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Advanced technology management - how to design and follow up the performance of students at different levels

2022-07-04 09:45:00 Ye Xiaochai

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Recently a fan asked a question :

Little hairpin , I am a department head , I read your article about performance appraisal the other day , I feel that I have gained a lot . But lately HR The performance plan of the system design is very disgusting , I'm ready to put it down !

In response to change , I would like to ask two details :

  1. How to design and follow up the performance of students at different levels of the team ?
  2. How do we communicate performance and control risks when facing individuals ?

For the topic of performance appraisal , We discussed earlier :

Performance appraisal mainly belongs to the blue part of talent operation mechanism in echelon construction , His role is nuclear superiority , What is nuclear superiority ?

Nuclear optimization is a sort of department personnel , And we need to know the advantages of the core students in different circles 、 What are the disadvantages , More attention should be paid to the students in key positions stability , And propose solutions , In the vernacular, I want to know who is working hard and who is fishing in the company .

How to put it? , The problem seems small , In fact, it is to give performance evaluation to the small partners , Finally, a chat will be over , For example, the output of the previous nine palaces :

This is the benefit of methodology , He can keep the limit , Many managers don't even know why they want to do the nine house grid , But a routine performance appraisal is over , Even if I don't know what to do next , Methodological SOP Will tell him what to do next , Its Leader Will also pay attention to the key talents of Jiugongge .

But performance design at different levels throughout the company , It is actually a very difficult project , But most of the students didn't see the whole picture .

What is performance design

Break up a company's strategy for several years , What strategies should we achieve this year , This performance is the indicator to evaluate whether the strategy of this year has been achieved

Performance design is a top-down project , First, determine the top-level performance , That is, we often say that the performance of the company , Secondly, it should be broken down into various departments , Finally, it's broken down into individuals .

Because there are thousands of people in a company , So performance design is more of a Engineering problems , It's hard for him to land !

Performance design has another feature : Performance is actually about things, not people , But because we will eventually return to the assessor , So performance design and performance appraisal have a natural Gap, A good project does not necessarily mean a good personal performance , Poor project performance may also lead to good performance , This is amazing. , But it happens from time to time .

So how does the company design its performance , Here is a case .

Top level performance design

Specific to the case , Companies will be different , There is no need to copy mechanically

First , Design performance plan for the company , In fact, it's for CEO Design performance plan ,CEO What kind of performance plan is needed , It depends on what the company needs CEO. What kind of mission a company needs to accomplish determines what kind of CEO, Also decided how to give CEO Set performance scheme :

CEO The performance plan should match the company's goals and missions ,CEO Performance is to serve the company's ultimate goal .

The company can be divided into Mature Company and Innovative company . The goals and operating methods of these two types of companies are quite different , They correspond to CEO Performance scenarios will also vary .

The core of an innovative company is driven by innovation , Realize the business from 0 To 1, from 1 To 100. So innovative companies are right CEO The requirement is through the process of innovation , Get effective innovation results , Building barriers to the company , And can improve the company's financial performance .

So how to innovate , We can think about micro innovation and disruptive innovation .

Micro innovation refers to some local changes and optimizations on previous products or business models , So as to increase the income , Be able to optimize the cost or expense structure , Make the scale larger , Greater profits .

Minimally invasive new will not change the original product structure and UE Model , In fact, I hope to make the business happen from 1 To 100 The change of , It also needs some innovative ideas and methods to realize . For example, the change of cooperation mode , Local patterns like this 、 function 、 Innovation in operation methods and means is a kind of micro innovation .

Disruptive innovation is actually from 0 To 1 Creation of , For example, there was no such product before , There is now a , Business that cannot be done before , Because with new products and models , Can do such a business . These come from nothing , Businesses or products that enrich our capabilities are disruptive innovations .

from 0 To 1, from 1 To 100 In fact, they are all innovative work , Are incremental , Make a big cake .0 To 1 More inclined to create and invent ,1 To 100 More inclined to channel and market , Are more complex and need talent .

For innovative companies , The process and result of innovation can be CEO One of the two most important parts of performance content , Another part is the assessment of financial statements .

The results and contents of our innovation should finally be reflected in the financial data , For example, our income scale has increased , Improve the moisture level , Loss rate reduction, etc . But often we can't get it all at once , At different stages , Our requirements and focus on financial data are different , For example, we are pursuing scale this year , Then our requirement for financial data is that the loss cannot be increased , But the income should be increased ; Next year is the pursuit of profit , Then our requirement for financial data is that the income cannot be reduced , Maintain profit growth , Loss reduction .

Of course, the pursuit of financial data does not necessarily depend entirely on innovative work , Many other jobs can also achieve a certain degree of financial data optimization , Such as layoffs and other management means .

However, innovation results and financial data will ultimately affect the performance of the company's market value , The market value is actually our final assessment result . because CEO Ultimately, I am responsible for the board of directors , Is responsible for the shareholders , All the innovative work and the financial data representing the operating results serve the market value growth .

