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Classify boost libraries by function

2022-07-04 14:31:00 A Sheng 1990

  Boost The library contains 160 More than Libraries / Components , Covering string and text processing 、 Containers 、 iterator 、 Algorithm 、 The image processing 、 Template metaprogramming 、 Concurrent programming and other fields .C++ Support process oriented 、 object-oriented 、 Generic 、 Template element 、 There are five main programming paradigms of functional expression , Research Boost Library source code for learning C++ Very helpful . The following is mainly about Boost Library for classification .

One . String and text processing libraries

(1)Conversion library
Yes C++ Type conversion enhancements , Provide stronger type safe conversion 、 More efficient type safety protection 、 Numerical conversion and lexical conversion for range checking .
(2)Format library
The implementation is similar to printf The formatting object of , You can format parameters into a string , And it's completely type safe .
(3)IOStream library
Expand C++ Standard library stream processing , Build a flow processing framework .
(4)Lexical Cast library
For string 、 Integers 、 Literal conversion of floating point numbers .
(5)Regex library
Regular expressions , Has been TR1 Accepted .
(6)Spirit library
be based on EBNF Paradigmatic LL Parser framework .
(7)String Algo library
A set of string related algorithms .
(8)Tokenizer library
The way to break a string into a set of tokens .
(9)Wave library
Use spirit The development of a library is completely in line with C/C++ Standard preprocessor .
(10)Xpressive library
Regular expression libraries that can be used without compilation .

Two . Container Library

(1)Array library
Yes C Language style array packaging .
(2)Bimap library
Bidirectional mapping structure library .
(3)Circular Buffer library
Realize the data structure of circular buffer .
(4)Disjoint Sets library
Library to implement disjoint sets .
(5)Dynamic Bitset library
A set of bits that support container sizing at run time .
(6)6.GIL library
General image library .
(7)Graph library
A library dealing with graph structures .
(8)ICL library
Interval container Library , Dealing with interval sets and mappings .
(9)Intrusive library
Intrusive containers and algorithms .
(10)Multi-Array library
Multidimensional containers .
(11)Multi-Index library
The implementation has multiple STL Index compatible containers .
(12)Pointer Container library
The container that holds the pointer .
(13)Property Map library
Provide key / Attribute concept definition of value mapping .
(14)Property Tree library
A tree data structure that holds multiple attribute values .
(15)Unordered library
Hash container , amount to hash_xxx.
(16)Variant library
In short , It's holding string,vector And so on .

3、 ... and . Iterator Library

(1)GIL library
General image library .
(2)Graph library
A library dealing with graph structures .
(3)Iterators library
Provides a framework for creating new iterators .
(4)Operators library
Allow users to define only a few operators in their own classes , Other operator overloads can be easily generated automatically , And ensure the correct semantic implementation .
(5)Tokenizer library
The way to break a string into a set of tokens .

Four . Algorithm library

(1)Foreach library
Container traversal algorithm .
(2)GIL library
General image library .
(3)Graph library
A library dealing with graph structures .
(4)Min-Max library
The maximum and minimum values can be obtained simultaneously in the same operation .
(5)Range library
A set of concepts and utilities about scope .
(6)String Algo library
You can handle most string related algorithm operations without using regular expressions .
(7)Utility library
A collection of gadgets .

5、 ... and . Function objects and high-level programming libraries

(1)Bind library
Generalization of binders , Has been received TR1.
(2)Function library
Implement a general callback mechanism , Has been received TR1.
(3)Functional library
An enhanced version of the adapter .
(4)Functional/Factory library
For static and dynamic factory mode .
(5)Functional/Forward library
Used to accept any type of parameter .
(6)Functional/Hash library
Realized TR1 Hash function in .
(7)Lambda library
Lambda expression , The unnamed function .
(8)Member Function library
yes STL in mem_fun and mem_fun_ref An extension of .
(9)Ref library
Wrapping a reference to an object , Has been received TR1.
(10)Result Of library
Used to determine the return type of a call expression , Has been received TR1.
(11)Signals library
Implement thread safe observer mode .
(l2)Signals2 library
be based on Signal Another implementation of .
(13)Utility library
A collection of gadgets .
(14)Phoenix library
Realize in C++ Functional programming in .

