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STM32 encapsulates the one key configuration function of esp8266: realize the switching between AP mode and sta mode, and the creation of server and client

2022-07-07 04:54:00 Hua Weiyun

One 、 Introduction to hardware environment

1. ESP8266 : Using the module of anxinco , Model is ESP12F

2. STM32 : use STM32F103C8T6

3. Programming software : use Keil5

ESP8266 Download address of relevant software used in programming and debugging :

Two 、ESP8266 Debugging and operation effect of communication

The following pictures show ESP8266 configure AP+TCP Server mode , Computer connection ESP8266 After the hot spot , Data communication . The effect of communication is , Click the Internet of things control system software on the computer , Realize the control of LED Lights and buzzers , Photosensitive data detected on the development board 、 Temperature data 、RC522 The card swiping data is transmitted to the computer software for display .---- LAN communication

3、 ... and 、 Introduction to hardware wiring and code technology

Hardware connection : The core code will be posted below , On the current development board ,ESP8266 Connect to STM32F103C8T6 Serial port 3 On .

The code is divided into the following parts :

(1) STM32 The serial port receiving in the program adopts timer + Receive data in the form of receive interrupt , In this way, you can receive indefinite length data , Convenient next with ESP8266 communicate .

(2). ESP8266 Driver code : The code implements STA+TCP One click configuration function of the client ,AP+TCP One click configuration function of the server , You want to configure ESP8266 Just call the corresponding function to pass in parameters .

