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MATLAB/Simulink & & STM32CubeMX tool chain completes model-based design development (MBD) (three)
2022-07-31 04:01:00 【Junior Brother 1995】
Based on the previous two articles, this blog completes model-based development with the help of the MATLAB hardware support package provided by STM32.The tools used in this tool chain are MATLAB/Simulink and STM32CubeMX, and the steps of manual code integration with Keil tools are omitted. All work is only done in MATLAB/Simulink and STM32CubeMX.
Note: Applying this toolchain requires installing the STM32 hardware support package, STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeProgrammer, and configuring the hardware environment.
I. Overview
Design requirements: Control the status of the two LEDs by pressing the button. Press the button once and the two LEDs will light up. Press the button again and the two LEDs will flash alternately at 1s intervals. Press the button again, and the two LEDs will turn off.
Controller: STM32F407ZG
Application layer development: MATLAB/Simulink
Bottom configuration: STM32CubeMX
Second, use steps
1. Hardware Design
Indicator: LED0, LED1
Button: KEY0
2. Software Design
1. MATLAB->APP->Run on Hardware Board, select the target development board.My board is STM32F407ZG, so I choose STM32F4xx Based
2. Create a new STM32CubeMX project and configure the bottom layer.Configure PF9, PF10 as output, PE4 as input, set Project Manager, save the project
3. Open the settings in MATLAB to load the STM32CubeMX project, and enter MATLAB/Simulink for application layer programming.
4. MATLAB programming is as follows
4.1 After installing the STM32 hardware support package, the hardware resources of the support package will appear in Simulink
4.2 Read the state of PE4, when a drop is generatedThe edge indicates that the key KEY0 is pressed, triggering the subsystem to run.Trigger the first time, the subsystem output 0; trigger the second time, the subsystem output 1; trigger the third subsystem output 3, repeat the cycle.
4.2 When triggering subsystem output 0, turn off LED0, LED1, PF9, PF10 output 1.
4.3 When the subsystem output 1 is triggered, turn on LED0, LED1, PF9, PF10 output 0.
4.4 When the subsystem output 2 is triggered, LED0 andLED1 is in flow state, 1s interval period
5. SettingSolver that automatically handles rate conversion for data transfer
6, Open the development board, click Build Deploy & Start, wait for the download to complete to observe the experimental phenomenon.
7. Experimental phenomenon
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