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[xlua notes] array of lua to array of C #
2022-07-07 02:20:00 【Start()】
To C# Of string Group :
-- Pass in a Lua String group of
-- Return to one C# String group of
function GetStringList(var)
local count = #var
local lis = CS.System.Array.CreateInstance(typeof(CS.System.String),count)
for i=0,count-1 do
lis[i] = var[i+1]
return lis
To C# Of int Group :
-- Pass in a Lua Of int Group
-- Return to one C# Of int Group
function GetIntList(var)
local count = #var
local lis = CS.System.Array.CreateInstance(typeof(CS.System.Int32),count)
for i=0,count-1 do
lis[i] = var[i+1]
return lis
To C# Of float Group :
-- Pass in a Lua Of float Group
-- Return to one C# Of float Group
function GetFloatList(var)
local count = #var
local lis = CS.System.Array.CreateInstance(typeof(CS.System.Single),count)
for i=0,count-1 do
lis[i] = var[i+1]
return lis
Lua Group representation :
Group name = { Elements 1, Elements 2, Elements 3}
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