Four 、 The core code part

4.1 ESP8266.c Code

#include "esp8266.h"u8 ESP8266_IP_ADDR[16]; // ESP8266_MAC_ADDR[18]; // Hardware address /* The functionality : ESP8266 Command sending function return value :0 It means success  1 It means failure */u8 ESP8266_SendCmd(char *cmd){    u8 i,j;    for(i=0;i<10;i++) // Number of tests -- Number of times the command was sent     {        USARTx_StringSend(USART3,cmd);        for(j=0;j<100;j++) // Waiting time         {            delay_ms(50);            if(USART3_RX_FLAG)            {                USART3_RX_BUFFER[USART3_RX_CNT]='\0';                USART3_RX_FLAG=0;                USART3_RX_CNT=0;                if(strstr((char*)USART3_RX_BUFFER,"OK"))                {                    return 0;                }            }        }    }    return 1;}/* The functionality : ESP8266 Return value of hardware initialization detection function :0 It means success  1 It means failure */u8 ESP8266_Init(void){    // Exit through mode     USARTx_StringSend(USART3,"+++");    delay_ms(50);    return ESP8266_SendCmd("AT\r\n");}/* The functionality :  One click configuration WIFI by AP+TCP Server mode function parameters :char *ssid  Created hotspot name char *pass  Create a new hotspot password  ( least 8 position )u16 port  The created server port number function returns the value : 0 It means success   Other values represent the corresponding error value */u8 ESP8266_AP_TCP_Server_Mode(char *ssid,char *pass,u16 port){    char *p;    u8 i;    char ESP8266_SendCMD[100]; // Combine commands in the sending process     /*1.  Test the hardware */    if(ESP8266_SendCmd("AT\r\n"))return 1;    /*2.  Close back display */    if(ESP8266_SendCmd("ATE0\r\n"))return 2;    /*3.  Set up WIFI Pattern */    if(ESP8266_SendCmd("AT+CWMODE=2\r\n"))return 3;    /*4.  Reset */    ESP8266_SendCmd("AT+RST\r\n");    delay_ms(1000);    delay_ms(1000);    delay_ms(1000);    /*5.  Close back display */    if(ESP8266_SendCmd("ATE0\r\n"))return 5;    /*6.  Set up WIFI Of AP Mode parameters */    sprintf(ESP8266_SendCMD,"AT+CWSAP=\"%s\",\"%s\",1,4\r\n",ssid,pass);    if(ESP8266_SendCmd(ESP8266_SendCMD))return 6;    /*7.  Open multiple connections */    if(ESP8266_SendCmd("AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n"))return 7;    /*8.  Set the server port number */    sprintf(ESP8266_SendCMD,"AT+CIPSERVER=1,%d\r\n",port);    if(ESP8266_SendCmd(ESP8266_SendCMD))return 8;    /*9.  Query local IP Address */    if(ESP8266_SendCmd("AT+CIFSR\r\n"))return 9;    // extract IP Address     p=strstr((char*)USART3_RX_BUFFER,"APIP");    if(p)    {        p+=6;        for(i=0;*p!='"';i++)        {            ESP8266_IP_ADDR[i]=*p++;        }        ESP8266_IP_ADDR[i]='\0';    }    // extract MAC Address     p=strstr((char*)USART3_RX_BUFFER,"APMAC");    if(p)    {        p+=7;        for(i=0;*p!='"';i++)        {            ESP8266_MAC_ADDR[i]=*p++;        }        ESP8266_MAC_ADDR[i]='\0';    }        // Print general information     USART1_Printf(" At present WIFI Pattern :AP+TCP The server \n");    USART1_Printf(" At present WIFI Hot spot name :%s\n",ssid);    USART1_Printf(" At present WIFI Hot code :%s\n",pass);    USART1_Printf(" At present TCP Server port number :%d\n",port);    USART1_Printf(" At present TCP The server IP Address :%s\n",ESP8266_IP_ADDR);    USART1_Printf(" At present TCP The server MAC Address :%s\n",ESP8266_MAC_ADDR);    return 0;}/* The functionality : TCP The sending function in server mode sends instructions : */u8 ESP8266_ServerSendData(u8 id,u8 *data,u16 len){    u8 i,j,n;    char ESP8266_SendCMD[100]; // Combine commands in the sending process     for(i=0;i<10;i++)    {        sprintf(ESP8266_SendCMD,"AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n",id,len);        USARTx_StringSend(USART3,ESP8266_SendCMD);        for(j=0;j<10;j++)        {            delay_ms(50);            if(USART3_RX_FLAG)            {                USART3_RX_BUFFER[USART3_RX_CNT]='\0';                USART3_RX_FLAG=0;                USART3_RX_CNT=0;                if(strstr((char*)USART3_RX_BUFFER,">"))                {                    // Continue sending data                     USARTx_DataSend(USART3,data,len);                    // Wait for the data to be sent successfully                     for(n=0;n<200;n++)                    {                        