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Play with grpc - go deep into concepts and principles

2022-07-05 07:24:00 Barry Yan

This article belongs to an article of knowledge leakage and double disk , The main purpose is to repeat gRPC Related concepts of , And analyze its principle , You can refer to the previous articles for relevant knowledge points and usage :

The above articles are all about and RPC Agreement related knowledge and Google Open source RPC frame gRPC Knowledge about , But they may be relatively simple and unsystematic , Therefore, I want to use this article to systematically and deeply describe gRPC, Let's start with :

1 Use gRPC Basic architecture

 Insert picture description here
As can be seen from the figure above , Use gRPC The basic architecture of communication is basically divided into five parts , They are :

  • Service: Services provided
  • Client:gRPC client
  • gRPC Server:gRPC Server interface
  • gRPC Stub:gRPC Client interface
  • Proto Request/Proto Response(s): Intermediate document ( Code / agreement )

2 Protocol Buffers

2.1 What is? Protocol Buffers?

Protocol Buffers, yes Google A company developed Data description language , abbreviation protobuf.


  • Support for multiple programming languages
  • Serialized data is small
  • Fast deserialization
  • Serialization and deserialization code are automatically generated

2.2 Protocol Buffers and gRPC What is the relationship ?

The first thing to say is this gRPC yes RPC A protocol is an implementation , It's a frame ;Protocol Buffers, yes Google A company developed Data description language .

gRPC and Protocol Buffers The relationship between browser and HTML The relationship between , Don't depend on each other , But they need to be used together , To achieve the best results .

2.3 Protocol Buffers Basic grammar

Protocol Buffers It's one with .proto Ordinary text file with extension .

The protocol buffer data is constructed as news , Each message is a small logical record of information , Contains a series of key value pairs called fields . This is a simple example :

message Person {
  string name = 1;
  int32 id = 2;
  bool has_ponycopter = 3;

Once you specify your data structure , You can use the protocol buffer compiler protoc Generate data access classes from your prototype definition in your favorite language . These provide a simple accessor for each field , for example name()and set_name(), And serializing the entire structure / The method of parsing to the original bytes .

In ordinary proto The document defines gRPC service , take RPC Method parameters and return types Specify as protocol buffer message

// The greeter service definition.
service Greeter {
  // Sends a greeting
  rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}

// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
  string name = 1;

// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
  string message = 1;

gRPC Use protoc special gRPC Plug in from proto File generation code : Will get the generated gRPC Client and server code , And for filling 、 General protocol buffer code for serializing and retrieving message types .

3 gRPC Four service delivery methods

3.1 Unary RPC

One yuan RPC, The client sends a single request to the server and obtains a single response , It's like a normal function call .

rpc SayHello(HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse);

3.2 Server streaming RPC

Server streaming RPC, The client sends a request to the server and gets the stream to read back a series of messages . The client reads from the returned stream , Until there is no more news .gRPC Guarantee a single RPC The order of messages in the call .

rpc LotsOfReplies(HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloResponse);

3.3 Client streaming RPC

Client streaming RPC, The client writes a series of messages and sends them to the server , Use the provided stream again . Once the client has finished writing the message , It will wait for the server to read them and return its response .gRPC Once again, a single RPC The order of messages in the call .

rpc LotsOfGreetings(stream HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse);

3.4 Bidirectional streaming RPC

Two way flow RPC, Send and write a series of messages using the stream . These two streams run independently , Therefore, clients and servers can read and write in any order they like : for example , The server can wait to receive all client messages before writing the response , Or it can alternately read messages and then write messages , Or some other combination of read and write . Preserve the order of messages in each flow .

rpc BidiHello(stream HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloResponse)

4 gRPC Life cycle of

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4.1 Service delivery

RPC Service provision mainly includes the above four service provision methods .

4.2 Closing date / Overtime

gRPC Allows the client to specify in RPC Before termination due to error , They are willing to wait RPC How long will it take to complete DEADLINE_EXCEEDED. On the server side , The server can query specific RPC Whether it has timed out , Or how much time is left to finish RPC.

Specifying a deadline or timeout is language specific : Some languages API Work overtime , And some languages API Work according to the deadline .

4.3 RPC End

stay gRPC in , Both the client and the server make independent local judgments on whether the call is successful , And their conclusions may not match . It means , for example , There may be one RPC Successfully completed on the server side but failed on the client . The server can also decide to complete before the client sends all requests .

4.4 Cancel RPC

Either the client or the server can cancel at any time RPC. Cancellation will immediately terminate RPC, So that no more work can be done .

5 gRPC Communication principle

as everyone knows ,gRPC Is based on HTTP2 Of , and HTTP2 Another relative HTTP1.1 A relatively new concept , So I'm exploring gRPC It is necessary to understand the principle before HTTP2 What is the .

