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Advantages of Alibaba cloud international CDN

2022-07-04 23:04:00 87cloud

This article mainly introduces Alibaba cloud in five aspects CDN Product capabilities of , Help you better understand Alibaba cloud CDN product . Let's talk to 87cloud Learn about Alibaba cloud international CDN The advantages of :

Alibaba cloud CDN The products mainly have the following five competitiveness :

  • Product competitiveness
  • Technological competitiveness
  • Price competitiveness
  • Ecological competitiveness
  • Service competitiveness

Product competitiveness

Extensive node coverage

Alibaba cloud has 2800+ node . In mainland China ( mainland ) Have 2300+ node , Cover 31 A provincial region ; Hong Kong, China, 、 Macao China 、 Taiwan, China 、 Other countries and regions have 500+ node , Cover 70 Multiple countries and regions . The bandwidth output capacity of the whole network is up to 150 Tbps. Alibaba cloud CDN Products through extensive geographical coverage and deep bandwidth reserves , Provide security for users worldwide 、 Stable 、 Reliable content distribution services .

Authoritative industry certification

  • Ministry of public security certification CDN The content distribution system has three levels of protection .
  • The international PCI-DSS authentication .
  • Gartner The global level of the assessment CDN Service provider .
  • The global IPv6 Enabled CDN Logo authentication .

Rich product features

Alibaba cloud CDN The product provides a rich console and OpenAPI Interface , It can realize one-stop configuration and management of content acceleration business , The main product capabilities are as follows :

Product ability Main function modules
Domain name management Add domain name 、 Basic configuration 、 Back to source configuration 、 Cache configuration 、HTTPS To configure 、 Access control 、 performance optimization 、 Video related 、 Security configuration 、 Flow limit 、QUIC agreement 、 Edge script 、IPv6 Configuration etc. .
Monitor query Resource monitoring 、 Real-time monitoring 、 Usage query 、 Edge script monitoring 、 Safety monitoring .
Log management Offline log download 、 Offline log transfer 、 Real time log push 、 Operation report customization 、 Operation report subscription .
Refresh preheating URL Refresh 、 Catalog refresh 、URL preheating .

Flexible programmability CDN To configure

Alibaba cloud CDN It's a programmable CDN, It supports simple one-stop configuration , You can go through it again EdgeScript( Edge script , abbreviation ES) Implement custom configuration . When CDN When the standard configuration on the console cannot meet your business needs , It can be done by ES Write simple scripts to quickly realize customized business requirements , Long release cycle to solve customized requirements 、 Business change is not agile .

Customizable edge program

Edge programs ER(EdgeRoutine, abbreviation ER) It's alicloud CDN And the whole station to accelerate the edge of common completion Serverless Computing environment .ER Currently for CDN scene , Support in CDN The edge node executes the JavaScript Code .ER Once the code is uploaded , You can complete global Alibaba cloud CDN Deployment of nodes , Execute on the global edge , Personalize requests around the world according to your code logic . For more information , See what is an edge program .

Open and rich API Interface

You can call API Realization CDN All functions on the console . Detailed operation , Please see the API overview .

Technological competitiveness

Precise scheduling system

  • To improve the accuracy of scheduling , Alibaba cloud CDN Do the following optimization .
    • Constantly updated accuracy IP database :IP The role of the database is in the user's DNS The parsing request was forwarded to CDN When dispatching the system , The dispatching system will determine the user's region and the operator's ownership , In this way, users can be assigned to the same operators with nearby access CDN node . To make sure IP The data in the database is up to date , The database is constantly updated .
    • Provide HTTPDNS service ( Client compatibility is required ): use HTTPDNS This technology allows the user terminal to bypass the operator's local DNS, Direct adoption HTTP Protocol to access the scheduling system , The best access node to request the domain name to be accessed , This can be avoided DNS Business security problems caused by hijacking .
    • Node data analysis :CDN The scheduling system analyzes the health status of all nodes and links in the whole cache system in real time through the link state system , Choose the best access node for users , To avoid the impact of poor quality of access nodes on the user experience .
    • Content based scheduling , Improve access hit rate : It is often used in two application scenarios: large file download and video on demand 302 Scheduling is a content-based scheduling technology ,302 Scheduling is a central scheduling scheme , When a user requests a resource , After completing the domain name DNS After analysis , The user request will first access the central dispatching system , Then the central scheduling system will analyze the content that the user requests to access , Re pass 302 The best access node is assigned to users by redirection .
  • Functional advantages : The scheduling system includes offline Planning ( Predict and schedule according to the trend of historical traffic ) And real-time scheduling ( Carry out traffic planning according to the characteristics of sudden business ).
  • Functional effect : Through accurate self-developed scheduling system ,CDN The platform can perceive the health status of each edge node in real time , So as to allocate the best access node for users .