delay_ms(50);                        if(USART3_RX_FLAG)                        {                            USART3_RX_BUFFER[USART3_RX_CNT]='\0';                            USART3_RX_FLAG=0;                            USART3_RX_CNT=0;                            if(strstr((char*)USART3_RX_BUFFER,"SEND OK"))                            {                                return 0;                            }                         }                                }                   }            }        }    }    return 1;}/* The functionality :  To configure WIFI by STA Pattern +TCP Client mode function parameters :char *ssid  Created hotspot name char *pass  Create a new hotspot password  ( least 8 position )char *p  The server to which you will connect IP Address u16 port  The port number of the server to be connected u8 flag 1 Indicates that transparent transmission mode is enabled  0 Indicates the return value of the function that turns off the transparent mode :0 It means success   Other values indicate the corresponding error */u8 ESP8266_STA_TCP_Client_Mode(char *ssid,char *pass,char *ip,u16 port,u8 flag){    char ESP8266_SendCMD[100]; // Combine commands in the sending process     // Exit through mode     //USARTx_StringSend(USART3,"+++");    //delay_ms(50);    /*1.  Test the hardware */    if(ESP8266_SendCmd("AT\r\n"))return 1;    /*2.  Close back display */    if(ESP8266_SendCmd("ATE0\r\n"))return 2;    /*3.  Set up WIFI Pattern */    if(ESP8266_SendCmd("AT+CWMODE=1\r\n"))return 3;    /*4.  Reset */    ESP8266_SendCmd("AT+RST\r\n");    delay_ms(1000);    delay_ms(1000);    delay_ms(1000);    /*5.  Close back display */    if(ESP8266_SendCmd("ATE0\r\n"))return 5;    /*6.  Configure the to be connected WIFI hot spot information */    sprintf(ESP8266_SendCMD,"AT+CWJAP=\"%s\",\"%s\"\r\n",ssid,pass);    if(ESP8266_SendCmd(ESP8266_SendCMD))return 6;    /*7.  Set up a single connection */    if(ESP8266_SendCmd("AT+CIPMUX=0\r\n"))return 7;    /*8.  Configure the to connect TCP server information */    sprintf(ESP8266_SendCMD,"AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\"%s\",%d\r\n",ip,port);    if(ESP8266_SendCmd(ESP8266_SendCMD))return 8;    /*9.  Turn on transmission mode */    if(flag)    {       if(ESP8266_SendCmd("AT+CIPMODE=1\r\n"))return 9; // Turn on        if(ESP8266_SendCmd("AT+CIPSEND\r\n"))return 10;  // Start penetrating        if(!(strstr((char*)USART3_RX_BUFFER,">")))       {            return 11;       }        // If you want to quit sending : "+++"    }         // Print general information     USART1_Printf(" At present WIFI Pattern :STA+TCP client \n");    USART1_Printf(" Currently connected WIFI Hot spot name :%s\n",ssid);    USART1_Printf(" Currently connected WIFI Hot code :%s\n",pass);    USART1_Printf(" Currently connected TCP Server port number :%d\n",port);    USART1_Printf(" Currently connected TCP The server IP Address :%s\n",ip);    return 0;}/* The functionality : TCP The sending function in client mode sends instructions : */u8 ESP8266_ClientSendData(u8 *data,u16 len){    u8 i,j,n;    char ESP8266_SendCMD[100]; // Combine commands in the sending process     for(i=0;i<10;i++)    {        sprintf(ESP8266_SendCMD,"AT+CIPSEND=%d\r\n",len);        USARTx_StringSend(USART3,ESP8266_SendCMD);        for(j=0;j<10;j++)        {            delay_ms(50);            if(USART3_RX_FLAG)            {                USART3_RX_BUFFER[USART3_RX_CNT]='\0';                USART3_RX_FLAG=0;                USART3_RX_CNT=0;                if(strstr((char*)USART3_RX_BUFFER,">"))                {                    // Continue sending data                     USARTx_DataSend(USART3,data,len);                    // Wait for the data to be sent successfully                     for(n=0;n<200;n++)                    {                        delay_ms(50);                        if(USART3_RX_FLAG)                        {                            USART3_RX_BUFFER[USART3_RX_CNT]='\0';                            USART3_RX_FLAG=0;                            USART3_RX_CNT=0;                            if(strstr((char*)USART3_RX_BUFFER,"SEND OK"))                            {                                return 0;                            }                         }                                }                   }            }        }    }    return 1;}

