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Intel David tuhy: the reason for the success of Intel aoten Technology

2022-07-07 04:28:00 Intel edge computing community

2022 Distributed storage online Summit , Vice president of Intel data center and Artificial Intelligence Division , General manager of Intel aoteng business department David Tuhy Express ,“75% Top public cloud and private cloud service providers are using aoten , Intel aoteng persistent memory has 1000 End user success stories , Intel aoteng solid state disk also has more than 600 End user success stories .”

Intel aoteng technology has made such achievements in just a few years since it was introduced to the market , It can be seen that it is very successful , This article will combine David Tuhy Introduction to , Take you to understand the reasons for the success of Intel aoteng Technology .

Storage bottlenecks , Hindering the release of data value

Ordinary people are interested in IDC said ,2025 The annual data will reach 175 individual ZB There may be no intuitive feeling , But I can feel that the capacity of smart phones is indeed doubling , Many people still feel that they are not enough , It reflects the fact that the data is growing faster and faster .

The difference is , The data in personal intelligent devices are mostly recorded , And the data stored by the organization , Not only to face a higher growth rate , Also consider mining value from data , If the organization cannot unlock the value of data , Then you will face the risk of falling behind .

Rapidly growing data , It brings great challenges to the data infrastructure , Including cost and management considerations , therefore , To tap value from it requires many improvements at the technical level .

stay 2022 Distributed storage online Summit , Vice president of data center and Artificial Intelligence Division , General manager of Intel aoteng business department David Tuhy Talking about the challenges brought by the demand of data for memory , It also introduces various advantages of Intel aoteng technology in dealing with challenges .

From his introduction, we can see , Although Moore's law still works , Computing performance is also improving , But the growth rate of data brings more problems , The bottleneck problem of data storage is becoming more and more obvious .

When DRAM After the growth rate of density slows down , Users have to endure , Only a small amount of data can appear near CPU The location of , Most data cannot be in the state of hot data , A lot of data can't be used effectively , Lead to the obstruction of data value mining .

Intel aoteng technology and CXL A technological revolution is under way

Intel aoteng technology adds a new storage layer between the hot data layer and the cold data layer , Intel aoteng persistent memory complements the problems of insufficient memory capacity and high cost , This improves the capacity of the thermal data layer , The aoteng solid-state disk provides better performance than ordinary NAND SSD Higher performance persistent storage .

The emergence of Intel aoteng Technology , Make the transition from hot data to cold data smoother , The bottleneck problem of data storage has been broken through , The efficiency of data value mining has been improved , It is a rare change in the field of infrastructure in recent years , This change has triggered a series of technological innovations .

We see , New technological trends are also preparing for this change .

New bus under development Compute Express Link( abbreviation CXL) Support in PCI Express Add memory on the bus ,CXL Can be used to support memory tiering , It can not only better manage costs , and , Can follow CPU And data growth provide more memory capacity for each server .

David Tuhy Express ,CXL It will be the first time in history that PCIe Implement the memory protocol on the bus 、 Memory semantics (Memory semantics) And memory cache consistency (Cache Coherence), The introduction of memory layering and storage layering on the new bus will bring a lot of innovation . Intel is also actively supporting CXL standard , Committed to pass CXL The protocol provides memory layering and memory expansion .

In the final analysis, the emergence of memory tiering and storage tiering technology is to adapt to the changing workload , Because it brings better access 、 Spatial locality and performance , Many giants value these capabilities .

We can see that , Include Oracle、SAP as well as VMware And many other giants are implementing memory layering and persistent memory technology solutions . With VMware Of Project Capitola For example ,VMware Support for application access, including DRAM、NVMe A variety of memory and storage resources such as flash memory and Intel aoteng persistent memory .

Memory tiering and storage tiering technology can improve the return on investment of infrastructure . With the traditional DRAM Memory compared to , Intel aoteng technology has a long-lasting internal existence and has obvious advantages in cost , Larger capacity , The more obvious the cost advantage . Intel aoteng solid state disk is matched QLC NAND After the storage system is built , Achieve a new balance between storage performance and cost .

