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WindowInsetsControllerCompat is simple to use
2022-08-01 00:02:00 【Dongdongxu huster】
WindowInsetsControllerCompat, which can be mainly used to control the display of navigation bar, status bar, keyboard, etc. in the interface. There are probably the following types.
Import dependencies
implementation 'androidx.core:core:1.5.0-beta03'
How to use
WindowInsetsControllerCompat insetsController = ViewCompat.getWindowInsetsController(getWindow().getDecorView());// Hide the status bar, navigation bar, title barinsetsController.hide(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.systemBars());// Display the status bar, navigation bar, title barinsetsController.show(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.systemBars());// hide the navigation barinsetsController.hide(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.navigationBars());// show the navigation barinsetsController.show(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.navigationBars());// show the status barinsetsController.show(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.statusBars());// hide the status barinsetsController.hide(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.statusBars());// show the keyboardinsetsController.show(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.ime());// hide the keyboardinsetsController.hide(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.ime());// ...// Control the font color of the status bar to display whiteinsetsController.setAppearanceLightStatusBars(false);// Control the navigation bar font to be displayed in blackinsetsController.setAppearanceLightStatusBars(true);// Navigation bar color is whiteinsetsController.setAppearanceLightNavigationBars(false);// The navigation bar is displayed in blackinsetsController.setAppearanceLightNavigationBars(true);
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