4.2 ESP8266.h

#ifndef _ESP8266_H#define _ESP8266_H#include "stm32f10x.h"#include "usart.h"#include "delay.h"// Function declaration u8 ESP8266_Init(void);u8 ESP8266_SendCmd(char *cmd);u8 ESP8266_AP_TCP_Server_Mode(char *ssid,char *pass,u16 port);u8 ESP8266_ServerSendData(u8 id,u8 *data,u16 len);u8 ESP8266_STA_TCP_Client_Mode(char *ssid,char *pass,char *ip,u16 port,u8 flag);u8 ESP8266_ClientSendData(u8 *data,u16 len);#endif

4.3 Serial port part code

/* The functionality :  A serial port 1 Initialize hardware connection : PA9(TX)  and  PA10(RX)*/void USART1_Init(u32 baud){    /*1.  Turn on the clock */    RCC->APB2ENR|=1<<14; //USART1 The clock     RCC->APB2ENR|=1<<2;  //PA    RCC->APB2RSTR|=1<<14; // Turn on the reset clock     RCC->APB2RSTR&=~(1<<14);// Stop reset     /*2.  To configure GPIO The mode of mouth */    GPIOA->CRH&=0xFFFFF00F;    GPIOA->CRH|=0x000008B0;    /*3.  Configure baud rate */    USART1->BRR=72000000/baud;    /*4.  Configure core registers */    USART1->CR1|=1<<5; // Turn on receive interrupt     STM32_SetPriority(USART1_IRQn,1,1); // Set interrupt priority     USART1->CR1|=1<<2; // Turn on receiving     USART1->CR1|=1<<3; // Start sending     USART1->CR1|=1<<13;// Turn on the serial port function }/* The functionality :  A serial port 3 Initialize hardware connection : PB10(TX)  and  PB11(RX)*/void USART3_Init(u32 baud){    /*1.  Turn on the clock */    RCC->APB1ENR|=1<<18; //USART3 The clock     RCC->APB2ENR|=1<<3;  //PB    RCC->APB1RSTR|=1<<18; // Turn on the reset clock     RCC->APB1RSTR&=~(1<<18);// Stop reset         /*2.  To configure GPIO The mode of mouth */    GPIOB->CRH&=0xFFFF00FF;    GPIOB->CRH|=0x00008B00;    /*3.  Configure baud rate */    USART3->BRR=36000000/baud;    /*4.  Configure core registers */    USART3->CR1|=1<<5; // Turn on receive interrupt     STM32_SetPriority(USART3_IRQn,1,1); // Set interrupt priority     USART3->CR1|=1<<2; // Turn on receiving     USART3->CR1|=1<<3; // Start sending     USART3->CR1|=1<<13;// Turn on the serial port function }u8 USART3_RX_BUFFER[USART3_RX_LENGTH]; // Save buffer for receiving data u32 USART3_RX_CNT=0;  // The currently received data length u8 USART3_RX_FLAG=0; //1 Indicates that the data is received  0 It means that the reception is not completed // A serial port 3 The interrupt service function of void USART3_IRQHandler(void){    u8 data;    // Receive interrupt     if(USART3->SR&1<<5)    {        TIM3->CNT=0; // Clear the counter         TIM3->CR1|=1<<0; // Turn on timer 3        data=USART3->DR; // Read serial data       // if(USART3_RX_FLAG==0) // Judge whether the last data has been processed         {            // Determine whether you can continue to receive             if(USART3_RX_CNT<USART3_RX_LENGTH)            {               USART3_RX_BUFFER[USART3_RX_CNT++]=data;            }            else  // Can't receive , Out of storage , Force indicates that the reception is complete             {                USART3_RX_FLAG=1;            }        }     }}/* The functionality :  String send */void USARTx_StringSend(USART_TypeDef *USARTx,char *str){   while(*str!='\0')   {       USARTx->DR=*str++;       while(!(USARTx->SR&1<<7)){}   }}/* The functionality :  Data sending */void USARTx_DataSend(USART_TypeDef *USARTx,u8 *data,u32 len){   u32 i;   for(i=0;i<len;i++)   {       USARTx->DR=*data++;       while(!(USARTx->SR&1<<7)){}   }}/* The functionality :  Format print function */char USART1_PRINTF_BUFF[1024];void USART1_Printf(char *fmt,...){   va_list ap;   /*1.  Initialize the formal parameter list */   va_start(ap,fmt);   /*2.  Extract deformable parameter data */    vsprintf(USART1_PRINTF_BUFF,fmt,ap);   /*3.  end , Release space */    va_end(ap);   /*4.  Output data to serial port 1*/   USARTx_StringSend(USART1,USART1_PRINTF_BUFF);      //USART1_Printf("%d%s",123,454656);    //int data=va_arg(ap,int);}

