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[STM32 Learning 1] Basic knowledge and concepts are clear
2022-08-02 15:26:00 【Tianshan has no longevity tea】
三、Some of the concepts about hardware and software
四、Well-known chip vendor profile
在开始学习STM32单片机之前,The concept of mind already had many bits and pieces,In this to make a clear definition and explanation,To increase the knowledge learning organization.
嵌入式系统(embedded system),是一种嵌入机械或电气系统内部、具有专一功能和实时计算性能的计算机系统.And we usually sense of computer,Is the PC(Personal Computer,PC)相比,An embedded system function more single,And personal computers more flexible,Can meet the needs of the user a variety of different.比如电子手表,Don't need a computer that the function of the rich,The inside of the electronic components can be referred to as embedded system.If compare the PC to comprehensive university,What subjects have,The embedded system is a vocational and technical schools,体量小,But really professional.
随着电子技术的不断发展,Gave birth to a lot of professional term,包括CPU、MCU、MPU、DSP、单片机、Soc……Their concept sometimes-complex mix-and-match、我中有你,Many abbreviations again,Let people understand dizzy.In fact, these nouns has no clear line between,Many are just born due to focus on the point of view of different.
- 中央处理单元(Central Processing Unit,CPU;Central Processor):In the English language is called againcentral processor或者main processor.Early refers to perform basic arithmetic in the computer、逻辑、控制和输入/输出 (I/O) Operation of the electronic circuit.Do not include the memory、Peripheral circuit andGPU等模块.
- 微处理器(Micro Processing Unit,MPU):当前所有的CPUAll can be called a microprocessor,这是在CPUIn the development of the birth of the term.随着技术的进步,CPUAt the time of performance improvement is becoming more and more small volume,In order to highlight the characteristics of some people toCPU称为MPU.MPUThe term is widely used in embedded field,It is not limited toCPU所包含的功能,GPU、DSPThe major such as processor was also attributed to the microprocessor.
- 微控制器(Micro Controller Unit,MCU):General and can be referred to as单片机(single-chip microcomputer),Refers to the embedded in the field of theCPU、存储器、定时器、各种I/OInterfaces are integrated on a chip microcomputer.Compared with the microprocessor,Micro controller in addition toCPUGeneral combination module includes other computer.
- 片上系统(System on a Chip,SoC):In the field of embedded noun,Refers to the integrated on a single chip electronic system,Compared with micro controller,On a chip system function more powerful processors only commonly.
- 图像处理单元(Graphic Processing Unit,GPU):Or what we often say that video card,Drawing in the computer system to perform operation work processor.
- 数字信号处理器(Digital Signal Processor,DSP):Specially used in digital signal processing (DSP) microprocessor.
In addition, a familiarPLC、PLD、FPGA等名词,Concept simply described below
- 可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller,PLC):From the industrial field,具有微处理器,For automated control of digital electronic equipment.早期的PLCUsed instead of relay realize logic control,However, with the development of computer technology,PLCThe structure and function of becoming similar to general computer system.Can be understood as a kind of comes from industrial computer system in the field of.
- 可编程逻辑器件(Programmable Logic Device,PLD):Can edit and change hardware logic integrated circuit,代表为Field programmable logic gate array (fpga)(Field Programmable Gate Array,FPGA).Compared with the general microcontroller(单片机)More hardware programming,Through hardware description language custom integrated circuit on the chip.有的人将FPGACalled a integrated circuit.
- 专用集成电路(Application Specific Integrated Circuit,ASIC):Depending on different product requirements and customized special specifications integrated circuit,Due to a single special integrated circuit chips production cost is very high,If small shipments,Sometimes the use of programmable logic devices(如FPGA)Target to hardware implementation of integrated circuit design.
Try to use a diagram of the relationship between these nouns,如有纰漏,敬请斧正.
STM32属于MCU,也是当下最流行的MCU之一.Chip, the kernel USES isARM公司的Cortex-M架构,总体框架如下图所示
- CMSIS( Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard ):翻译过来是ARM Cortex 微控制器软件接口标准,可以理解为ARMCompany to the chip manufacturers provide the kernel architecture at the same time,为了统一性,Also provides drive these kernel software standards.Chip manufacturers as long as you useARM公司的Cortex架构,When designing program will useCMSIS定义的标准.
- HAL(Hardware Abstract Layer):Translation is a hardware abstraction layer.这是ST公司依照CMSIS标准,Will be at the bottom of the operation and some peripheral configuration register encapsulate the code library.This unifiedSTM32The development of many types of chip code,增强了代码的可移植性,But too much code encapsulation layer also reduces the efficiency of.