Intelligent cache system

  • Precise caching : Using intelligent object heat Algorithm , multistage 、 Hierarchical cache hotspot resources , Achieve accurate and accelerated resources .
  • Cache : High performance cache Cache The system design , Balanced use CPU Multi core processing power , Use and control memory efficiently and reasonably , Maximize SSD IOPS And huff and puff .
  • High speed reading and writing : Each node has a high-speed read-write SSD SSD Storage , coordination SSD Ability to speed up , Greatly reduce the waiting time for users to access , Improve availability .
  • Efficient return to source : Provide Failover Retry mechanism , Ensure efficient source return and information synchronization .

Efficient transmission protocol

  • Support Quic agreement :Quic It's based on UDP Next generation Internet transport layer protocol , And integrated TCP、TLS、HTTP/2 And so on , It can effectively meet the current needs of the transport layer and application layer , Including security 、 Low latency 、 Handle more connections, etc .
  • Since the research TCP Protocol stack algorithm : By adjusting the congestion algorithm 、 Packet loss detection algorithm , Yes TCP The performance of the protocol has been greatly improved , The transmission performance is significantly improved .

Reliable security protection capability

Alibaba cloud CDN Through reliable safety measures , Help you avoid security risks in your business .

  • Anti theft chain : Users can choose general Referer、UA、URL、IP And so on , It can also be used. EdgeScript To customize the authentication method , To prevent the source site resources from being stolen ; Support remote authentication function to realize secondary authentication .
  • DNS Anti hijacking :HTTPDNS engineering service HTTP Protocol access to alicloud server , Get domain name resolution results , Bypass the operator's Local DNS, Avoid domain hijacking .
  • HTTPS Transmission encryption : Support the adoption of TLS Protocol to encrypt HTTP Content of agreement , Prevent plaintext data from being exposed to the Internet , And you can set TLS1.3、HSTS、keyless And other advanced functions .
  • Source protection : Alibaba cloud CDN The product itself has certain safety protection ability , You can also configure SCDN Products to provide stronger safety protection capabilities .
  • Origin reliability : The primary and standby source stations can be configured , Alibaba cloud CDN It can continuously monitor the status of the primary and standby source stations , When the primary station fails, it can be switched to the standby station in time .

Price competitiveness

Powerful performance and Technology , Alibaba cloud CDN The price of is also very competitive :

  • Billing methods are flexible , Details , See billing overview .
  • The price of prepaid package is preferential all year round , Details , Please see the CDN Resource Pack .

Model selection for you

Alibaba cloud CDN We have carefully created a variety of billing methods and resource packs for you , It is suitable for many different business scenarios or scenario combinations . According to your business scenario , Choose a reasonable billing method .

If your business scenario is ... We suggest that you choose ...
Your source site has less daily access traffic , Or occupy a large amount of bandwidth resources in a certain period . Billing by traffic .

explain   It is recommended that you buy a more cost-effective prepaid resource package . We provide you with multiple acceleration areas 、 Set meals of various specifications . You can according to the actual needs , Buy 100GB~50PB My package .

About alicloud CDN All billing methods , Please see the CDN pricing .

