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Learning path PHP -- phpstudy "hosts file does not exist or is blocked from opening" when creating the project
2022-07-04 18:53:00 【hopetomorrow】
System is :windows10 x64
Find out C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc In the catalog hosts It's gone , Show hidden files are still invisible
The specific method is as follows :
1、 open C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc;
2、 open “ see ” Options ;
3、 Get rid of “ Hide protected operating system files ” Front hook , Then determine ;
4、 refresh , You will see Hosts file ;
5、 If there is still no , Press Windows Winkey +X key , Click on “ Command prompt ( Administrators )”, Copy the following command and right-click in the command prompt , Click on “ Paste ”, Then press enter (Enter) perform :
for /f %P in ('dir %windir%\WinSxS\hosts /b /s') do copy %P %windir%\System32\drivers\etc & echo %P & Notepad %P
When displayed “ Copied 1 File .” Hour means that the command is completed , At the same time, you will use Notepad to open hosts file , here hosts The file is restored .
The same thing hosts The document is missing windows10 System users , Please refer to the tutorial shared by the above editor . I hope this tutorial can help all friends in need !
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