简单来讲,CMSIS是ARMLaunch of the unified interface standards,而HAL是ST公司在CMSISOn the basis of the encapsulating layer,Their role is at the bottom of the chip and add a layer between the user program,Users don't need too much to understand the underlying kernel chip operating mode,Only need to master the using method of middle layer interface,You can drive chip.I don't know much about the printer's internal circuit、工作原理,But the vendors have to help us take a big shell cover the whole machine,Left a few keys on the outside,I just need to know this a few keys function,According to a press can print out the paper.
其实像HALSuch packaging library there are several other,We just choose this timeHAL库,Other such as classic standard peripherals library as well as the latestLL库,Or we directly toSTM32的寄存器进行操作(STM32Snippets),They have their own respective advantages and disadvantages,如下表所示
三、Some of the concepts about hardware and software
- 硬件(Hardware):The computer system of physics、The visible part of the,包括机箱、主板、显示器等.
- 软件(Software):In a particular order organization of computer data and instruction,Not visible part of the computer.Mainly can be divided into system software and application software.
- 固件(Firmware): A special type of software,For internal more close to the hardware with important.The bottom of the firmware as drive chip work.
- 驱动(Driver):In order to adapt to different operating system environment,Provide hardware driver the small piece of code is generally referred to as the driver of hardware,Is also a kind of special software.Compared with the firmware,Drive is to run on different operating systems hardware and,If there is only one operating system in the world,There is no driver needed.
- 中间件(Middleware):Provide the system software and application software of connections between,To facilitate communication between the software software.这样看来STM32相关的HAL库与CMISISSimilar to the combination of a firmware and middleware.
我们在学习STM32Embedded knowledge,Without using the company's products,Here for some company and its products to do a simple introduce
- ARM公司(英国,1991):全球领先的半导体知识产权(IP)提供商.全世界超过95%的智能手机和平板电脑都采用ARM的架构 .ARM设计了大量高性价比、耗能低的RISC处理器、相关技术及软件.总的来讲ARMMainly for the provision of chip manufacturers chip architecture and kernel design,不生产芯片.Another popular method of embedded software card systemKeil,其公司于2005年被ARM收购.
- 意法半导体(ST)公司(意大利、法国,1987):是由意大利的SGS微电子公司和法国Thomson半导体公司合并而成,Includes business communication、汽车、计算机、Consumption and so on all aspects of the semiconductor industry.STCompany is the world's largest dedicated analog chips and power conversion chip maker,The world's largest industrial semiconductor and set-top box chip suppliers,And in a discrete device、Mobile phone camera module and vehicle integrated circuit area ranked among the top of the world.我们使用的STM32Is the production of a32位MCU产品.
- 英特尔Intel(美国,1968):E.g. The world's leading manufacturers of semiconductor industry and computing innovation.Computers in our dailyCPU大多为Intel的产品.最早的51Singlechip comprises aIntel于1980年推出,Then major chip manufacturers who is compatible withIntel 8051Instruction set chips are called51单片机.
- 德州仪器(Texas Instruments,TI)(美国、1930):是全球领先的半导体公司,For the real world signal processing to provide innovative digital signal processing(DSP)及模拟器件技术.除半导体业务外,还提供包括传感与控制、教育产品和数字光源处理解决方案.
Of course there are many well-known chip design company,Such as we know apple、AMD、英伟达等,只是与STM32Relationship is not so big,不再详述.
- 集成开发环境(Integrated Development Environment,IDE):Auxiliary application developers to develop application software,在开发工具内部就可以辅助编写源代码文本、并编译打包成为可用的程序.IDE通常包括编程语言编辑器、自动构建工具、通常还包括调试器,有些IDE包含编译器.著名的IDE有Microsoft Visual Stdio、MyEclipse、PyCharm……STM32CubeIDE就是STThe official launch of a dedicated to developSTM32程序的IDE.
Many people's habit is inSTM32CubeMXAs a basic configuration,然后在Keil中添加代码,完成编译、烧录与调试.But this is, after all, two programs,STM32CubeIDEThen set the function of the two,And is also the official launch of,So also can try to use this software.这款软件基于eclipse开发,Interfaces are very similar,所以熟悉java以及eclipseFriends will use this software very well.
To use each of theSTM32芯片,First we hand the necessary two handbook(ST官网有pdf版):
- 参考手册(Reference manual)
- 数据手册(Datasheet)
Reference manual including each functional module information、原理、A variety of work mode is introduced、Configuration method and register related information;Data sheet including chip basic parameters、Pin number with their respective functions、电气特性、Packaging information, etc.Generally in the selection and the hardware design phase,Refer to the manual data more,And by the program design phase,Reference manual is necessary.以下是STM32G4Series of reference manual“自我介绍”:
The goal of this reference manual is application developers. It provides complete information about how to useSTM32G4Series MCU memory and peripherals.
Introduced some basic concepts of embedded,STM32的运行框架,Some concepts about hardware and software,And some chip manufacturers.Finally made some simple developmentSTM32The tools and documentation.
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