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Use br to back up tidb cluster to GCS

2022-07-07 04:02:00 Tianxiang shop

This article describes how to run on Kubernetes Upper TiDB The cluster data is backed up to  Google Cloud Storage (GCS)  On .

The backup method used in this article is based on TiDB Operator Of Custom Resource Definition (CRD) Realization , Bottom use  BR  Get cluster data , Then upload the data to the remote end GCS.BR Its full name is Backup & Restore, yes TiDB Command line tools for distributed backup and recovery , Used to deal with TiDB Cluster for data backup and recovery .

Use scenarios

If you have the following requirements for data backup , Consider using BR take TiDB Cluster data in  Ad-hoc Backup or Scheduled full backup Backup to GCS On :

  • The amount of data that needs to be backed up is large ( Greater than 1 TB), And it requires faster backup
  • Need to backup data directly SST file ( Key value pair )

If there are other backup requirements , Please refer to Introduction to backup and recovery Choose the right backup method .

Be careful

  • BR Only support TiDB v3.1 And above .
  • Use BR The data backed up can only be restored to TiDB In the database , Cannot recover to other databases .

Ad-hoc Backup

Ad-hoc Backup supports full backup and incremental backup .

To carry out Ad-hoc Backup , You need to create a custom  Backup custom resource (CR) Object to describe this backup . Create good  Backup  After the object ,TiDB Operator Automatically complete the specific backup process according to this object . If an error occurs during the backup , The program will not automatically retry , At this time, it needs to be handled manually .

This document assumes that the deployment is in Kubernetes test1  This namespace Medium TiDB colony  demo1  Data backup . The following is the specific operation process .

The first 1 Step : Get ready Ad-hoc Backup environment

  1. Download the file  backup-rbac.yaml, And execute the following command in  test1  This namespace To create a backup RBAC Related resources :

    kubectl apply -f backup-rbac.yaml -n test1

  2. Grant remote storage access .

    Reference resources  GCS Account Authorization , Authorized access GCS Remote storage .

  3. If you use it TiDB Version below v4.0.8, You also need to complete the following steps . If you use it TiDB by v4.0.8 And above , Please skip these steps .

    1. Make sure you have a backup database  mysql.tidb  Tabular  SELECT  and  UPDATE  jurisdiction , Used to adjust before and after backup GC Time .

    2. establish  backup-demo1-tidb-secret secret For storing access TiDB Clustered root Account and key .

      kubectl create secret generic backup-demo1-tidb-secret --from-literal=password=<password> --namespace=test1

The first 2 Step : Backup data to GCS

  1. establish  Backup CR, Back up the data to GCS:

    kubectl apply -f backup-gcs.yaml

    backup-gcs.yaml  The contents of the document are as follows :

    --- apiVersion: pingcap.com/v1alpha1 kind: Backup metadata: name: demo1-backup-gcs namespace: test1 spec: # backupType: full # Only needed for TiDB Operator < v1.1.10 or TiDB < v4.0.8 from: host: ${tidb-host} port: ${tidb-port} user: ${tidb-user} secretName: backup-demo1-tidb-secret br: cluster: demo1 clusterNamespace: test1 # logLevel: info # statusAddr: ${status-addr} # concurrency: 4 # rateLimit: 0 # checksum: true # sendCredToTikv: true # options: # - --lastbackupts=420134118382108673 gcs: projectId: ${project_id} secretName: gcs-secret bucket: ${bucket} prefix: ${prefix} # location: us-east1 # storageClass: STANDARD_IA # objectAcl: private

    In the configuration  backup-gcs.yaml  When you file , Please refer to the following information :

    • since v1.1.6 Since version , If you need incremental backup , Only need  spec.br.options  Specifies the last backup timestamp  --lastbackupts  that will do . Restrictions on incremental backups , May refer to Use BR Back up and restore .
    • .spec.br  Some parameters in are optional , for example  logLevelstatusAddr  etc. . complete  .spec.br  Detailed explanation of fields , Please refer to  BR Field is introduced .
    • spec.gcs  Some parameters in are optional , Such as  locationobjectAclstorageClass.GCS Storage related configuration reference  GCS Storage field introduction .
    • If you use it TiDB by v4.0.8 And above , BR Will automatically adjust  tikv_gc_life_time  Parameters , No configuration required  spec.tikvGCLifeTime  and  spec.from  Field .
    • more  Backup CR Detailed explanation of fields , Please refer to  Backup CR Field is introduced .
  2. Create good  Backup CR after ,TiDB Operator Will be based on  Backup CR Automatically start backup . You can check the backup status through the following command :

    kubectl get bk -n test1 -owide

Backup example

Back up all cluster data

Backing up data from a single database

Back up the data of a single table

Use the table library filtering function to back up the data of multiple tables

Scheduled full backup

Users set backup policies to TiDB The cluster performs scheduled backup , At the same time, set the retention policy of backup to avoid too many backups . Scheduled full backup through customized  BackupSchedule CR Object to describe . A full backup will be triggered every time the backup time point , The bottom layer of scheduled full backup passes Ad-hoc Full backup . The following are the specific steps to create a scheduled full backup :

The first 1 Step : Regular full backup environment preparation

Same as  Ad-hoc Full backup environment preparation .

The first 2 Step : Regularly back up data to GCS

  1. establish  BackupSchedule CR, Turn on TiDB Scheduled full backup of the cluster , Back up the data to GCS:

    kubectl apply -f backup-schedule-gcs.yaml

    backup-schedule-gcs.yaml  The contents of the document are as follows :

    --- apiVersion: pingcap.com/v1alpha1 kind: BackupSchedule metadata: name: demo1-backup-schedule-gcs namespace: test1 spec: #maxBackups: 5 #pause: true maxReservedTime: "3h" schedule: "*/2 * * * *" backupTemplate: # Only needed for TiDB Operator < v1.1.10 or TiDB < v4.0.8 from: host: ${tidb_host} port: ${tidb_port} user: ${tidb_user} secretName: backup-demo1-tidb-secret br: cluster: demo1 clusterNamespace: test1 # logLevel: info # statusAddr: ${status-addr} # concurrency: 4 # rateLimit: 0 # checksum: true # sendCredToTikv: true gcs: secretName: gcs-secret projectId: ${project_id} bucket: ${bucket} prefix: ${prefix} # location: us-east1 # storageClass: STANDARD_IA # objectAcl: private

    From above  backup-schedule-gcs.yaml  The file configuration example shows ,backupSchedule  The configuration of consists of two parts . Part of it is  backupSchedule  Unique configuration , The other part is  backupTemplate.

  2. After the scheduled full backup is created , Check the status of the backup through the following command :

    kubectl get bks -n test1 -owide

    Check all the backup pieces below the scheduled full backup :

    kubectl get bk -l tidb.pingcap.com/backup-schedule=demo1-backup-schedule-gcs -n test1


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