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When knative meets webassembly

2022-07-07 04:58:00 InfoQ

author : Yili

Knative  Is in  Kubernetes  Based on  Serverless  The technical framework of Computing , Can greatly simplify  Kubernetes  Application development and operation and maintenance experience . stay  2022  year  3  Month be  CNCF  Incubation projects .Knative  It consists of two main parts : One is to support  HTTP  Online applied  Knative Serving, One is to support  CloudEvents  And event driven applications  Knative Eventing.

Knative  It can support various containerized runtime environments , Let's explore the use of  WebAssembly  Technology as a new  Serverless  Runtime .


WebAssembly( abbreviation  WASM) It's an emerging  W3C  standard . It is a virtual instruction set architecture (virtual ISA), Its initial goal is to  C/C++ A program written in a language , It can run safely and efficiently in the browser . stay  2019  year  12  month ,W3C  Officially announce  WebAssembly  The core specification of becomes Web standard ,  Greatly advanced  WASM  Technology popularization . today ,WebAssembly  I've got  Google Chrome、Microsoft Edge、Apple Safari、Mozilla Firefox  Full support of streaming browser . And more importantly ,WebAssembly  As a safe 、 portable 、 Efficient virtual machine sandbox , It can be anywhere 、 Any operating system , whatever  CPU  Run applications safely in the architecture .

Mozilla  stay  2019  It was proposed that  WebAssembly System Interface(WASI), It offers something like  POSIX  Such a standard  API  To standardize  WebAssembly  Application and file system , Interaction of system resources such as memory management .WASI  The emergence of has greatly expanded  WASM  Application scenarios of , It can be used as a virtual machine to run various types of server applications . For further promotion  WebAssembly  Ecological development ,Mozilla、Fastly、 Intel and red hat have formed a bytecode alliance (Bytecode Alliance), Co lead  WASI  standard 、WebAssembly  Runtime 、 Tools, etc . Subsequent Microsoft , Google 、ARM  And other companies have also become members .

WebAssembly  Technology is still evolving rapidly ,2022  year  4  month ,W3C  released  WebAssembly 2.0  The first draft of public work , This has also become an important symbol of its maturity and development .

WASM/WASI  As a new back-end technology , With native security 、 portable 、 High performance , Lightweight features , It is very suitable for distributed application running environment . Unlike the container, which is an isolated operating system process ,WASM  Applications can achieve security isolation within a process , Support millisecond cold start time and extremely low resource consumption . As shown in the figure below :

picture source :cloudflare

at present  WASM/WASI  It's still in its infancy , There are many technical limitations , For example, threads are not supported , Cannot support low level  Socket  Network application and so on , This greatly limits  WASM  Application scenarios on the server side . Communities are exploring a fully adaptable  WASM  Application development model , Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses . Microsoft  Deislabs  Engineers from  HTTP  Inspired by the history of server development , Put forward  WAGI - WebAssembly Gateway Interface  project  
 . you 're right  WAGI  The concept of is from the ancient legend of the Internet ,CGI.

CGI  yes “ Public gateway interface ”(Common Gateway Interface) For short , yes  HTTP  A specification for the interaction between a server and other programs .HTTP Server  Through standard input 、 Output interface, etc  CGI  Script language for communication , Developers can use  Python/PHP/Perl  And other implementations  HTTP  request .

A very natural deduction , If we can go through  CGI  Specification to call  WASI  application , Developers can use it very easily  WebAssembly  To write the  Web API  Or micro service application , And there is no need to  WASM  Deal with too many network implementation details . The picture below is  CGI  And  WAGI  Conceptual architecture diagram comparison :

The two are highly similar in architecture , The difference is : Tradition  CGI  framework , Every time  HTTP  The request will create a  OS  Process to process , The security isolation is realized by the process mechanism of the operating system ; and  WAGI  in  , Every time  HTTP  The request will be called in a separate thread  WASI  application , Use between applications  WebAssembly  Virtual machines realize security isolation . In theory ,WAGI  There can be more than  CGI  Lower resource consumption and faster response time .

This article will not  WAGI  Its own architecture and  WAGI  Application development for analysis . Interested partners can read the project documents by themselves .

Further reflection , If we can put  WAGI  As a  Knative Serving  Runtime , We can build a city that will  WebAssembly  be applied to  Serverless  The bridge of the scene .

WAGI  Apply cold start analysis and optimization

Cold start performance is  Serverless  Key indicators of the scenario . For a better understanding  WAGI  Execution efficiency , We can use  ab  Do a simple pressure test :

$ ab -k -n 10000 -c 100


Server Software:
Server Hostname:
Server Port: 3000

Document Path: /
Document Length: 12 bytes

Concurrency Level: 100
Time taken for tests: 7.632 seconds
Complete requests: 10000
Failed requests: 0
Keep-Alive requests: 10000
Total transferred: 1510000 bytes
HTML transferred: 120000 bytes
Requests per second: 1310.31 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 76.318 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 0.763 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate: 193.22 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
 min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 0 0 0.6 0 9
Processing: 8 76 29.6 74 214
Waiting: 1 76 29.6 74 214
Total: 8 76 29.5 74 214

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
 50% 74
 66% 88
 75% 95
 80% 100
 90% 115
 95% 125
 98% 139
 99% 150
 100% 214 (longest request) 

We can see  P90  The request response time is  115ms, Is this ? This is right with us  WASM  The cognition of applying lightweight is different . Use the flame diagram , We can quickly locate the problem :prepare_wasm_instance  Function consumes the whole application running  80%  Time for .