So when we set the performance plan , Be sure to see which innovations are valuable to the market value , What is good for market value growth . Whether it is micro innovation or disruptive innovation , Or between micro innovation and disruptive innovation , As long as he can understand our business scale or UE The structure has been greatly improved , Can improve our financial data , Can have a positive impact on the market value , We should all find out , To dig it out , See if it can be used as CEO Performance content , All need to discuss and think .

Have from 0 To 1 Innovation , May not be able to achieve from 1 To 100 Copy , Even if you can copy , It may not be able to improve the financial data , The improvement of financial data will not necessarily increase the market value . There is a connection between them , But it is not necessarily necessary and sufficient . For example, the market value often carries the expectation of the company's future growth , I usually read 5 Financial report forecast after , It will also be praised by the company , Policies and regulations , The capital market and so on .

therefore CEO Performance must be from 0 To 1 Innovative work 、1 To 100 Innovative work 、 Financial data 、 Market value performance is considered in four directions , No one can fall behind .

To sum up ,CEO The implementation steps for formulating the performance plan include 4 Step : Build an indicator framework 、 Collect indicators 、 Select and determine indicators 、 Design reward mechanism .

Company performance design practice

Sum up , We can design a framework :

  1. 0-1 Innovation indicators ;
  2. 1-100 Innovative replication indicators ;
  3. Financial indicators ;

Supplemented by the company's development timeline , Look at the first five years and the next five years , Bring together a group of people who know the company best , You can start working .

The index design of the company for several years is not a day's work , Don't rush for success , To everyone Enough time and symbolic encouragement , So it can be divided into three stages :

  • The first stage , Group discussion

Divide the senior executives into several groups equally , One group a day 1-2 Hours of indicator discussion , Each group can give indicators according to the recommended framework , You can do it yourself Create a framework Sort out the indicators .

The first stage should be completed within one week .

  • The second stage , Frame selection

After the introduction of each group's framework and indicators , Some groups will come up with their own frameworks , Then vote first to choose the optimal framework , After the meeting , The organizing committee will Indicators of all groups are loaded into the winning frame , To classify

Our practical situation here is that we have put forward 200 Multiple indicators , Indicators are similar and inclusive , Just loading the metrics into the framework took two days , Huge workload , It takes a lot of trouble !

  • The third stage , Index convergence

The third stage is also the final stage , It will take at least a whole day , It is possible to organize a senior management team building , Find a scenic spot .

At this stage , All the indicators are sorted and put into the framework , A frame is actually a table , It is equivalent to the first classification convergence , There are dozens of indicators for each category , People vote on it , Select the best indicator of each type .

Two indicators of each type are reserved , There will eventually be one tenth of the indicators ,10 many 20 The indicators are very clear . Because the indicator is everyone 10 Voted for in several days , People will recognize it relatively .

  • Last ,SWOT finishing

After selecting the indicators, we need to organize people to do a perfect SWOT analysis , It takes time 2-4 Hours :

SWOT Is a very interesting process , Guided by the organizing committee 、CEO Take the lead , Find out the biggest advantages of the current company 、 Inferiority , And the industry 、 Opportunities and threats brought about by the environment ,SOWT Four types of strategic objectives will be formed .

SWOT The framework is very simple , But the content in it is a test of skill , It's also valuable

His final result is to decide the company Resource allocation

High quality SWOT The analysis will lead to a comprehensive strategy for the next few years , Then compare with the previous indicator framework and indicators , So far, a complete top-level performance design process has come out , The result here is :

Performance breakdown

After the top-level performance design is completed, performance decomposition is required , There are many ways to do this :

  1. Use KPI Form to decompose the index ;
  2. With OKR Decompose in the form of ;

From the practice of these years, the effect is not bad , but OKR It can be used as a relatively complete set of management tools , So we choose OKR, Here are a few steps :

  • First step , Propose company level OKR

according to CEO Performance indicators , Refine into company level OKR;

  • The second step , Department alignment

You must believe , As the first layer of the company , The department head must have enough willingness and ability to do the first level OKR alignment , So far, the company and the Department have OKR The alignment is carried out .

  • The third step , Alignment within department

Can be HR To take the lead , Supervise and urge 、 Assist each department in OKR alignment .

thus , The performance indicators of the whole company have been preliminarily completed from design to implementation , We'll see this thing :

  • summary

Of course , There will inevitably be many problems , such as :

1. Some students didn't mention it OKR What do I do

Not to mention OKR In fact, I just don't know what I do , Or not contributing to the company's goals , What can I do about this ?

2. my OKR Can't talk to anyone OKR What about alignment

This situation and problem 1 similar , For example, you can't put forward a weight loss plan ; But you may have broken through the company's strategy , Come up with a new idea , such OKR The company may give additional resources .

