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Download, installation and configuration of Sogou input method in Ubuntu
2020-11-07 21:03:00 【keyboard label】
My computer is Ubuntu The computer of the system ,Ubuntu Sometimes the input method of the system itself is not easy to use , For example, I input a lot of computer keywords , He couldn't spell it all out , And Sogou input method is better to use , He has a computer , Medical Science , A variety of cell thesauri, such as law, are available .
Download the official search dog website : Address
- Download Sogou input method file (sogouimebs_2.0.0.38+0428.1_amd64.deb) To the local computer
- cd To deb Installation package directory , Execute the following statement :
sudo dpkg -i sogouimebs_2.0.0.38+0428.1_amd64.deb
- Then you may encounter dependency defaults . Execute the following command to solve the problem .
sudo apt-get install -f
- And then one more time deb The installation command can install successfully .
To configure
In the use of , Find the installed input method , After a period of time, there will always be no reason to be stuck , After restarting the computer , After a while, it's stuck again .
reason : The problem is with Ubuntu Default input method ibus There's a conflict . At this point, we just need to uninstall ibus Just go :
- uninstall ibus
sudo apt-get purge ibus
- Delete ibus Related documents
sudo apt-get autoremove ibus*
- ibus After deleting it completely , Just restart the computer .
Problems encountered in later use
- Question 1 : Upgrade in use Ubuntu System , Updating the software may cause the input method to be stuck , reason : In the process of updating , The system automatically put ibus Installed back , Now unload again ibus that will do .
- Question two : When you click on the settings --> Region and language --> Manage installed languages when , The system will also install automatically ibus, At this point, the input method is stuck , We need to uninstall it again ibus .
- Question 3 : One day you'll find out miraculously that ubutnu The system settings Icon for is missing , This is more troublesome . Reason and unload ibus of , See :ubuntu The system settings Icon is missing, the reason and the recovery method , After retrieving the icon, if the input method is stuck, then uninstall it again ibus.
The problems that emerged later were Ubuntu The input method comes with it ibus And Sogou input method conflict caused by , The way to solve the problem is to unload ibus.
- Your support is my greatest motivation .【/ Over your face 】----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's not easy to create , Reprint please indicate the source .【/ Little tangle 】
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