After analyzing the code , We found that in every response  HTTP  During the request ,WAGI  Have to be compiled  WSM  application , Reconnect the  WASI  as well as  wasi-http  Expand and configure the environment . It takes a lot of time . It's positioning the problem , The solution is very simple , Refactoring execution logic , Let these preparations be performed only once during initialization , Not every time  HTTP  Repeat during the request . For details, refer to the optimized implementation  

Let's run the stress test again :

$ ab -k -n 10000 -c 100


Server Software:
Server Hostname:
Server Port: 3000

Document Path: /
Document Length: 12 bytes

Concurrency Level: 100
Time taken for tests: 1.328 seconds
Complete requests: 10000
Failed requests: 0
Keep-Alive requests: 10000
Total transferred: 1510000 bytes
HTML transferred: 120000 bytes
Requests per second: 7532.13 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 13.276 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 0.133 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate: 1110.70 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
 min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 0 0 0.6 0 9
Processing: 1 13 5.7 13 37
Waiting: 1 13 5.7 13 37
Total: 1 13 5.6 13 37

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
 50% 13
 66% 15
 75% 17
 80% 18
 90% 21
 95% 23
 98% 25
 99% 27
 100% 37 (longest request)

In the optimized implementation ,P90 Response time has fallen to  21ms, among  prepare_wasm_instance  The running time has decreased to  17%. The overall cold start efficiency has been greatly improved !

notes : This paper makes use of  flamegraph 
  Performance analysis conducted .

utilize  Knative  function  WAGI  application

In order to make  WAGI  It can be used as  Knative  Application and operation , We still need to be in  WAGI  Added a pair of  SIGTERM  Signal support , Give Way  WAGI  Containers support elegant offline . The details will not be repeated .

Knative  For environmental preparation, please refer to  Knative  Installation document  
 , utilize  Minikube  Create a local test environment .

notes : The premise is to have a certain network capability , Due to domestic inaccessibility in  gcr.io  Medium  Knative  Mirror image .

A simpler way is to use Alibaba cloud directly  Serverless  Container services  ASK 
  On  Serverless K8s  colony .ASK  built-in  Knative  Support  
 , It can be developed and used without complicated configuration and installation process  Knative  application .

First, we use  WAGI  To define a  Knative  service :

apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1
kind: Service
 name: autoscale-wagi
 namespace: default
 # Knative concurrency-based autoscaling (default).
 autoscaling.knative.dev/class: kpa.autoscaling.knative.dev
 autoscaling.knative.dev/metric: concurrency
 # Target 10 requests in-flight per pod.
 autoscaling.knative.dev/target: "10"
 # Disable scale to zero with a min scale of 1.
 autoscaling.knative.dev/min-scale: "1"
 # Limit scaling to 100 pods.
 autoscaling.knative.dev/max-scale: "10"
 - image: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/denverdino/knative-wagi:0.8.1-with-cache

among :

  • Container mirror  knative-wagi  Contains  WAGI  Gateway and some examples  WASI  application , For more details, please refer to the project  
  • autoscale-wagi  The service can scale elastically according to the number of requests

$ kubectl apply -f knative_test.yaml

$ kubectl get ksvc autoscale-wagi
autoscale-wagi http://autoscale-wagi.default. autoscale-wagi-00002 autoscale-wagi-00002 True
$ curl http://autoscale-wagi.default.
Oh hi world
$ curl http://autoscale-wagi.default.
hello world

You can also carry out some pressure tests , To learn  Knative  The elastic expansion ability of .


This paper introduces  WAGI  This project , It can be  HTTP  Network processing details of the server , And  WASM  Apply logic to realize decoupling . In this way, you can easily  WASM/WASI  Application and  Knative  In this way  Serverless  Frame combination . On the one hand, we can reuse  Knative/K8s  Bring flexibility and large-scale resource scheduling ability , On the one hand, we can play  WebAssembly  Safety isolation 、 portable 、 Lightweight and other advantages .

Thinking in one continuous line , In the previous article 《
WebAssembly + Dapr =  Next generation cloud native runtime ?》
  in , I introduced an idea that  WASM  Applications depend on external services through  Dapr  Realize decoupling , To solve the contradiction between portability and diversified service capabilities .

Of course, these jobs are still simple toys , It is only used to verify the possibility boundary of the technology . The main purpose is to attract jade , Hear your thoughts and ideas about the next generation distributed application framework and runtime environment .

During the writing process , Suddenly remembered in  90  The age is based on  RFC  Norms to achieve  HTTP Server  And  CGI Gateway  Years of , That is a very simple and simple happiness . ad locum , I also wish every technician to remain curious , Enjoy the programming time every day .

Click on
, Learn about Alibaba cloud  Serverless  Container services  ASK  For more details !

Reference link

[1]  WAGI - WebAssembly Gateway Interface  project :


[2]  Optimized implementation :


[3] flamegraph:


[4] Knative  Installation document :


[5]  Alibaba cloud  Serverless  Container services  ASK:


[6] Knative  Support :


[7]  project :

