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No experts! Growth secrets for junior and intermediate programmers and "quasi programmers" who are still practicing in Universities

2022-07-07 05:02:00 Programmer_ Albino

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1、 Don't be afraid of English

Many excellent technical resources and community content on the Internet are in English , If you are afraid of English , There is no way to learn nutritious knowledge from it , I can't keep up with the development trend of Technology , Then it will be difficult for technical ability to go to a higher level , The horizon of technology will be limited , So we need to break through the language barrier .

A、 Start by changing the language environment
You can put your cell phone 、 The computer 、 Flat 、 Various APP The language of is set to English , Keep your usual habits in an English environment , Slowly adapt .

B、 Start invading in English
Write down some of your thoughts every day in English , Replace some daily records in Chinese with English . Then slowly try to write a document completely in English .

C、 Read English technical articles and documents
Try to read English documents or translate English technical articles , Even with the help of translation tools , This will not only broaden the technical vision , It can also make yourself further adapt to the English environment , Contact more new words and technical terms . Some technical terms of the technology will appear in technical articles or corresponding technical documents .

D、 Further study English
I haven't passed CET-4 or CET-6 , It doesn't stop you from learning English . An additional language skill can be a good help for career development , You can use some English learning tools and learning tutorials , Make goals and learning plans according to your own situation .

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2、 Make good use of tools

In addition to developing its own tools to improve the efficiency of development and debugging , Share some other tools , These tools can not only assist the development work , It is also helpful for the growth and improvement of other aspects of the individual .

A、 Science and the Internet
As mentioned earlier, the contents of many excellent technical resources on the Internet are in English , These basically need scientific Internet tools to access , So learn to use scientific Internet tools , Through it, visit various foreign technology communities and resource platforms , Receive the latest technical information and learning resources , Explore a wider world , There is no more to say about this .

B、Google Search for
If you encounter problems in your usual development work , Often use search engines to search for problems , Use Google Search engine search problems , The richness and accuracy of its search results are far beyond other search engines , But this also needs to be used with the help of scientific Internet tools . Many technical problems, most of the predecessors have stepped on the pit , But they are basically released in foreign technology communities , Some domestic search engines capture domestic content , Not only redundant, but also low quality , A lot of advertisements .

There are also some methods and skills to use search engines , It can effectively improve the efficiency and accuracy of search problems , For the contents of this part, see the following # Improve search business .

This is an English writing aid , English grammar error monitoring function , Such as the usage of words 、 Sentence collocation, etc . Be able to improve better in English writing or learning , So as to effectively improve writing efficiency . Use Chrome The plug-in can detect your English grammar errors in the text output box of the web page , Like in Github on Code Review You need to leave English Comment, Then try it , I believe you will love this tool .
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In use Google/ Proper translation ? To use this translation tool ,DeepL It is based on machine learning and neural network technology , And support multilingual translation tools , Translation will be more effective than other translation tools in pasting daily sentences . How close ? You can see the comparison of the following examples .

PEOPLE MAKE A lot of noise. Cars rumbling along streets, planes roaring overhead, feet slapping the sidewalk—these and other actions create countless tiny vibrations in the ground. A global network of seismometers registers those oscillations 24/7. But since world leaders have urged citizens to stay home and maintain social distancing to slow the coronavirus pandemic, the hum of daily life has quieted.

This is a piece of news about the new crown .

Here is Google Translation results :

People make a lot of noise . Cars hummed along the street , The plane roared overhead , Pat your feet on the sidewalk , These and other movements produce countless tiny vibrations on the ground . The global seismograph network records these oscillations 24/7. however , As world leaders urge citizens to stay at home and maintain social distance , To slow the spread of coronavirus , So the buzz of everyday life has calmed down .

This is a DeepL Translation results :

People make a lot of noise . Cars rumbling in the street 、 A roaring plane overhead 、 Beat the footsteps of the sidewalk , These and other actions produce countless tiny vibrations on the ground . Global Seismograph Network 24 These oscillations are recorded continuously for hours . But since world leaders urged citizens to stay at home , Keep social distance , To slow the spread of coronavirus , The buzz of everyday life has quieted down .