OKR Alignment will involve different teams , Most teams are right here Failure 了 , The most common soft death is most people To cope with the difference .

If there is no reward, punishment and assistance Imperial sword It's quite difficult , Of course, even if there are the above things for OKR Pusher's 「 Mind 」 and 「 Tenacity 」 The requirements are also very high .

Why is it so difficult , The conclusion that has been implemented in recent years is :

  1. OKR It's a burden , Large probability OKR The execution of the has nothing to do with the actual business ;
  2. OKR It's supervision , Some black boxes are about to be opened by data indicators , Many people who lie flat will resist ;

Consistent with culture , Just leave the business , Light becomes the product of self hi , More importantly, it becomes noise .

How to do performance follow-up

In a big circle , We just designed the performance , The next step is performance follow-up , Because we use OKR system , So just do OKR Follow up .OKR The system itself provides a follow-up mechanism :

OKR After the release, it will enter the implementation phase , It can be carried out in three stages Review:

  1. Weekly meeting , For information synchronization ,OKR Follow up coaching by executive coaches ,OKR-DRI Just participate
  2. Monthly meeting , Show your muscles , enhance OKR Team confidence index ,OKR-DRI Just participate
  3. Quarterly reports , The most important part of the quarterly cycle is to OKR Summarize 、 score , The size of the staff

Weekly meeting

OKR The weekly meeting is mainly to evaluate the progress of the objectives , But the meeting didn't care much whether the result was achieved , It's about sharing and synchronizing information , Identify problems and risks that hinder progress , At the same time, ask the team to stay focused , And predict the impact of further progress on the results .

OKR Follow up and attention at the weekly meeting , Mainly in a subjective way , No need for data support ( Quarterly reporting is a must ), The process and results don't need to be too rigorous .

Monthly meeting

The monthly meeting can be held every month , It can also be done once in the middle of the quarter .

The month will need OKR Describe the stage progress , It needs to be clearly demonstrated OKR Progress made , If some OKR Progress is not as good as expected ,OKR The executive coaching team needs to help them 「 Do a refresh 」;

such as : Analysis of the OKR Is the goal too “ Big ” 了 , Do you want to put “ Small ” spot , Or if there's any blocking problem with cross team resources , Need to organize help.

The monthly meeting is a “ To show off ” Sexual meetings , Can motivate the team , Or an optimization meeting , You can do it OKR adjustment ;

It should be noted that , whatever OKR We need to do a good job of information synchronization in all changes , Make sure collaborators are informed , It's better to have tools to support it , But it's not demanding here .

Quarterly reports

Quarterly reports are very important nodes , It is also an important input time for cultural content . Will ask for all OKR DRI Get ready PPT, Get the stage ready for them , Let them show their achievements in front of the whole department , The point is :

  1. Show success to all , Let us know what our team has done in this cycle
  2. adopt OKR report , You can know one OKR What is the experience of successful execution , What is the lesson of failure
  3. well OKR It's going to be a benchmark for the team , Play a guiding role

At this time, we need to pay attention to all OKR Score . There are no more than two results : Better than expected and worse than expected , It's no big deal .

OKR The score is too low , It may be because of the students who are keen on breakthrough , Too optimistic , The goal is too high ;

OKR The score is too high , All approaching 1.0 branch , It means the target is set too low , Maybe it's not what we're after ;

The best score is 0.6~0.7 Between , There are certain challenges , Be able to achieve or approach to achieve , Score is second , The most important thing is score based communication and communication .

In this process, we will gradually let you know , Of the company's evaluation system scale What is it? .

How to control risks

Finally, back to the question of fans : How do we communicate performance and control risks when facing individuals ?

You can actually see that , From the top-level performance design , Top level performance is refined into OKR,OKR Company wide alignment ,OKR Follow up throughout the company .

Just Performance communication It is already a company level behavior , The company actually provides a whole set of methodology ,SOP Can solve 80% The problem of , Each manager only needs to solve 20% that will do .

Specific to performance communication , Because every communication is based on the student's OKR Execution as a basis , So I won't say nothing , As already said The result is nothing more than better than expected and worse than expected , Performance communication here is more about Help the following friends to make a reply And look at his stability .

The methodology of double disk has been introduced in the previous article , Let's see for ourselves , Not here

If the stability is good , Let's just talk about the second offer ; If stability goes wrong , We'll see what resources we can use to keep him , Look again ROI If it is appropriate .

It is still the same as before , Performance design uses OKR A set of , The performance appraisal is based on OKR On the basis of , The final output of talents can be nine palaces , What we want is still a sequence and risk .


Today, I introduced how the company does performance design , How is performance broken down to everyone , Finally, it introduces how to follow up the performance implementation , And how to control the risk , I hope today's sharing is helpful .

Okay , Today's sharing is here , Like the students can support four times :

If you want more communication, you can add me to wechat :


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