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Thunderbird tutorial \ easy to use mail client

2022-07-05 07:29:00 SongErrors

The final effect shows :

1. You can receive messages from multiple mailboxes at the same time
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2. Select the mailbox you own to send mail
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One . Download and install

1. download

The official download : Click directly to download ( recommend ) or Open the official website to download
Baidu online disk download : Click to download   Extraction code :wotb
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Two . Common mailbox configuration

1. QQ Mailbox configuration

1. Log in to your QQ mailbox

2. Get email authorization code

step : Set up --> Account --> Turn down and find it POP3/IMAP/SMTP/Exchange/CardDAV/CalDAV service
--> Start the first two services --> Get the authorization code ( It's nothing if you don't save it , You can also get )

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 Opening service
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2. Netease mailbox configuration

1. Log in to your NetEase mail box

2. Get email authorization code

step : Set up -->POP3/SMTP/IMAP service
--> Start the first two services --> Get the authorization code ( Please save the authorization code )

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3、 ... and 、 To configure Thunderbird client

1. Set up an existing email account

step :
open Thunderbird client --> Click local folder --> Click email --> Input
1. What's your name ( Show it to others )
2. Email address
3. Email authorization code ( Don't enter the password for email )

 Add email account
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Be accomplished ! I'll go if I like it
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