5.1 HTTP2

  • HTTP/2 The specification of 2015 year 5 Published in , It aims to solve some scalability problems of its predecessor , Improved in many ways HTTP/1.1 The design of the , The most important thing is to provide semantic mapping on connections .

    establish HTTP The cost of connection is great . You must establish TCP Connect 、 Use TLS Protect the connection 、 Exchange headers and settings .HTTP/1.1 By treating connections as long-term 、 Reusable objects to simplify this process .HTTP/1.1 The connection remains idle , So that new requests can be sent to the same destination through existing idle connections . Although connection reuse alleviates this problem , But a connection can only process one request at a time —— They are 1:1 Coupled . If you want to send a big message , A new request must either wait for it to complete ( Lead to Queue blocking ), Or pay the price of starting another connection more often .

  • HTTP/2 By providing a semantic layer above the connection : flow , This further extends the concept of persistent connections . A stream can be thought of as a series of semantically connected messages , be called frame . The flow may be short , For example, a unary flow requesting user status ( stay HTTP/1.1 in , This may be equivalent to GET /users/1234/status). As the frequency increases , It has a long life . The recipient may establish a long-term flow , So as to receive user status messages continuously in real time , Not to /users/1234/status The endpoint makes a separate request . The main advantage of flow is connection concurrency , That is, the ability to interleave messages on a single connection .

  • flow control

    However , Concurrent flows contain some subtle pitfalls . Consider the following : Two streams on the same connection A and B. flow A Receive a lot of data , Far more than the data it can process in a short time . Final , The recipient's buffer is filled ,TCP The receiving window limits the sender . This is for TCP It's quite standard behavior , But this situation is unfavorable for flow , Because neither stream will receive more data . Ideally , flow B It should be free from flow A The impact of slow processing .

    HTTP/2 By providing flow control The mechanism solves this problem as part of the flow specification . Flow control is used to limit each flow ( And each connection ) Amount of unfinished data . It operates as a credit system , The receiver assigns a certain “ The budget ”, The sender “ cost ” This budget . More specifically , The receiver allocates some buffer size (“ The budget ”), The sender fills (“ cost ”) buffer . The receiver uses WINDOW_UPDATE The frame notifies the sender of the available additional buffer . When the receiver stops broadcasting additional buffers , The sender must be in the buffer ( Its “ The budget ”) Stop sending messages when exhausted .

    Use flow control , Concurrent streams can guarantee independent buffer allocation . Plus polling request sending , All sizes 、 The flow of processing speed and duration can be carried out on a single connection Multiplexing , There is no need to care about cross flow issues .

  • Smarter agents

    HTTP/2 The concurrency attribute of allows agents to have higher performance . for example , Consider a method of accepting and forwarding peak traffic HTTP/1.1 Load balancer : When there is a spike , The agent will start more connections to handle the load or queue the request . The former —— new connection —— Usually the first choice is ( In a way ); The disadvantage of these new connections is not only the time waiting for system calls and sockets , Still in happen TCP The connection time is not fully utilized during slow startup .

    by comparison , Consider a configuration for multiplexing each connection 100 A stream of HTTP/2 agent . Some peak requests will still cause new connections to be started , But with HTTP/1.1 The corresponding number of connections is only 1/100 A connection . More generally : If n individual HTTP/1.1 The request is sent to a proxy , be n individual HTTP/1.1 Request must go out ; Each request is a meaningful data request / Payload , The request is 1:1 The connection of . contrary , Use HTTP/2 Sent to the agent n Request needs n individual flow , but Unwanted n individual Connect !

5.2 gRPC And HTTP2

gRPC Three new concepts are introduced : passageway 、 Remote procedure call (RPC) And news . The relationship between the three is very simple : Each channel may have many RPC, And each RPC There may be a lot of news .

 Insert picture description here

The channel is gRPC A key concept in .HTTP/2 The flow in supports multiple concurrent sessions on a single connection ;** Channels extend this concept by enabling multiple streams on multiple concurrent connections .** On the face of it , Channel provides a simple interface for users to send messages ; However , Under the hood , A lot of engineering is invested in keeping these connections alive 、 Health and utilization .

Channels represent virtual connections to endpoints , In fact, there may be many HTTP/2 Connection support .RPC Associated with a connection ( This association will be further described later ).RPC It's actually ordinary HTTP/2 flow . News and RPC Associate and act as HTTP/2 Data frame transmission . More specifically , The message is above the data frame * A layered .* A data frame may have many gRPC news , Or if one gRPC The message is very large, and it may span multiple data frames .

6 summary

Okay , To go here about gRPC The explanation of is almost , in the final analysis ,gRPC It's a network protocol , Since it is a network protocol, it is difficult to escape the network I/O, So it is I/O Multiplexing has achieved HTTP2, And then achieved gRPC, Next article , Let's explain the Internet in simple terms I/O Model !

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