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MySQL learning record (6)
2022-07-02 21:29:00 【White_ Silence (Learning version)】
1. View
Definition : View is a virtual table , rely on select Sentence creation
Reason for creating view :
- By defining views, frequently used SELECT Statement save for efficiency .
- By defining views, users can see data more clearly .
- By defining the view, you can not expose all the fields of the data table , Enhance data confidentiality .
- Data redundancy can be reduced by defining views .
1.1 Syntax for creating views
CREATE VIEW < View name >(< Name 1>,< Name 2>,...) AS <SELECT sentence >
among SELECT Sentences need to be written in AS After keyword . SELECT The columns in the statement are arranged in the same order as the columns in the view , SELECT Regulation in statement 1 The column is the... In the view 1 Column , SELECT Regulation in statement 2 The column is the... In the view 2 Column , And so on . And the column name of the view is defined in the list after the view name .
View name In the database, it needs to be only Of , Cannot have the same name as other views and tables .
When defining a view Not to be used ORDER BY sentence
Create view :
Views based on a single table
CREATE VIEW productsum (product_type, cnt_product)
SELECT product_type, COUNT(*)
FROM product
GROUP BY product_type ;
Views based on multiple tables
-- First create a new table
CREATE TABLE shop_product
(shop_id CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
shop_name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
product_id CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (shop_id, product_id));
INSERT INTO shop_product (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000A', ' Tokyo ', '0001', 30);
INSERT INTO shop_product (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000A', ' Tokyo ', '0002', 50);
INSERT INTO shop_product (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000A', ' Tokyo ', '0003', 15);
INSERT INTO shop_product (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000B', ' Nagoya ', '0002', 30);
INSERT INTO shop_product (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000B', ' Nagoya ', '0003', 120);
INSERT INTO shop_product (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000B', ' Nagoya ', '0004', 20);
INSERT INTO shop_product (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000B', ' Nagoya ', '0006', 10);
INSERT INTO shop_product (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000B', ' Nagoya ', '0007', 40);
INSERT INTO shop_product (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000C', ' Osaka ', '0003', 20);
INSERT INTO shop_product (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000C', ' Osaka ', '0004', 50);
INSERT INTO shop_product (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000C', ' Osaka ', '0006', 90);
INSERT INTO shop_product (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000C', ' Osaka ', '0007', 70);
INSERT INTO shop_product (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000D', ' Fukuoka, ', '0001', 100);
-- stay productsum shop_product Create a view based on
CREATE VIEW view_shop_product(product_type, sale_price, shop_name)
SELECT product_type, sale_price, shop_name
FROM product,
WHERE product.product_id = shop_product.product_id;
1.2 Modify the syntax of the view structure
ALTER VIEW < View name > AS <SELECT sentence >
-- Modify the view
ALTER VIEW productSum
SELECT product_type, sale_price
FROM Product
WHERE regist_date > '2009-09-11';
1.3 Update the view
The view is a virtual table , Therefore, the operation on the view is the operation on the underlying basic table , Therefore, only when the definition of the underlying basic table is met can the modification be successful .
That is, update and modify the view , It is essentially a modification of the basic table .
For a view , If any of the following structures are included, they cannot be updated :
- Aggregate functions SUM()、MIN()、MAX()、COUNT() etc. .
- DISTINCT keyword .
- GROUP BY Clause .
- HAVING Clause .
- UNION or UNION ALL Operator .
- FROM Clause contains multiple tables .
-- The statement that updates the view , Use UPDATE SET
UPDATE productsum
SET sale_price = '5000'
WHERE product_type = ' Office Supplies ';
1.4 Delete view
DROP VIEW < View name 1> [ , < View name 2> …]
DROP VIEW productsum;
2. Subquery
Subquery refers to a query that is nested within another query statement by one query statement , The subquery result is used as the outer layer of another query Filter conditions , Queries can be Based on one or more tables .
Subqueries are one-time , It will not be saved as a view .
2.1 nested subqueries
-- nested subqueries
SELECT product_type, cnt_product
FROM (SELECT product_type,
COUNT(*) AS cnt_product
FROM product
GROUP BY product_type) AS productsum
WHERE cnt_product = 4) AS productsum2;
-- The innermost subquery is named productSum, This statement is based on product_type Group and query the number , In the second level query, the number will be 4 Find out your products , Outermost query product_type and cnt_product Two .