“ The global seismograph network records these oscillations 24/7.” And “ Global Seismograph Network 24 These oscillations are recorded continuously for hours .” The difference between these two sentences can reflect DeepL Better fit daily .

If this difference does not reflect , Then try to translate the following sentence :

Goods Lala not Labrador !

Google Translation results :

Labrador, Labrador!

Deepl Translation results :

Cargo puller does not pull Labrador!

ha-ha , Is it because of the blowing ?!

Make good use of mind mapping tools to sort out and present ideas in the brain , It can also be used to build your own knowledge map .
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ProcessOn It is a domestic online drawing tool , Support flow chart 、 Mind mapping 、 Prototype map 、UML Drawing of graphs such as graphs .

and Miro Is an online collaborative whiteboard platform abroad , The biggest feature is to use infinite whiteboard to freely organize and edit elements , Like the built-in shape 、 written words 、 attachment 、 Notes, etc , besides , It also supports the creation of mind maps 、 Kanban 、 Chart , as well as iframe The embedded 、 Web page interception . You can also install App, To insert things like Google Docs 、Dropbox wait .

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The similarities and differences between the two tools can be understood from the introduction of the official website , You can choose according to your own needs . If you prefer brain violence 、 Free play organization, then you can choose Miro, however Miro Free version only supports 3 A Sketchpad , Private sharing 、 Additional features such as HD export will be limited , But the free version is basically enough for individuals . If you're more used to using xmind This kind of software to sort out and build the knowledge map , Then you can choose ProcessOn, It can publish its own templates for revenue , You can also take your reading notes , Analysis or experience flow chart is uploaded publicly , Exchange of learning .

Readers are welcome to talk about some good tools in the comments area below .

3、 Learn to ask the right questions

It's normal to encounter problems in normal development work or study , But when you encounter problems , Don't ask others casually or immediately , Learn to solve problems independently . First use the search engine to search , Most of the problems can be found in search engines , So as not to waste everyone's time , in addition , Problems represent an opportunity to break through yourself , Give yourself time to work hard to solve it , Every fear is a setback , Every breakthrough is an accumulation . In the case of trying but fruitless , Then consider seeking help from others , But there is a certain emphasis on the way of asking questions , Because incorrect questions waste your time and the helper's time , Unable to efficiently solve existing problems . You can often see such questions in the community or technology group :

  1. you ( someone ) Used to xxx Do you ?

  2. xxxx Operation throws a problem , How to solve ?

  3. xxx Conduct xxx operation , Why not? ? Does anyone know ?

here ,[ Black face + Hello sign .jpg].

Here you can read 《 The art of questioning 》 This book , This is a book that teaches you how to improve communication efficiency and enhance your influence through skilled questions .

Github Some open source projects will have Issue Template, The main purpose is to let the questioner describe the problem more carefully , Make it easier for maintainers to understand and help .

4、 Participate more in technical conferences

Attending the technical conference is not to master much knowledge on the spot or in the circle of friends “ Versailles ”.

A、 Broaden one's view
The content of the developer conference is generally the development trend of Technology 、 Industry trends and solutions . For example, how to split the technology 、 How to design architecture 、 How to solve business problems through technology 、 What direction will some technologies evolve and so on . Therefore, the developer conference is a way for developers to broaden their horizons and obtain ideas , Not to build a car behind closed doors . For the participants themselves, they also need some technical accumulation , Otherwise, the contents of the conference may not be easy to absorb .

B: social affair
The participants in the conference are basically in the same position or related position as you , From another perspective of the General Assembly , This is a social event . And socializing can bring potential opportunities to yourself , Like new friends 、 Good job opportunities 、 People with similar interests 、 Further opportunities with industry leaders . These can be captured by yourself in the conference .

You can read the next three stocks and four 《 Some of my views on technical meetings 》, Here are some more detailed explanations for the technical meeting .

5、 Start the resumption of the project

There is a review 、 inductive 、 summary , To grow . By reviewing the past processing details of the project , What is the actual effect of some technical solutions , How to measure , Compare previous projects , Which technical solutions are more effective in a specific scenario , See if you still have technical debt , Whether each knowledge point in the project has mastered the level of application , Whether the process and quality of the project have been further optimized 、 Space for ascension , How to do better in the future .

