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Kivy tutorial of setting the size and background of the form (tutorial includes source code)

2022-07-07 04:29:00 Knowledge fatness

Running effect

kivy Tutorial of setting form size and background

Window size

Usually, the application that adjusts the properties of the desktop is the window size . The following changes have absolutely no impact on mobile devices .

It also allows users to display , By our default . To allocate the initial window size , Please insert the next code snippet directly above the read line from kivy.core.window import Window.Window It is important to apply these settings before importing objects ; otherwise , They will have no effect :

from kivy.config import Config

Config.set('graphics', 'width', '960')
Config.set('graphics', 'height', '540')  # 16:9

Besides , You may want to disable window resizing by adding this line :

Config.set('graphics', 'resizable', '0')

Please, unless you have a good reason , Otherwise don't do this , Because it is usually a bad idea to keep these trivial custom settings away from users , And it is easy to destroy the overall user experience . It's tempting to build pixel perfect applications at one resolution , But many of your customers ( Especially mobile users ) Not happy . On the other hand ,Kivy Layout makes it acceptable to build an extensible interface .

Project completion source code

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.base 

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