-- For simplicity and efficiency , Try to minimize SELECT Iteration of subquery statements
2.2 Scalar subquery ( Single subquery )
Singleness is what is required SQL sentence
-- Query the goods whose sales unit price is higher than the average unit price
SELECT product_id, product_name, sale_price
FROM product
WHERE sale_price > (SELECT AVG(sale_price) FROM product);
Only one value can be returned , That is to return the specific... In the table A column of a row
SELECT product_id,
(SELECT AVG(sale_price)
FROM product) AS avg_price
FROM product;
2.3 Associated subquery
The associated sub query connects the internal and external queries to filter data
SELECT product_type, product_name, sale_price
FROM product AS p1
WHERE sale_price > (SELECT AVG(sale_price)
FROM product AS p2
WHERE p1.product_type = p2.product_type
GROUP BY product_type);
-- The internal table is P2, The external table is P1, Use WHERE Connect the two tables together
The execution process of association query :
- First, execute without WHERE The main query of
- Match according to the main query result product_type, Get subquery results
- Combine the sub query results with the main query to execute the complete query SQL sentence
Exercises 1
Create a view that meets the following three conditions ( The view name is ViewPractice5_1). Use product( goods ) Table as a reference table , Suppose the table contains the initial state of 8 Row data .
- Conditions 1: Sales unit price is greater than or equal to 1000 Yen .
- Conditions 2: The registration date is 2009 year 9 month 20 Japan .
- Conditions 3: Include product name 、 Sales unit price and registration date .
CREATE VIEW ViewPractice5_1
(SELECT product_name,sale_price,regist_date
FROM product
WHERE sale_price >= 1000 AND regist_date="2009-09-20" );
View created in exercise 1 ViewPractice5_1 Insert the following data , What's the result ?
SQL Something went wrong , I don't know the result
-- Please write according to the following results SELECT sentence , among sale_price_all List the average selling unit price of all goods .
/*product_id | product_name | product_type | sale_price | sale_price_all
0001 | T shirt | clothes | 1000 | 2097.5000000000000000
0002 | Punch | Office Supplies | 500 | 2097.5000000000000000
0003 | motion T T-shirt | clothes | 4000 | 2097.5000000000000000
0004 | kitchen knife | Kitchenware | 3000 | 2097.5000000000000000
0005 | pressure cooker | Kitchenware | 6800 | 2097.5000000000000000
0006 | Fork | Kitchenware | 500 | 2097.5000000000000000
0007 | Clean the board | Kitchenware | 880 | 2097.5000000000000000
0008 | Ball pen | Office Supplies | 100 | 2097.5000000000000000*/
SELECT product_id,product_name,product_type,sale_price,
(SELECT AVG(sale_price)
FROM product) AS sale_price_all
FROM product
ORDER BY product_id;
Please write one according to the conditions in exercise 1 SQL sentence , Create a view with the following data ( The name is AvgPriceByType).
product_id | product_name | product_type | sale_price | avg_sale_price
0001 | T shirt | clothes | 1000 |2500.0000000000000000
0002 | Punch | Office Supplies | 500 | 300.0000000000000000
0003 | motion T T-shirt | clothes | 4000 |2500.0000000000000000
0004 | kitchen knife | Kitchenware | 3000 |2795.0000000000000000
0005 | pressure cooker | Kitchenware | 6800 |2795.0000000000000000
0006 | Fork | Kitchenware | 500 |2795.0000000000000000
0007 | Clean the board | Kitchenware | 880 |2795.0000000000000000
0008 | Ball pen | Office Supplies | 100 | 300.0000000000000000
/* Tips : The key is avg_sale_price Column . Different from exercise 3 , Here we need to calculate It is the average selling unit price of each commodity type . This is the same as using the associated subquery . in other words , This column can be created using the associated subquery . The question is where to use this associated subquery .*/
AS (SELECT product_id,product_name,product_type,sale_price,
(SELECT avg(sale_price)
from product AS p2
WHERE p1.product_type=p2.product_type
GROUP BY p1.product_type) AS avg_sale_price
FROM product AS p1);
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