6、 ... and . Generic programming libraries

(1)Call Traits library
Encapsulation is probably the best way to pass parameters to a function .
(2)Concept Check library
It's used to check whether a concept is met .
(3)Enable If library
Allows template functions or template classes to be valid only for certain types in partial specialization .
(4)Function Types library
Provides a pair of functions 、 A function pointer 、 Function reference, member pointer and other types are classified, decomposed and synthesized .
(5)GIL library
General image library .
(6)In Place Factory, Typed In Place Factory library
An implementation of the factory model .
(7)Operators library
Allow users to define only a few operators in their own classes , Other operator overloads can be easily generated automatically , And ensure the correct semantic implementation .
(8)Property Map library
Provide attribute concept definition of key value mapping .
(9)Static Assert library
Advance the diagnosis time of assertion from run time to compile time , Let the compiler check for possible errors .
(10)Type Traits library
Determine at compile time if the type has some characteristics .
(11)TTI library
Realize the reflection function of type extraction .

7、 ... and . Template metaprogramming

(1)Fusion library
Offer based on tuple Compile time containers and algorithms for .
(2)MPL library
Template metaprogramming framework .
(3)Proto library
Build domain specific embedded language .
(4)Static Assert library
Advance the diagnosis time of assertion from run time to compile time , Let the compiler check for possible errors .
(5)Type Traits library
Determine at compile time if the type has some characteristics .

8、 ... and . Preprocessing metaprogramming Library

(1)Preprocessors library
Provides preprocessing metaprogramming tools .

Nine . Concurrent programming libraries

(1)Asio library
Based on the asynchronous mechanism provided by the operating system , Adopting proactive design pattern to realize portable asynchronous design IO operation .
(2)Interprocess library
The portable interprocess communication function is realized , Include shared memory 、 Memory mapped files 、 Semaphore 、 File lock 、 Message queuing, etc .
(3)MPI library
For high performance distributed parallel development .
(4)Thread library
by C++ Increase thread processing power , Support Windows and POSIX Threads .
(5)Context library
It provides support for collaborative multitasking on a single thread . The library can be used to implement the mechanism of user level multitasking , For example, Xiecheng coroutines, User level collaboration threads or something like C# In language yield Keyword implementation .
(6)Atomic library
Realization C++11 Styling atomic, Provide support for atomic data types and atomic operations of these atomic types .
(7)Coroutine library
Realize the support of collaborative process . The difference between a coroutine and a thread is , Collaborative process is based on Cooperative multitasking , Multithreading is based on preemptive multitasking .
(8)Lockfree library
Provide support for lockless data structures .

Ten . Math and digital library

(1)Accumulators library
The framework of accumulators for incremental computation .
(2)Integer library
Provides a set of classes for integer processing .
(3)Interval library
Deal with the mathematical problem of interval concept .
(4)Math library
Template classes and algorithms in Mathematics .
(5)Math Common Factor library
Used to support the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple .
(6)Math Octonion library
Used to support octonions .
(7)Math Quaternion library
Used to support quaternions .
(8)Math/Special Functions library
Some commonly used functions in Mathematics .
(9)Math/Statistical Distributions library
For univariate statistical distribution operations .
(10)Multi-Array library
Multidimensional containers .
(11)Numeric Conversion library
A set of functions for secure digital conversion .
(12)Operators library
Allow users to define only a few operators in their own classes , Other operator overloads can be easily generated automatically , And ensure the correct semantic implementation .
(13)Random library
Focus on the implementation of pseudo-random numbers , There are many algorithms that can produce high quality pseudo-random numbers .
(14)Rational library
The rational number without precision loss is realized .
(15)uBLAS library
Math library for Linear Algebra .
(16)Geometry library
Concepts used to solve geometric problems 、 Primitives and algorithms .
(17)Ratio library
according to C++ 0x standard N2661 Proposal No , Implementation of fraction operation in compile time .
(18)Multiprecision library
Provide more than C++ Built in integer 、 Multi precision numerical operation function with higher precision of fractions and floating-point numbers .
(19)Odeint library
For solving initial value problems of ordinary differential equations .

11、 ... and . Debugging and testing Libraries

(1)Concept Check library
It's used to check whether a concept is met .
(2)Static Assert library
Advance the diagnosis time of assertion from run time to compile time , Let the compiler check for possible errors .
(3)Test library
Provides a test suite based on command line interface for unit testing .

Twelve . Data structure library

(1)Any library
Support type safe access to any type of value .
(2)Bimap library
Bidirectional mapping structure library .
(3)Compressed Pair library
Optimized for pair Object storage .
(4)Fusion library
Offer based on tuple Compile time containers and algorithms for .
(5)ICL library
Interval container Library , Dealing with interval sets and mappings .
(6)Multi-Index library
Provide multiple indexes for the underlying container .
(7)Pointer Container library
The container that holds the pointer .
(8)Property Tree library
A tree data structure that holds multiple attribute values .
(9)Tuple library
Tuples , Has been TR1 Accept .
(10)Uuid library
Used to represent and generate UUID.
(11)Variant library
Generic union classes with classes .
(12)Heap library
Yes std::priority_queue Expand , Implement priority queues .
(13)Type Erasure
Implement runtime polymorphism .

