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Five indispensable open source tools for me
2020-11-09 07:35:00 【Osu dihgscoq】
Put these skills in your own kit , Improve your in terminal 、 Outside the work efficiency .
Some time ago , I'm involved in a project that's widely spread among scientists and technologists Twitter topic of conversation .“ Challenge ? Just pick five tools you can't do without .” I began to think about it in terms of my daily life , It's not easy to pick out just five tools . I used a lot of tools that I thought were essential , For example, it is used to connect with colleagues and friends IRC client ( Yes , I still use IRC), A great text editor for doing all kinds of things , A calendar app to keep things organized , And a video conferencing platform when more direct interaction is needed .
therefore , Let me make a change to this challenge : Choose five open source tools that will improve your productivity . Here's my list . Please share your list in the comments .
Oh , I love this tool .tmate
It's famous tmux A replica of the terminal multiplexer , It allows you to start a tmux
Talk and pass through SSH share . You can do it with it Pair programming ( This is my main usage scenario ), It can also be used for remote control .
If you work regularly with your team members , And you want a simple 、 Nothing to do with the distribution 、 Open source programming with them ( And shared terminal access is enough for you ), This is definitely something you have to add to the list .
stay tmate Website For more information , Or in GitHub View code on .
It's a command line pasteboard . You don't need to install anything . You can go through curl
To ix.io Site to create new pastes . for example ,echo Hello world. | curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io
Will give you one to ix.io Link to , There's a message posted there “Hello world” Information about . When you want to share logs for debugging or saving configuration files on a server without a desktop environment , It's very convenient .
One drawback is that the source code has not been published , Although it's aimed at free and open source . If you're the author , And reading this article , Please post the code , So we can contribute to the process of polishing it .
Yes , This is another terminal tool ,asciinema
It allows you to record your terminal . There are many ways to use it , But I usually use it to make demos . It's very easy to use , And there's a lot of Linux Distribution and other platform packages .
To know how it works , Look at this Cool Demo . Isn't that great? ?
stay asciinema Website For more information , stay GitHub Access its source code on .
GNOME Pomodoro
Okay , That's all for terminal tools . Now I want to share with you this simple treasure , It keeps your work in order . Have you ever heard of Tomato working method Do you ?Pomodoro It's basically a time management tool . It uses a tomato shaped timer , Help you divide your time into work time and rest time ( By default ,25 After minutes of work 5 Minutes off ). and , every other 4 individual “ tomato ” after , You'll have a longer break ( The default is 15 minute ). The goal is to keep you focused during your working hours , And stretch and relax during breaks .
It sounds very, very simple , You may be hesitant to let a tomato shaped clock control your life , But it did help me to be organized , And avoid feeling tired when trying to focus on many things at the same time .
Whatever your role , I highly recommend it . And among the many different tools that implement it , I recommend GNOME Pomodoro application . It applies to the main GNU/Linux Distribution version , So it needs you to use GNOME Desktop Environment ( This may be a drawback to it ).
stay GNOME Pomodoro Website For more information , And visit it GitHub Repository to get the source code and learn how to contribute .
Last but not least Jitsi. When you're on a remote 、 Working in teams all over the world , You need a way to connect with people . Instant messaging is good , But sometimes it's better to have a quick meeting , Discuss things face to face ( Um. , See the other person's face ). There's a lot of Video conferencing tools You can use , But I love Jitsi. Not only because it's free and open source , And because it provides a simplicity 、 Practical interface . You can set your own Jitsi The server ( For commercial purposes ), But you can also visit Jitsi Meet Website to try out a public Jitsi example .
A good way to set up this kind of meeting is : Use it only if you have a clear agenda in mind . And always ask yourself , Can this meeting be replaced by email ? Follow these guidelines , Use caution Jitsi, Your workday will be very efficient !
stay Jitsi Website Learn more about , And by visiting its GitHub The warehouse began to contribute .
I hope my list will help you reach a new level of productivity . Yours 5 What is an open source productivity tool that can't leave ? Tell me in the comments .
via: https://opensource.com/article/20/10/open-source-tools
author :Victoria Martinez de la Cruz Topic selection :lujun9972 translator :geekpi proofreading :wxy
This paper is written by LCTT Original compilation ,Linux China Honor roll out
本文为[Osu dihgscoq]所创,转载请带上原文链接,感谢
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