouse button is convenient . But here ,Ctrl+B or ctrl+ Left mouse button can only see Map An abstract method of an interface put The definition of , It's not what we want , Now Ctrl+Alt+B You can look at HashMap Of put Method .

5、Alt+F7 Find out where classes or methods are used

amount to eclipse Of ctrl+shif+H, But it's much faster .

6、Ctrl+F/Ctrl+Shift+F Follow the text to find

amount to eclipse Of ctrl+H, Speed advantage is more obvious . among Ctrl+F It's on this page ,Ctrl+Shift+F It's a global search .

7、Shift+Shift Search for anything

shift+shift Very powerful , Searchable class 、 resources 、 Configuration item 、 Such method , It can also search the path . The search path is very practical , For example, you wrote a function called hello, stay java,js,css,jsp There are hello Folder , Then we can search for "hello/" Find the path that contains hello Folder .

8、 Check the implementation class of the interface

IDEA style ctrl + alt +B perhaps Ctrl+Alt+ Left mouse button


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