The value of memory tiering and storage tiering technology is very obvious ,David Tuhy Express , More and more enterprises have announced and are building software solutions using Intel aoteng Technology , Intel will also launch products specifically for CXL Solutions for , To take advantage of memory layering technology .

Intel aoteng technology releases brilliant value

Many leading cloud service providers have enjoyed the value of innovative technology solutions .

Baidu is a large Internet company , It is also a large global public cloud service provider , Baidu uses the persistence of aoteng persistent memory to build an ultra-high performance storage system —— Baidu user mode stand-alone storage engine .

In Baidu user mode stand-alone storage engine , Divided into upper scheduling layer , The lower back-end storage layer and the middle cache layer .

among , The cache layer uses Intel aoteng persistent memory (PMEM) Storage medium as cache layer , Store metadata 、 Caching and indexing . meanwhile , Open source storage is used in the back-end storage layer PMDK( Persistent memory development kit ) and SPDK( Storage performance development suite ), After optimizing the storage system architecture , Give full play to the performance advantages of storage media .

Baidu user mode stand-alone storage engine uses Intel aoteng persistent memory to process very frequent data in storage workload access , First put these metadata 、 Cache and index data into persistent memory , At the right time , It is transferred to a lower cost solid-state disk at a very fast speed , Optimize with other technologies , Finally, the effect of improvement is very obvious .

It can be seen from the test data , The read and write performance of the new stand-alone engine has been improved 10-30 times , Compared with the original pure solid state disk scheme , The performance of single node has been greatly improved , and , While improving performance , Control the total cost of ownership .

Alibaba cloud is the largest public cloud service provider in China , Alicloud cloud cloud server ECS Local disk storage instance D3C Used aoteng P5800X Solid state disk and QLC NAND Combination scheme of , Both use QLC NAND High density 、 Low cost advantage , It also takes advantage of the performance and durability advantages of Intel aoteng solid state disk .

Besides , Intel has also built a cloud storage conversion layer with Alibaba cloud (CSAL) Solution , This is a media aware cloud scale open source software for writing intensive storage , The software layer uses Intel aoteng solid state disk to solve QLC There are some problems .

Storage instance D3C Finally, the performance is greatly improved at a lower cost , It is mainly applicable to big data analysis 、 Common workloads such as machine learning , It provides Alibaba cloud users with another high-capacity and high-performance cloud storage service .

The applications of Baidu and Alibaba are typical , They are all cloud service providers (CSP) Practice in New Technology , Actually , Intel aoteng's technology ecosystem is far from just a few common cloud service providers , from David Tuhy I learned from the introduction of ,2022 year , Intel aoteng technology ecosystem is growing .

On the left is OEM And the number of system integrators , Many well-known server and storage hardware manufacturers , In the middle are cloud service providers and communication service providers , There are many well-known cloud service providers , On the right is the software Ecology , There are many well-known software service providers , In the overall Ecology , Many are from China .

The success of Intel aoteng Technology , When water flows, a channel is formed

David Tuhy Express , Although Intel aoteng persistent memory was first used in 2019 Issued in , Less than 3 Year time , Has won 75% Top public and private cloud service providers , More and more end users are also actively adopting Intel aoteng Technology , Intel aoteng persistent memory has won about 1000 End user success stories , Intel aoteng solid state disk products have also won more than 600 End user success stories .

The reason why we can achieve so much , The reason behind it is also very simple , Is to help technical solutions reduce costs and increase efficiency .

David Tuhy Express , Intel aoteng technology can help technology service providers reduce the cost of memory and storage infrastructure , It can provide system resource utilization , Improve the performance of each node . For the end user , It means achieving results faster , Get to know customers faster , Flexible use of AI and machine learning capabilities to gain business advantage , This is the reason for aoteng's success .


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