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5 years of experience, 27 days of Android programmer interview, 2022 programmer advanced classic

2022-07-05 19:07:00 InfoQ

Preface :

Android  Application development has developed to today , It has become a very mature technology direction , Judging from the current situation ,Android Development is quite hot , But advanced Android There are few talents to develop , Now mobile Internet developers are also gradually beginning to pay attention to plug-in technology 、 performance optimization 、 New technology in the industry , Advanced technologies such as system architecture . This also creates an image , Android developers feel that the industry is now an environment of ice and fire , The technology is not comprehensive , It still stays at the middle and low-end technical level , Hard to write code , For a year's rise 2 A thousand dollars salary , Crazy overtime , And get a pay cut , And always worry about being laid off , Middle and senior developers are favored by enterprises , Wages are getting higher and higher , At the same time, there is also a situation of market posts, that is, many middle and low-end developers compete for one post , The current situation of middle and senior developers competing for multiple positions .

So as an Android Developer , How to break through the status quo , Become one of the architects .

This question is very impressive to me , It's obviously my first time , I went to a company at that time ( Call it for a while T Company. ) Interview job opportunities sent to Samsung, Korea .T The company's interviewer is a person called Bely Architects , Obviously at that time Android Development is a scarce resource , know Service That's amazing , Of course Bely I didn't mean to embarrass me ( I have to work 4 More than years , People look good too ), I can easily answer :

Service Is a special in the background to deal with long-term tasks Android Components , It has no UI. There are two ways to start it ,startService and bindService.

You're right ,Bely Then he asked me : The difference between the two startup modes .

Just start Service, Start its components ( Such as Activity) and Service There's no connection , Only when Service call stopSelf Or other component calls stopService The service stops .
Method start up Service, Other components can be retrieved through callbacks Service Proxy objects and Service Interaction , And these two parties are also bound , When the initiator destroys ,Service It's also automatic unBind operation , When it turns out that all the binding has been done unBind Only when they are destroyed Service.

This should be the key difference , I just used it before the interview Serivce Made a music player . A few years later , I interviewed a lot of people in Shenzhen , Among them are 60-70% People who don't use Service Experience , For a time, I felt that the city of Shenzhen did Android The development is impetuous . Because I work here  
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  There are too many opportunities , Junior developers are eager for quick success and instant benefit , You don't need to work hard on yourself to get a job ( Of course, this is a one-sided view ).

There are other differences, of course , Such as two kinds of calls to Service Life cycle functions affect , The interviewer can also talk about it .

When I meet an interviewer, I know how to use Service, As I was many years ago, I can freely answer startService and bindService Difference time , I usually ask one more question :

Service Of onCreate Can callback functions do time-consuming operations ?

A lot of people will say : Sure .

Betray oneself , His previous answer is just a preview of the following questions before the interview . If you know Service Of onCreate It's in the main thread (ActivityThread) In the , Time consuming operations can block UI, I usually go on to ask :

If you need to do time-consuming operations , What would you do ?

This is how the problem unfolds , Whether a person really understands the principle and can use it flexibly , You can see it all at once .  When the interviewer answers to the thread and Handler When the way , I'll ask each other again :

Do you know IntentService, In what scenarios IntentService?

That's what the interviewer wants to see , A real project requires a developer to have a certain depth on a problem , It also needs to be Android There is a certain breadth of knowledge . Depth represents a person who takes problems seriously and has the spirit of studying , Breadth means that when the person is facing the same problem , It will be easier to choose the most suitable one from a variety of feasible options .

Service It has been ignored by many people in the actual project , Why do I stress over and over again Service Very important , Let's see , If the Service I have no idea what problems I will encounter in my work .

scene : If an app is to be downloaded from the Internet MP3 file , And in Activity Show the progress bar on the screen , This Activity It is required that the screen can be rotated . So when you turn the screen Actvitiy Will restart , How to ensure that the downloaded progress bar can display the progress correctly ?

No, Service Concept people , The general plan is as follows :

  • Cache the progress before screen transition , Turn the screen and read it out .
  • Use android:configChanges Set up , When I turn the screen Activity Don't destroy and rebuild .

For 1 A plan , I will continue to ask him where the progress value will exist ?  In the process of turning the screen , We know Activity It's time-consuming to rebuild , It could be more than a few hundred milliseconds , So the download thread is still working , The progress must be inconsistent with the saved progress , How to deal with this problem ?

The first 2 A plan , You can think for yourself , The actual project may need to do something extra to deal with ContentView The problem of the vertical and horizontal layout of .

If you use Service To solve this problem , It seems perfect , But it will involve Activity(UI) and Service The interaction problem , We'll talk about that later .


Android Learning is a long way to go , What we need to learn is not only superficial   technology , We have to go down to the bottom , Figure out the following   principle , That's the only way , We can improve our competitiveness , In today's highly competitive world .

Life can't be smooth , When there are peaks, there are valleys , To believe in , Those who can't beat us , It will make us stronger in the end , To be your own ferry man .

Resources are constantly updated , Welcome to study and discuss together .

