当前位置:网站首页>When jupyter notebook is encountered, erroe appears in the name and is not output after running, but an empty line of code is added downward, and [] is empty

When jupyter notebook is encountered, erroe appears in the name and is not output after running, but an empty line of code is added downward, and [] is empty

2022-07-05 07:18:00 After reading thousands of books, you can pick them up and put

encounter Jupyter Notebook, Naming appears erroe And no output after operation , Just add a line of blank code down , And [ ] It's empty ,Jupyter Notebook You have to copy and paste the address into the browser to open , But just open Jupyter Notebook Interface ,cmd Will shut down .

Questions as follows :

 Insert picture description here

resolvent :( I used Anaconda Download the Jupyter Notebook)

Refer to the @ Nitro classmate
①: First find Anaconda Download the python.exe Copy its path
 Insert picture description here

 Insert picture description here
②: Search in the lower left corner of the desktop “cmd” Open as Administrator .
 Insert picture description here
a key
** Open as administrator ***, I haven't had many problems before .
*** Input again “cd Press the space again ctrl+v”***( Namely cd Add spaces and the path just copied )

* Lose again python.exe -m pip uninstall pyzmq(* I don't know why just do it )
Lose again “y”
 Insert picture description here

Lose again python.exe -m pip install pyzmq==19.0.2
Lose again “y”
 Insert picture description here
became , Although there are still errors, but Jupyter Notebook Open it and it can work normally
 Insert picture description here


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