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UNIX commands often used in work

2022-07-05 07:19:00 jiankang66

One 、 background

         I have accumulated many server related commands in my work , Are commonly used , Record it and share it with you , I hope it helps .

Two 、 Common commands

1、vim Enter file , Exit edit mode , perform dd You can delete a whole line ,20dd Delete 20 That's ok

2、bash After execution , Input $? You can see the return value 0 or 1.

3、bash Add this sentence at the beginning of the script .


4、 perform bash Insufficient file prompt permission , Carry out orders

chmod +x ./ Your program 

5、 When executed bash Script time , How to exit bash?

(1) Open up new cmd, perform

 ps -ef|grep exportsql.sh

(2) Get the port number , Execute the following command :

 kill -9 pid

6、 Check the size of the folder in the current directory

du -h --max-depth=1 |sort

7、 Check the disk space

df -h

8、 The migration file

(1)( Will remote all dbconfig.xml Download to local test Under the table of contents )

scp -P 54321 -r [email protected]:/root/dbconfig.xml /home/jiankangxu/test

(2) Upload files to the server :

scp -P 22 -r D:\springdubbo20210902\nacos-server-2.0.3.tar.gz [email protected]:/nacos

9、 View the server version

uname -n

10、 Switch root user

sudo -s

11、 Modify the permissions of all files in the directory, readable, writable and executable

chmod -R 777 /home/jiankangxu/var/atlassian/application-data/jira/data

12、 Switch sub users test

 su - test

13、 Check which user the current user is


14、 Modify the server language ,centos7 Just go to /etc/locate.conf Modify the , Execute the following command

source /etc/locale.conf

15、 Check the running status of the task and the parent process number

ps -ef|grep scp

16、 View directory permissions

 ls -l

17、 take attachments Directory move to data Catalog

mv /home/jiankangxu/var/atlassian/application-data/jira/datas/attachments /home/jiankangxu/var/atlassian/application-data/jira/data

18、 The files are arranged from small to large

du -sh * | sort -nr 

19、 Find files

whereis aaa.txt

20、 Find out whether the system is installed jdk

rpm -qa | grep jdk

21、cenos Unzip the file to the specified directory

sudo tar -xzvf j.tar.gz -C java

22、cenos Extract the file to the current directory

sudo tar -zxvf a.tar.gz

23、 Return to root

cd /

24、 Add users

useradd ftpuser

25、 Modify file permissions, user names and user groups are ftpuser

sudo chown -R ftpuser.ftpuser ./ftpfile/

26、 Change user password

sudo passwd ftpuser

27、 Modify security policy

sudo vim /etc/selinux/config

28、 Check the port

ps -ef | grep nginx
sudo lsof -i:8000

29、 Kill a port

sudo kill -9 850

30、 see nginx Whether to start

ps aux|grep nginx

31、 View the contents of a file

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

32、 Check whether the current directory has iptables

ll | grep ipt

33、 The entire directory grants a user permission

sudo chown -R geely /developer/

34、 Modify the file permissions under the directory, readable, writable and executable

(1) Write

sudo chmod u+w -R /developer

(2) read

sudo chmod u+r -R /developer

(3) perform

sudo chmod u+x -R /developer

35、 View this machine ip

 ifconfig -a

36、 Switch to follow the user

sudo -s

37、 Back to normal users (jiankang)

su jiankang

38、 Use find Fuzzy matching names contain kafka File path

find / -name "*kafka*"

39、 View the file permissions

ls -la

40、 Give all users file executable rights

chmod a+rwx swapfile

41、 View file properties


42、 Delete file attributes

chattr -i filename

43、 Check the port

netstat -tunlp

44、 See the specific port

netstat -tnlp | grep :80

45、unix Get the full path of the file

readlink -f file.txt

46、 Delete directory

rm -rf mysql

47、  View remaining memory

free -h

48、 View the current directory file size

ls -lht

49、 Download the file

sudo wget --no-check-certificate https://dlcdn.apache.org/kafka/3.0.0/kafka-3.0.0-src.tgz

3、 ... and 、 summary

         The above are some commands commonly used in work , Record it here , I hope I can help you , If you think it's good , Welcome to wechat search java Basic notes , Relevant knowledge will be continuously updated later , Make progress together .