A. review

What is the goal or intention of the initial project ?
What is the pre-determined plan ?
What does the preselection envisage to happen ?
The actual situation of the project is different from the expected ?
B. inductive

Set several dimensions to divide the whole project , Whether specific businesses can be sorted out by category ?
Whether the effect of each technical solution and business scenario are specific and universal ?
What data indicators can be used to evaluate the effect of technical scheme ?
What needs to be improved and paid attention to ?
What's good about it ?
C. summary

What has been learned throughout the project ?
How to keep a good place ?
How to improve what is not done well ?
Analyze what you can do ?
The resumption of the project can not only let you learn again , Do better service for future projects , When you update your resume, you won't worry about what to write or no highlights .

6、 Take the initiative to share

The expression of sharing is diverse , It can be in the form of documents , It can be a meeting , In any way , Take the initiative to share 、 Active participation and sharing is also a very important part in the whole process of growth , This ability is lacking in many people . For documents , Prefer writing to express , For meetings , It tends to be expressed in language , No matter what kind of expression ability , Are expressing your intention and content to your audience , The stronger the expression ability , The more complete and clear the audience can understand the content expressed , Feel the authenticity of the content and your opinion .

Good writers , A paragraph of words can take you far away .

Good director , A video can give you an immersive feeling .

They are all expressing , And sharing is a way to exercise your expression ability . As you prepare to share , You will demonstrate and confirm what you share , This makes you more rigorous . Sharing content also needs to be summarized and classified , Step by step , This makes you think more clearly and logically . When sharing, you also need to mobilize the audience's emotions or make them infected by you , Support your idea , This gives you more control of the scene , More Aura . Sharing exercises more than expression , A successful sharing is the performance of the combination of many excellent abilities .

therefore , Whether it's a technical article or a document , It is also an internal technology sharing , As long as it's a share , Just take the initiative to participate , After sharing many times , You will see that you are different from before .

7、 Take the initiative to plan your career

Some people in this world are motivated by interest , Chose their own career and development path , This is very lucky and beautiful , Because interest can give you positive feedback , But a large number of people don't and can't give priority to their interests , Because there is no such opportunity or resource support , Only passive choice , It's like some developers who switch to the Internet , In fact, they didn't like their previous career , Turning to the Internet industry is only because of high salary . But the high salary is only temporary compared with before , If you don't take the initiative to plan your career , Then there will be a bottleneck in a period of time , All kinds of confusion and anxiety will follow , There may be another career change . You can't choose your own development path according to your interest , This is not the worst , The key is to think actively , Plan your career , This will make the road clearer , The curve of self-development will meet the expectations as much as possible .


according to TIOBE The latest ranking ,Python Beyond C#, And Java,C,C++ Before becoming global 5 Pandemic programing language One of . From the cloud 、 client , To IOT terminal ,python Applications everywhere . From the domestic Baidu 、 Ali 、 tencent 、 NetEase 、 Sina , douban , Google abroad 、NASA、YouTube、Facebook, Use Python The demand of enterprises is gradually rising , Companies are using it on a large scale Python Complete all kinds of tasks .

Now is learning Python The best time !

That's how I came here , Let's learn first , When you encounter a problem, you are solving it , It's better than daydreaming here . One step at a time , Make steady progress in a down-to-earth manner . I don't believe in learning . If you are ready to learn Python Or learning , You should be able to use the following :

① Python Learning roadmap in all directions , Know what to learn in all directions

② 100 Multisection Python Course video , Covering the essential basics 、 Reptiles and data analysis

③ 100 Multiple Python Practical cases , Learning is no longer just theory

④ Huawei produces exclusive Python Comic book tutorial , Mobile phones can also learn

⑤ Internet companies over the years Python The real question of the interview , It's very convenient to review

This complete version of Python A full set of learning materials has been uploaded CSDN, Friends can scan the bottom of wechat if necessary CSDN The official two-dimensional code is free 【 Guarantee 100% free 】
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