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Wechat applet Foundation

2022-07-02 06:51:00 Rivers I


view Equivalent to div

text amount to span

block Equivalent to a non rendered label
It's just a packaging element , No rendering in the page , Only accept control properties

<block wx:for="{
    {header}}" wx:key="index">
<view class="lists" data-text="{
    {item}}" bindtap="gotourl">

Usage of pictures , It's a double label , and html Not quite the same.

/ It's the root , Find from the root 
<image src="/images/home.png"></image>

Input box input It's a single label , Yes /

 <input type="text" value="" />

navigator amount to a label , Be careful , Don't forget to ulr There is another one at the beginning of the address /

<navigator url="/pages/video/video"> Video playback </navigator>

Page in deta The data in can be used directly in the page

  data: {
   username:" Zhang San "

Bottom navigation Tabbar

Bottom navigation bar , In the document requirements given on the applet item least 2 individual , Up to five .

app.json Chinese content

    "pages/index/index", Write the first one and you'll be the first 
    "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#fff",
    "navigationBarTitleText": " home page ",

  "tabBar": {
   "color": "#a9b7b7",   When not selected   The color of the bottom navigation text 
   "selectedColor": "#11cd6e",   When choosing   The color of the bottom navigation text 
   "borderStyle": "black" , The sample color of the bottom navigation border ( Be careful   If there is no writing style here   It can lead to   The default light gray line appears on the top border of the navigation box )
   "list": [{
       Navigation configuration array 
     "selectedIconPath": "images/icon_consult_press.png",   When selected   Icon path 
     "iconPath": "images/icon_consult.png",   When not selected   Icon path 
     "pagePath": "pages/index/index",   Page access address 
     "text": " home page "   The text below the navigation icon 
   }, {
     "selectedIconPath": "images/icon_invest_press.png",  
     "iconPath": "images/icon_invest.png",  
     "pagePath": "pages/logs/logs",  
     "text": " One yuan investment "  
     "selectedIconPath": "images/icon_mine_press.png",  
     "iconPath": "images/icon_mine.png",  
     "pagePath": "pages/mine/mine",  
     "text": " my "  

Be careful : Of each page json Documents cannot be removed navigationBarTitleText This attribute . Otherwise, an error will be reported ( Even if it's not a bottom navigation Tabbar page )

When he is not a tabbar When the page is ,list There is no configuration in , but pages The middle path should be written , It's a normal page , Use the same as others , It's just that the way of page Jump is different

The middle of the page json Document interpretation

  "usingComponents": {
   "abc":"/compent/abc/abc"  Place the reference address of the custom component 
  "backgroundTextStyle": "dark",  The drop-down  loading  The style of , Support only  dark / light
    "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#04be02", Navigation bar background color , Such as  #000000( Must be 6 position )
    "navigationBarTitleText": " Homework ", Navigation bar title text content 
    "navigationBarTextStyle": "black" Navigation bar Title Color , Support only  black / white

Customize tabbar

tabbar When the style of cannot meet the demand , You need to customize it tabbar

stay app.json Medium tabBar Item designation custom The field values for true

Official documents :https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/ability/custom-tabbar.html

Custom components

 Insert picture description here
Create an empty file inside the root element compent, A folder is being built inside abc( Built in Page), This is a component level page

The writing and pages Large pages
 Insert picture description here How can it be used in the homepage
In the files to be imported , find .json Postfix file , Write full path

  "usingComponents": {

And then in wxml Use... In the document

<view> Home page content {
<image src="/images/home-ed.png"></image>
<!--  Custom components  -->
<abc text=" Customize the content of the component "></abc>

 Insert picture description here

How events are used

Bind an event handler in the component .
Such as bindtap, When the user clicks the component, it will be corresponding to Page Find the corresponding event handler function in .

<view id="tapTest" data-hi="Weixin" bindtap="tapName"> Click me! </view>

Corresponding Page Write the corresponding event handler function in the definition , Parameter is event.

  tapName: function(event) {

bindChange A change event occurs for the input box . Wechat provides bindchange There are also minor problems in support ,
At present, it is the loss of focus that can trigger the occurrence of this event .

