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Energy conservation and creating energy gap

2022-07-05 07:07:00 Far and near 2021

1、 Conservation of energy

Conservation of energy also applies to Life Sciences . Energy doesn't come out of nothing , It's not going to disappear . The energy of an isolated system is constant , And the change of the total energy of a non isolated system , It can only be equal to the difference between incoming and outgoing energy .

The energy of the body changes , It can only be the difference between the energy absorbed by the body and the energy consumed . The essence of being fat , That is, the body converts excess energy into fat and stores it in the body .

You can imagine the human body as a large water tank , There are three water faucets on the water tank , There are four water taps below . The water in the box , It's like the energy stored in the human body .

Three water faucets , It is the channel through which the human body obtains energy . Incoming water , Only carbohydrates from food 、 Protein and fat . Once these foods are eaten into the stomach , It will be recognized as energy , In addition to a certain proportion being digested , Everything else is absorbed , Stored in the body in various forms —— For example, it is transformed into fat in the body 、 Sugar, etc .

The four water taps are the four channels through which the human body consumes energy . When energy needs to be consumed , Previously stored energy will be metabolized into usable energy , As long as energy is conserved , Forms can be converted to each other .

In general , The amount of water flowing into the tank is roughly equal to the amount of water flowing out , In this way, the water level of the water tank will always be maintained in a constant range , People's weight will remain stable . If you eat more every day , Less consumption , Excess energy will continue to accumulate in the human body , People get fatter and fatter .

The bottom logic of weight loss —— Create an energy gap between intake and consumption .

2、 The energy gap is not just eating less and moving more .

From a global perspective, the energy gap , Is to see the difference between all the inlets and outlets of energy , Instead of just looking at oneortwo dominant directions . Like eating , Image movement , We can see these dominant directions , I can feel it . There are also some hidden directions , Like basal metabolism . From the time dimension , That is to see how to maintain this energy gap for a long time , How to avoid retaliatory reverse growth after the maintenance period .

3、 Create an energy gap

Direction one : Increase water output , Increase energy consumption

3、1 Basic metabolism
Even if you don't move , The body in order to maintain its normal operation , It also consumes energy . This is the basic metabolism of the human body . It is the faucet with the largest water output in the water tank model , The energy it consumes , It takes up of the total energy consumption every day 60%~70%, Far more than the exercise consumption .

1 Big card = 1 Kcal = 1000 card = 4.18 Kilocar

Factors affecting basal metabolism :(1) gene .(2) Muscle content . Each kilogram of muscle consumes about 13 The power of big trucks , The higher the muscle content in the body , The more basic metabolism .(3) Temperature . Low carbon life , The room temperature is a little higher in summer , You can set the air conditioner to 29 degree , Walk more outdoors , The effect is the same as your hard-working exercise to lose weight . Turn down the heating in winter , Room temperature is controlled at 19 degree , Keep sports outdoors as much as possible . The body should maintain constant temperature , Outdoor sports in winter will consume more , The sports effect is more obvious than that in summer . Want to lose weight , Don't miss winter .(4) Nutritional status . If the nutritional status remains at its best , Basic metabolism can be maximized . If you feel malnourished , The body will activate the self-protection mechanism , Lower basal metabolism , Store more energy . Obesity is a manifestation of malnutrition . Nutrition problems are caused by unreasonable lifestyle , So that the basic metabolism decreases , Will let fat accumulate on you . When the body thinks your nutritional status is getting worse , It will further protect your basal metabolism , Store more energy .

There is an upper limit to basic metabolism , You can't open up without limit .

3、2 sleep
Sleep consumes energy in a way U Shape curve .
Sleep reduces energy consumption , But lack of sleep , Quality decline , Will increase appetite 45% about , It also inhibits the secretion of a series of hormones , Such as leptin, which decomposes fat and makes people thinner , Life hormones that accelerate fat decomposition .

If you sleep too much , For example, over 8 Hours , Energy consumption will also be reduced . To sleep, this tap maximizes energy consumption , High quality sleep 6~8 Hours . Lying down in this way can maximize energy consumption , And it consumes real fat .


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