2022-07-03 15:04:00 【星哥玩云】
近日,自己维护的一组Puppet Agent机器,出现了如下报错:
[[email protected] src]# puppetd --test --server server.linuxidc.com
notice: Run of Puppet configuration client already in progress; skipping
rm /var/lib/puppet/state/puppet.lock
发现故障依旧;后来发现出现此现象是由于/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp配置文件没有写正确,我们将其改正就行了,其实以后像puppet server里面的site.pp和init.pp有比较大的改动时,最好先用puppet parser validate命令先检查,示例如下:
[[email protected] manifests]# puppet parser validate site.pp
err: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at 'source'; expected '}' at
err: Try 'puppet help parser validate' for usage
如上所示,很明显提标示site.pp第8行有错误,提示我们改正,改正以后故障排除,事实上puppet parser validate命令用于puppet server语法非常有用,示例如下:
puppet parser validate node.pp
err: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at end of file; expected '}' at /etc/puppet/manifests/node.pp:10
err: Try 'puppet help parser validate' for usage
Puppet 学习系列:
Puppet 学习一:安装及简单实例应用 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-08/88710.htm
Puppet学习二:简单模块配置和应用 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-08/88711.htm
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