Ecological competitiveness

Alibaba cloud has a powerful product function system :

  • If you have used other Alibaba cloud products , Then with the help of ecological advantages , Access CDN Service will make your actual business more smooth , Improve your business operation efficiency .
    If you have already purchased ... Recommend you ... reason
    Cloud server ECS Open alicloud CDN Cloud server ECS As CDN Origin station , Use CDN It can help you effectively improve your website access speed .
    Object storage OSS Object storage OSS As CDN Origin station , Use CDN It can improve the access speed of your website , Effectively reduce OSS Internet traffic charges .
    Function calculation Function computing is an event driven fully managed computing service . Use functions to calculate , You don't need to purchase and manage infrastructure like servers , Just write and upload the code . Function calculation is ready for you to calculate resources , Elastically 、 Run tasks reliably , And provide log query 、 Performance monitoring, alarm and other functions .
  • CDN It has super acceleration ability for static content , For dynamic and static hybrid acceleration scenarios and scenarios that pay more attention to security , There are corresponding products available to you .
    If your business or need is ... Recommended ... explain
    Dynamic and static mixed content acceleration Speed up the whole station Whole site acceleration is a technology independently developed by Alibaba cloud, which integrates dynamic acceleration and static acceleration CDN product , Intelligently distinguish dynamic and static content , Dynamic and static content accelerates at the same time .
  • If you have opened Alibaba cloud CDN service , You can also learn about other cross products , Help you better meet your business needs .
    If your business or need is ... We recommend that you use ... explain
    Accelerate audio and video on demand content video on demand Alicloud video on demand (VOD) It's a collection of audio and video uploads 、 Automatic transcoding 、 Media resource management 、 Distribute accelerated full link audio and video on demand services .
    Accelerate live streaming Live video Live video service (ApsaraVideo Live) Content based access 、 An audio and video live broadcasting platform built by distribution network and large-scale distributed real-time transcoding technology , Provide easy access 、 HD fluency 、 Low latency 、 High concurrent live audio and video services .
    Use CDN There is no domain name before the service Alibaba cloud domain name service Alibaba cloud domain name service integrates domain name registration 、 transaction 、 An integrated domain name management platform integrating monitoring and protection , File with Alibaba cloud 、 Cloud analysis DNS service , Provide you with a full range of domain name services .
    Using alicloud CDN front , The domain name has not been completed ICP Keep on record Alibaba cloud files according to 《 Internet Information Services 》 as well as 《 Administrative measures for filing of non operational Internet Information Services 》 , The State implements a filing system for non operational Internet information services , A licensing system shall be implemented for operational Internet information services . Failing to obtain permission or fulfill the filing formalities , Do not engage in Internet information services . That is, all websites that provide services to the mainland of China must first ICP Keep on record , Before you can open the service . Alibaba cloud ICP The agent filing system provides you with the application for filing 、 Modify and cancel the filing information 、 Claim filing and other services .
    Realize the whole station HTTPS turn , To configure HTTPS certificate SSL Certificate Services SSL Certificate services are jointly managed and issued by Alibaba cloud and several digital certificate authorities in China and beyond , Server digital certificates provided directly on alicloud platform . You can buy it directly on Alibaba cloud platform , Or get the required type of digital certificate for free , And deploy it in Alibaba cloud products with one click , Get your services from... At the lowest cost HTTP convert to HTTPS, Realize the authentication and data encryption transmission of the website .
    Help you improve operation and maintenance 、 Operational efficiency , establish DT Massive log processing power of the times . The log service The log service ( abbreviation SLS) It is a one-stop service for log data , Alibaba Group has experienced a lot of big data scenarios . You don't need to develop to quickly complete log data collection 、 consumption 、 Delivery and query analysis functions , Improve operation and maintenance 、 Operational efficiency , establish DT Massive log processing power of the times .
    Services that monitor Alibaba cloud resources and Internet applications . The cloud monitoring The cloud monitoring (CloudMonitor) It is a service for monitoring Alibaba cloud resources and Internet applications . Cloud monitoring services can be used to collect monitoring indicators for obtaining Alibaba cloud resources , Detect Internet service availability , And setting alerts for indicators .

Service competitiveness

Alibaba cloud CDN Have perfect 、 Strong service system , Include :

  • Perfect service system :7*24 Hour network wide monitoring and service .
  • Perfect data system : Learn about products , See what is Alibaba cloud CDN.
  • Perfect problem solving system :
    • Online services : You can click the phone icon on the right , Conduct pre-sales and after-sales consultation , Submit feedback and suggestions .
    • Work order service : You can also submit the work order and contact us .
