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Clickhouse database installation deployment and remote IP access

2022-07-05 07:19:00 jiankang66


One 、 background

Two 、 Installation and deployment

3、 ... and 、 Realize remote ip visit

Four 、 summary

One 、 background

ClickHouse It's an on-line analysis (OLAP) Column database management system (DBMS). Want to install and use , I chose rpm install .linux System is centos7 edition .

Two 、 Installation and deployment

1、 You can visit the official website to download , But there are so many bags , light clickhouse-client There are so many bags , as follows .

(1) You can download it on the official website , This is the address

Installation | ClickHouse Documentation



2、 Mainly download four rpm package

(2) You can also download this website , I choose the following website .

Altinity/clickhouse - Packages · packagecloud

2、 We mainly download the following .


3、 You can download directly through Baidu online disk .

link :https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bgCIjfwoBiqQjeL97fJG_w 
Extraction code :i7hp

3、 Upload to the server after downloading

(1) I downloaded it to windows A local directory , Then open the cmd, Execute the following command , Upload the folder to a directory on the server . Of course, it can also be sudo wget To download .

scp -r clickhouse/  [email protected]:/developer/

4、 After uploading, go to the upload directory and execute the following installation command . There is a dependent order , The following installation sequence .

rpm -ivh clickhouse-common-static-
rpm -ivh clickhouse-server-common-
rpm -ivh clickhouse-server-
rpm -ivh clickhouse-client-

5、 start-up clickhouse-server.

 service clickhouse-server start

6、 start-up clickhouse-client client .


7、 perform select 1; Can return 1 Indicates that... Was successfully started .

8、 But we access the database through the browser 8123 Unable to return a result .

3、 ... and 、 Realize remote ip visit

1、 First, turn off the firewall , My native virtual machine , Turn off the firewall directly and disable , If you use ECs, check whether the security group is enabled 8123 port .
 (1) View firewall status

  systemctl status firewalld.service

(2) Turn off firewall

  systemctl stop firewalld.service

(3) Check again whether the firewall is turned off  

systemctl status firewalld.service

(4) Execute boot disable firewall

  systemctl disable firewalld.service

2、 modify clickhouse-server Configuration file for

(1) Execute the following command to open clickhouse-server Configuration file for

  vim /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml

(2) Modify the document , Open the comment of the following configuration :


3、    Execute the following command to restart clickhouse-server.

   service clickhouse-server restart

4、 Again via remote ip visit , As you can see below, the visit was successful .

5、 At the same time, we go through postman, Please sql Inquire about , The result is returned normally .

Four 、 summary

         That's all clickhouse Database installation and deployment and remote ip All content accessed , Record it here , I hope I can help you , If you think it's good , Welcome to wechat search java Basic notes , Relevant knowledge will be continuously updated later , Make progress together .  Baidu SkyDrive clickhose rpm The address of the relevant package software is as follows .

link :https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bgCIjfwoBiqQjeL97fJG_w 
Extraction code :i7hp