Development –> Form components
A rolling selector that pops up from the bottom .
 Insert picture description here
Example :

<picker mode="region" bindchange="region">
//mode="region"  It's a provincial and urban selector , See other documents 
//bindchange="region"  Yes, here is the form click event 
  <view class="citys">

There are several ways to jump pages

Official wechat documents –>api–> route

wx.switchTab Jump to tabBar page , And shut down all the others tabBar page

navigator label Keep the current page , Jump to a page in the app . But you can't jump to tabbar page .

wx.navigateTo Keep the current page , Jump to a page in the app . But you can't jump to tabbar page
wx.navigateBack Close current page , Go back to the previous page or multi-level page

wx.redirectTo Close current page , Jump to a page in the app . But you are not allowed to jump to tabbar page

When using the navigateTo When , Can be used navigateBack

Jump between pages to use navigator label ,wx.navigateTo ,wx.redirectTo

1、URL It's the path to the jump page . In the above code is navigator In the catalog navigator page ,title Is the parameter .

navigator Next redirect Property is the value opened on the current page . If not redirect Just jump to the new page . Can carry parameters .

If you need to pass multiple parameters , use & Link to

<navigator url="../navigator/navigator?title= I am a navigate" > Jump to a new page </navigator>    
<navigator url="../redirect/redirect?title= I am a redirect" 
> Open on current page </navigator> 


//  Jump to a new page 
      url: "../navigator/navigator?title= I am a navigate"
//  Open on current page 
    url: ../redirect/redirect?title= I am a redirect"

2、 In the jump js The code can get title Parameters

    title: "", 
  onLoad: function(options) {
       // a key  
      title: options.title    

wx:for and wx:for-item The connection of

wx:for Is a circular array ,wx:for-item Alias the list , It is generally used to specify the reference field name in the second level and above loops ;


<view wx:for="{
    {item.childList}}" wx:for-item="str">




change data Data in

Official website :https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/reference/api/Page.html#Page.prototype.setData(Object%20data,%20Function%20callback)

data Is the initial data used for the first rendering of the page .

      text: ' Set some for updating the view data data .'
    }, function() {
      //  This is a this setData ( Fallback function )callback
	 text: ' Set some for updating the view data data .'
	},() => {
	 //  This is a this setData ( Fallback function )callback

stay js In file , To call a method name, use this. Method name ()

Applet gets node binding data data-index Methods

Can be used to tab Switch Dynamic binding class name of style


<view class="top">
  <view data-type="reduce" 
   > Click to get some values </view>


  data: {
  //  Event handler 
  a(e) {

Output results :
 Insert picture description here

Get element location

Official wechat development document new method description address :https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/NodesRef.boundingClientRect.html
Wechat applet obtains element height and width

1. Create nodes 
        var query = wx.createSelectorQuery();
2. binding DOM
3. Get element information 
        query.exec(function (res) {
 total : Abbreviate together ( Including binding )
        var query = wx.createSelectorQuery();
        query.select("#scroll").boundingClientRect((rect)=> {
          console.log(rect.height)//width etc. 
  getRect () {
      rect.id      //  Node ID
      rect.dataset //  Node dataset
      rect.left    //  The left boundary coordinates of the node 
      rect.right   //  Right boundary coordinates of nodes 
      rect.top     //  Upper boundary coordinates of nodes 
      rect.bottom  //  Lower boundary coordinates of nodes 
      rect.width   //  The width of the node 
      rect.height  //  The height of the node 
  getAllRects () {
        rect.id      //  Node ID
        rect.dataset //  Node dataset
        rect.left    //  The left boundary coordinates of the node 
        rect.right   //  Right boundary coordinates of nodes 
        rect.top     //  Upper boundary coordinates of nodes 
        rect.bottom  //  Lower boundary coordinates of nodes 
        rect.width   //  The width of the node 
        rect.height  //  The height of the node 
  // Get elements ( Each category of goods is away from the top ) Offset value 
const query=wx.createSelectorQuery();

Click to scroll to the corresponding position
be used scroll-into-view
Add... Inside the matching that needs to be rolled id

Rotation samples

 <swiper class="swip" indicator-color="rgb(204, 204, 204)" indicator-active-color="#fff"
    indicator-dots="true" autoplay="true" interval="3000" circular="false">
 <image src="https://www.huilinet.cn/Areas/Mobile/Content/images/slide03.jpg"></image>
 <image src="https://www.huilinet.cn/Areas/Mobile/Content/images/slide03.jpg"> </image>

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