13、 ... and . Image processing library

(1)GIL library
General image library .

fourteen . I / O Library

(1)Assign library
Use simple syntax to achieve the goal of STL Container assignment or initialization .
(2)Format library
The implementation is similar to printf The formatting object of , You can format parameters into a string , And it's completely type safe .
(3)IO State Savers library
Used to save the current state of the stream , Automatically restore the state of the stream, etc .
(4)IOStreams library
Expand C++ Standard library stream processing , Build a flow processing framework .
(5)Program Options library
Provide powerful command line parameter processing function .
(6)Serialization library
Realization C++ Persistence of data structures .

15、 ... and . Cross language hybrid programming library

(1)Python library
Used to implement Python and C++ Seamless interface and hybrid programming of objects .

sixteen . Memory management library

(1)Pool library
Based on the idea of simple partition storage, a fast 、 Compact memory pools .
(2)Smart Ptr library
Intelligent pointer .
(3)Utility library
A collection of gadgets .

seventeen . Parsing library

(1)Spirit library
be based on EBNF Paradigmatic LL Parser framework .

eighteen . Programming interface library

(1)Function library
Implement a general callback mechanism , Has been received TR1.
(2)Parameter library
Provides a mechanism for specifying function parameters using parameter names .

nineteen . Comprehensive class library

(1)Compressed Pair library
Optimized for pair Object storage .
(2)CRC library
The function of cyclic redundancy check code is realized .
(3)Date Time library
A very comprehensive and flexible date time library .
(4)Exception library
Strengthen the defect of exception class in standard library , Provide .
(5)Filesystem library
Portable file system operation Library , You can operate directories across platforms 、 file , Has been TR2 Accept .
(6)Flyweight library
Realize the sharing mode , The meta object cannot be modified , You can only assign .
(7)Lexical Cast library
For string 、 Integers 、 Literal conversion of floating point numbers .
(8)Meta State Machine library
Used to represent UML2 Library of finite state machine .
(9)Numeric Conversion library
A set of functions for secure digital conversion .
(10)Optional library
Use container semantics , Wrapping objects that might produce invalid values , Implemented the concept of uninitialization .
(11)Polygon library
Some algorithms for dealing with planar polygons .
(12)Program Options library
Provide powerful command line parameter processing function .
(13)Scope Exit library
Use preprocessor The preprocessing technology of the library realizes the automatic release of resources when leaving the scope .
(14)Statechart library
Provide finite automatic state machine framework .
(15)Swap library
Provides a convenient way to exchange the values of two variables .
(16)System library
Use lightweight objects to encapsulate the underlying error code and error information of the operating system , Has been TR2 Accept .
(17)Timer library
Provide simple measurement time and progress display function , It can be used for performance testing and other tasks requiring timing .
(18)Tribool library
Three state Boolean logic value , stay true and false In addition to the introduction of indeterminate Uncertain state .
(19)Typeof library
simulation C++0x Newly increased typeof and auto keyword , To ease the work of variable type declaration , Simplify the code .
(20)Units library
Realized the dimensional processing of physics .
(21)Utility library
Widget collection .
(22)Value Initialized library
Used to ensure that variables are properly initialized when declared .
(23)Chrono library
Realized C++ 0x In the standard N2661 The time function supported by recommendation No .
(24)Log library
Realize log function .
(25)Predef library
Provide a batch of predefined macros that are uniformly compatible to detect other macros .

twenty . Library of workarounds for compiler problems

(1)Compatibility library
Help with environments that don't meet the requirements of the standard library .
(2)Config library
The compiler configuration of the program is divided into three parts : platform 、 Compilers and standard libraries , Help library developers solve the compatibility problem of specific compiler for specific platform .

The 21st . Commonly used libraries

Regular expression library .
LL parser framework, use C++ Code directly expresses EBNF.
Graph components and algorithms .
Define a short anonymous function object where it is called , It's very practical functional function .
(5)concept check
Check for... In generic programming concept.
Meta programming framework implemented with templates .
portable C++ Multithreaded Library .
hold C++ Classes and functions map to Python In .
Memory pool management .
5 A smart pointer , Learning smart pointer must read .

reference :
[1]boost(C++ A general term for libraries ):https://baike.baidu.com/item/boost/69144?fr=aladdin

Artificial intelligence dry goods recommendation  The picture on the left 1 Focus on technology sharing in the field of artificial intelligence

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This paper is written by mdnice Multi platform Publishing


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