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TCP/IP four-layer model
2022-07-31 02:44:00 【Uncle Fantastic】
- By physical means ( 网线,光纤,无线 ) connect devices together,传输0/1电信号 ( 也叫比特流 ) ,physical connection between computers,主要用来传输0/1信号,因为0/1Signals have no real meaning,So use another layer to specify different0/1组合的意义
- The underlying physical layer cannot be specified differently0/1组合的信号代表什么意义,Therefore, a set of protocols is specified in the data link layer.,专门给0/1信号进行分组,What does it mean to specify what the different groups represent,This allows both computers to identify,This agreement is we often say 以太网协议
- The Ethernet protocol specifies that a group of electrical signals form a data packet,We call this packet 帧 ,Each frame by 标头 和 数据 两部分组成
- 帧的大小一般为 64 - 1518 个字节 Larger data needs to be split into multiple frames
- 标头 Head :18个字节组成,include this in the header 桢 who sent it、发送给谁这些信息,So the header is mainly some description data 例如发送者/接受者等信息
- 数据 Data :46-1500个字节组成,It is mainly what the sender wants to give the receiver.
- 把一台计算机的数据通过物理层和数据链路层发送给另外一台计算机,怎么标识对方以及怎么知道对方的地址呢? 唯一标示 MAC地址 出现了
- 进入网络的每一台计算机,都会有网卡接口,每一个网卡都会有一个唯一的地址,就是所谓的 MAC地址 ,It is the unique identifier of each computer device in the network,是一串由48hexadecimal number of bytes,Each computer is identified when it is produced by the manufacturer,所以我们用 MAC地址 To identify each other,knowing the other'sMac地址通过ARP协议
- in the same subnet,It is what we often say in the local area network,Computers communicate by broadcasting,That is, send data packets to all computers in the same subnet,other computers based on the recipient's MAC地址 to determine whether to receive packets
- A会同时给B/C/D发送数据包,This packet will contain the receiver's MAC地址 信息,当B/C/D接收到了数据包,会取出数据包中的 MAC地址 与自身的 MAC地址 对比,If the same, receive this packet,否则就丢弃这个数据包 ( 丢包 ),这种方式我们称之为 广播
- in the same subnet,It is what we often say in the local area network,Computers communicate by broadcasting,That is, send data packets to all computers in the same subnet,other computers based on the recipient's MAC地址 to determine whether to receive packets
我们所处的网络,is composed of an infinite number of sub-networks ( 局域网 ) 构成的,广播的时候,也只有同一个子网里的计算机能够收到,所以要区分 Mac地址 belong to the same subnet,假如是同一个子网,我们就用广播的形式把数据传送给对方,如果不是同一个子网的,我们就会把数据发给网关,让网关进行转发
How can I tell if two computers are on the same subnet?,This is what the network layer does,为了解决这个问题,就有了 IP协议 的概念
IP协议所定义的地址,就是我们常说的 IP地址 ,IP协议 有两个版本,ipv4 / ipv6,地址范围在 ~ .
- IP地址 分为两部分,前面一部分代表网络,后面一部分代表主机,However, the number of binary digits occupied by the network part and the host part is not fixed.
- 假如两台计算机的网络部分是一模一样的,Let's say the two computers belong to the same subnet ( 局域网 ) 中,例如 和 , 假如这两个 IP地址 的网络部分为 24 位,主机部分为 8 位,那么他们的网络部分都为 192.168.17 , So let's say the two computers are in the same subnet
- In order to determine how many bits the network part occupies,The host part accounts for a few,This leads to the us another keyword 子网掩码
- 子网掩码 和 IP地址 一样也是32位二进制数,But its network part stipulates that all are1,主机部分规定全部为0,That is, if the above two IP地址 的网络部分为24位,主机部分为8位的话,then their subnet masks are11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 ,也就是
- 把 IP地址 with its subnet mask do a ( and ) 运算,然后把各自的结果进行比较就行了,如果比较的结果相同,则代表的是同一子网,否则不是同一子网
- Assuming they are in the same subnet,计算机A要和计算机B发送数据时,我们通过是 ARP协议 to get the computer MAC地址
- ARP协议 also by broadcasting,Send a packet to each computer on the same subnet,这个数据包会包含接收者的 IP地址,对方收到这个数据之后,会取出 IP地址 Compared with their own,the same will put your own MAC地址 reply to each other,否则就丢弃这个数据包,这样计算机A就知道计算机B的 MAC地址 了
- 在询问 MAC地址 的数据包里,在对方的 MAC地址 Filled here is a special MAC地址 ,其他计算机看到这个特殊的 MAC地址 后,Just know that the broadcast is asking instead of transmitting packets
- 通过 物理层 / 数据链路层 以及 网络层 of mutual coordination,We succeeded in getting data from computerAtransmitted to the computerB,可是计算机B里面有各式各样的应用程序,How does the computer know which application this data is sent to??
- 端口 就上场了,当计算机A传输给计算机B的时候,还得指定一个端口,for a specific application to receive and process,端口范围:0~65535,其中前1023ports are occupied by the system then that means,The function of the transport layer is建立端口到端口的通信,In contrast, the function of the network layer is to establish host-to-host communication
- The two most common protocols at the transport layer are TCP协议 和 UDP协议
- Socket,It is an abstraction layer between the application layer and the transport layer,它把TCP/IPThe complex operations of the layer are encapsulated into several simple interfaces for the application layer to call,So as to realize the communication of the process in the network
- The application layer is the one that touches the user the most,Several layers above we received the data transport layer received,TCP/UDPThe protocol can pass data packets of various programs,like a mailbox/网页/FTP等等,Therefore, different protocols are required to specify the format of the data.,收到后才能渲染解读,The application layer is composed of these protocols,its packets are placed inUDP包/TCP包的 数据 中
- HTTP 协议、for file transfer FTP 协议、emailed SMTP、域名解析的 DNS 协议、远程登录的 Telnet Protocols, etc. belong to the application layer
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