当前位置:网站首页>The sooner you understand the four rules of life, the more blessed you will be

The sooner you understand the four rules of life, the more blessed you will be

2022-07-07 05:04:00 Zhenhua oppo

 Between heaven and earth , Square and round ;
 Between the world , There are rules and rules .

Follow the rules , There is no mistake ;
Behave according to standards , Be calm !

 Human life , Everything has its own destiny !
 Is your , It's always yours ;
 No, it isn't , You can't make it .
 Don't break the rules ,

The way of heaven cannot be changed by manpower , You can't do what you want !
These four days of life return , If you understand , You must be a blessed man !

Tianguiyi : bad temper , Cannot be greater than ability

There is a good saying : The reason why people lose their temper , Most of them are incompetent .

 become shame , Will be easily angry with people ;
 There is heaven and earth in the chest , Will only continue to discipline themselves !

In life , You'll find that , The more capable you are , On the contrary, the more temperamental ,
Because he saw through everything , Know how to restrain yourself , Know to take care of others ,
Such people have a big pattern !
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Tiangui II : Location , Not higher than virtue
 DE don't deserve a , Disaster is inevitable .

When your position , When much higher than morality ,
No one will be convinced , It will only make people dissatisfied .

Some people even hold high positions , But do something outrageous ,
Such a person , Sooner or later, you will be punished , Fall into the mire !

In its place , It has its virtue , Have a clear conscience , Live in peace of mind !
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Tiangui San : feeling , There can be no standard
 To a person , There is no limit to good , Will not be cherished ;
 To a person , Lose the dignity of love , I'm bound to suffer for myself .
 Human life , Life should have rules , Feelings should have a bottom line .

Care about another person , There can be no standard ,
Cherish another person , Nor flatter the humble !

Love before is self love , Self lover , People's constant love !
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Tiangui 4 : Stand on its own , Is the greatest confidence
 A person , Be independent ! Remember a word : Those who rely on others to live , In fact, they all take shortcuts .

No matter who this person is , Will not let you feel at ease .
After all , Backers , The mountain will fall ; Depend on people , People can run !

 Stand on its own , Is your own umbrella ;
 self-confidence , Is your own sense of security 
 Self improvement , Is the real man !

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Human life , In fact, the biggest rule , It's not who will urge and remind you how to do , It's about what choices you have .

Have good cultivation , Have good intentions , It always shines ;

Have good words , Have good behavior , Always go out of the way ;

Have good character , Live by yourself , Be fearless all your life !


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