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Remote storage access authorization

2022-07-06 08:02:00 Tianxiang shop

This article describes in detail how to authorize access to remote storage , For backup TiDB Cluster data to remote storage or restore backup data from remote storage to TiDB colony .

AWS Account Authorization

stay AWS In the cloud environment , Different types of Kubernetes Clusters provide different ways to grant permissions . This article introduces the following three permission granting configurations .

adopt AccessKey and SecretKey to grant authorization

AWS The client of supports reading  AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID  as well as  AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY  To obtain the permissions of the associated user or role .

establish  s3-secret secret, Use AWS Account number AccessKey and SecretKey To authorize . The secret Store for access S3 Compatible with stored credentials .

kubectl create secret generic s3-secret --from-literal=access_key=xxx --from-literal=secret_key=yyy --namespace=test1

adopt IAM binding Pod to grant authorization

By putting the user's  IAM  Roles and running Pod Resource binding , send Pod The process running in gets the permissions owned by the role , This authorization method is made by  kube2iam  Provide .

Be careful

  • When using this authorization mode , You can refer to  kube2iam file stay Kubernetes Create... In the cluster kube2iam Environmental Science , And deploy TiDB Operator as well as TiDB colony .
  • This mode is not applicable to  hostNetwork  Network mode , Please ensure that the parameters  spec.tikv.hostNetwork  The value of is  false.
  1. establish IAM role :

    You can refer to  AWS Official documents To create a IAM role , And through  AWS Official documents by IAM Roles are given the required permissions . because  Backup  Need to access AWS Of S3 Storage , So here is IAM Given  AmazonS3FullAccess  Authority .

  2. binding IAM To TiKV Pod:

    In the use of BR In the process of backup ,TiKV Pod and BR Pod The same needs to be true S3 Store for reading and writing , So here we need to give TiKV Pod In the play annotation To bind IAM role .

    kubectl patch tc demo1 -n test1 --type merge -p '{"spec":{"tikv":{"annotations":{"iam.amazonaws.com/role":"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/user"}}}}'

    wait until TiKV Pod After restart , see Pod Is this added annotation.

Be careful

arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/user  For step 1 Created in the IAM role .

adopt IAM binding ServiceAccount to grant authorization

By putting the user's  IAM  Roles and Kubeneters Medium  serviceAccount  Resource binding , So that the ServiceAccount Account number Pod All have the permissions of this role , This authorization method is provided by  EKS Pod Identity Webhook  Services provide .

When using this authorization mode , You can refer to  AWS Official documents establish EKS colony , And deploy TiDB Operator as well as TiDB colony .

  1. Enable... For the service account on the cluster IAM role :

    You can refer to  AWS Official documents Open the EKS Clustered IAM Role authorization .

  2. establish IAM role :

    You can refer to  AWS Official documents Create a IAM role , Endow roles with  AmazonS3FullAccess  Authority , And edit the character  Trust relationships.

  3. binding IAM To ServiceAccount Resources :

    kubectl annotate sa tidb-backup-manager -n eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn=arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/user --namespace=test1

  4. take ServiceAccount Bound to the TiKV Pod:

    kubectl patch tc demo1 -n test1 --type merge -p '{"spec":{"tikv":{"serviceAccount": "tidb-backup-manager"}}}'

    take  spec.tikv.serviceAccount  It is amended as follows tidb-backup-manager, wait until TiKV Pod After restart , see Pod Of  serviceAccountName  Is there any change .

Be careful

arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/user  For step 2 Created in the IAM role .

GCS Account Authorization

Authorize through the service account key

establish  gcs-secret secret. The secret Store for access GCS Proof of .google-credentials.json  File storage users from GCP console Downloaded service account key. Specific operation reference  GCP Official documents .

kubectl create secret generic gcs-secret --from-file=credentials=./google-credentials.json -n test1

Azure Account Authorization

stay Azure In the cloud environment , Different types of Kubernetes Clusters provide different ways to grant permissions . This article introduces the following two permission granting configurations .

Authorization by access key

Azure The client of supports reading  AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT  as well as  AZURE_STORAGE_KEY  To obtain the permissions of the associated user or role .

establish  azblob-secret secret, Use Azure The access key of the account is authorized . The secret Store for access Azure Blob Storage Proof of .

kubectl create secret generic azblob-secret --from-literal=AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=xxx --from-literal=AZURE_STORAGE_KEY=yyy --namespace=test1

adopt Azure AD to grant authorization

Azure The client of supports reading  AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNTAZURE_CLIENT_IDAZURE_TENANT_IDAZURE_CLIENT_SECRET  To obtain the permissions of the associated user or role .

  1. establish  azblob-secret-ad secret, Use Azure Account number AD To authorize . The secret Store for access Azure Blob Storage Proof of .

    kubectl create secret generic azblob-secret-ad --from-literal=AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=xxx --from-literal=AZURE_CLIENT_ID=yyy --from- literal=AZURE_TENANT_ID=zzz --from-literal=AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=aaa --namespace=test1

  2. binding secret To TiKV Pod:

    In the use of BR In the process of backup ,TiKV Pod and BR Pod The same needs to be true Azure Blob Storage Read and write , So here we need to give TiKV Pod binding secret.

    kubectl patch tc demo1 -n test1 --type merge -p '{"spec":{"tikv":{"envFrom":[{"secretRef":{"name":"azblob-secret-ad"}}]}}}'

    wait until TiKV Pod After restart , see Pod Whether these environment variables are added .


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