4.4 Timer part code

/* The functionality :  Configure timer 3 Function parameter : psc  Preassigned frequency counter  arr Reload value */void TIMER3_Init(u16 psc,u16 arr){   /*1.  Turn on the clock */   RCC->APB1ENR|=1<<1; // Turn on timer 3 The clock of    RCC->APB1RSTR|=1<<1;// Turn on timer 3 Reset the clock    RCC->APB1RSTR&=~(1<<1);// off timer 3 Reset the clock    /*2.  Configure core registers */   TIM3->PSC=psc-1;   TIM3->ARR=arr;   TIM3->DIER|=1<<0; // Turn on update interrupt    STM32_SetPriority(TIM3_IRQn,1,1); // Set interrupt priority   // TIM3->CR1|=1<<0; // Turn on timer 3}/* The functionality :  Timer 3 Interrupt service function */void TIM3_IRQHandler(void){    if(TIM3->SR&1<<0)    {      TIM3->SR&=~(1<<0);      USART3_RX_FLAG=1; // Indicates that the reception is complete       TIM3->CR1&=~(1<<0); // off timer 3    }}

4.5 Main function call part (STA+TCP client ) Example

int main(){   u8 key,cnt=0;   LED_Init();   BEEP_Init();   KEY_Init();   USART1_Init(115200);   USART3_Init(115200);// A serial port -WIFI   TIMER3_Init(72,20000); // Timeout time 20ms   USART1_Printf(" Initializing WIFI One moment please .\n");   if(ESP8266_Init())   {      USART1_Printf("ESP8266 Hardware detection error .\n");     }   else   {      USART1_Printf("WIFI:%d\n",ESP8266_STA_TCP_Client_Mode("ChinaNet-wbyw","12345678","",8088,1));   }      while(1)   {            if(USART3_RX_FLAG)        {          USART3_RX_BUFFER[USART3_RX_CNT]='\0';          USART1_Printf("%s",USART3_RX_BUFFER);          USART3_RX_CNT=0;          USART3_RX_FLAG=0;        }                key=KEY_Scan(0);        if(key==2)        {            USARTx_StringSend(USART3,"AT+GMR\r\n");  // View version information         }        else if(key==3)        {            USARTx_StringSend(USART3,"12345ABCD");          }        else if(key==4) // Exit through mode         {            USARTx_StringSend(USART3,"+++");        }        else if(key==5) // send out AT        {            USARTx_StringSend(USART3,"AT+CIPSTATUS\r\n");  // View status information         }   }}

4.6 Main function call part (AP+TCP The server ) Example

int main(){   u8 key;   LED_Init();   BEEP_Init();   KEY_Init();   USART1_Init(115200);   USART3_Init(115200);// A serial port -WIFI   TIMER3_Init(72,20000); // Timeout time 20ms    USART1_Printf(" Initializing WIFI One moment please .\n");   // initialization WIFI Hardware    if(ESP8266_Init())USART1_Printf("WIFI Hardware error .\n");   else   {      // To configure WIFI The pattern of       USART1_Printf("WIFI Configuration status :%d\n",ESP8266_AP_TCP_Server_Mode("esp8266_666","12345678",8088));   }   while(1)   {            if(USART3_RX_FLAG)        {          USART3_RX_BUFFER[USART3_RX_CNT]='\0';          USART1_Printf("%s",USART3_RX_BUFFER);          USART3_RX_CNT=0;          USART3_RX_FLAG=0;        }                key=KEY_Scan(0);        if(key==2)        {           ESP8266_ServerSendData(0,(u8*)"1234567890",10);         }        else if(key==3)        {           ESP8266_ServerSendData(0,(u8*)"abcd",4);         }   }}

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