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How to improve the enthusiasm of consumers when the member points marketing system is operated?

2022-07-06 02:34:00 Cash it all

Nowadays, businesses and enterprises are changing the traditional marketing methods , Because with the development of the times , The traditional marketing method has failed to achieve the desired effect . therefore , In order to make marketing more effective , Enterprises and businesses began to adopt new marketing methods . Member point marketing is a kind of marketing method used frequently by businesses and enterprises at present . The main function of this marketing method is to increase the stickiness between customers and enterprises , It can improve the loyalty of users to a certain extent , It can also enhance the brand image of the enterprise . therefore , Using member points to operate marketing has become the first choice of many enterprises and businesses .

Because the member points marketing system plays a larger role in marketing , The marketing effect is also better , It is feasible for enterprises to build a member point marketing system to operate relevant marketing activities when operating marketing work . however , When using this system to operate relevant marketing activities , We need to pay attention to the enthusiasm of consumers . because , If consumers can't actively participate in the activities , It is difficult to achieve a good marketing effect . that , When the member points system is operating , How to improve the participation enthusiasm of consumers ?

First of all , Increase the channels for members to obtain points
Points play a big role in the member points marketing system , Without points, the system cannot run smoothly . because , Only after the consumer obtains certain points , You can use the relevant points to exchange for some gifts or coupons , At this time, the enthusiasm to participate in activities is relatively high . therefore , It is necessary for members to get points . However , Some enterprises are formulating channels for obtaining membership points , The channel set is very single . These enterprises believe that as long as members can get points in one way .

Actually , This idea is wrong , Different consumers have different requirements for the channels of obtaining member points . therefore , In order to meet the needs of users , When setting up channels for member points, we should diversify , Not too single . Once the channel for member points is too single , It will attack the enthusiasm of consumers to participate in activities . When users can get points through various channels , Then use points to exchange gifts , At this point, users can get benefits from the activities , At this point, users are more willing to participate in the activity , In other words, the enthusiasm of consumers has greatly improved .

second , Lower the threshold of point exchange
The so-called point exchange , It refers to when consumers get certain membership points , You can exchange some gifts or coupons you like in the points mall according to the number of member points you have . This method can make users feel the fun of getting points . however , Some merchants set a high threshold for exchanging points , It has greatly affected the enthusiasm of consumers to participate in activities .

When consumers are exchanging gifts , Lower threshold , Then users will feel very happy , The experience of activity participation will also be high . therefore , The correct way is to lower the threshold of point exchange , It's easier for users to exchange gifts , Users will feel that the activity is meaningful . There are related benefits when participating in an activity , Consumers will often participate in such activities . At this time, consumers will be more active . therefore , In order to greatly improve the enthusiasm of consumers , It is necessary to reduce the threshold of point exchange appropriately .

in summary , Although some enterprises have built their own points mall , Use the member points system to carry out marketing , But the effect of marketing is not very good . This is because these enterprises ignore the above two problems when operating the marketing of member points system , Ignoring these two problems has a great impact on the enthusiasm of consumers . In order to make consumers have great enthusiasm to participate in activities , When participating in relevant marketing activities , We need to pay attention to these two basic problems . Pay attention to these two points , The enthusiasm of consumers who participate in the marketing of member points system will be higher .


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