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[ROS] (06) ROS Communication - Topic Communication
2022-08-02 14:18:00 【CynalFly】
):节点可以将消息发布到话题,Or receive messages by subscribing to a topic.A topic is a name used to identify the content of a message.Nodes interested in some kind of data will subscribe to the corresponding topic.A single topic may have multiple concurrent publishers(publishers)和订阅者(subscribers),And a single node can publish and subscribe to multiple topics at the same time,Individual nodes can also publish or subscribe(监听)multiple topics.通常,发布者和订阅者不知道彼此的存在.There is a decoupling relationship between them.从逻辑上讲,A topic can be thought of as a strongly typed message bus.Each bus has a name,只要类型正确,Anyone can connect to the bus to send or receive messages.
):订阅或发布话题时所使用的ROS数据类型.Messages are made up of typed fields.Standard primitive types are supported(整数、浮点、布尔值等),and arrays of primitive types.Messages can include arbitrarily nested structures and arrays(很像C结构).
为了让事情更清楚,我将使用 FMA radio system as an analogy:广播电台(
)will be at some fixed frequency(topic
)Stream your favorite channels(message
).Suppose you are in a car,Want to listen to your favorite channel(message
).You will have a radio receiver(subscriber
)Tune to this frequency(topic
).You neither know the exact location of the radio station,Radio stations also don't want to know where you are.But you can still enjoy music on your favorite channels.
话题通信是ROSOne of the most commonly used in communication is based on发布和订阅How the model communicates.for real-time、周期性、少逻辑处理的数据传输场景.
ROS Node想要通过topic
way to deliver messages,首先 publisher 节点和 Subscriber Nodes are comingROS Master(节点管理器)Register the node name in 、话题名称、消息类型、URI地址和端口,然后ROS Master向 Subcriber 节点发送 publisher 节点信息, Subscriber Node according to the received publisher 节点信息,向 publisher The node requests a direct connection,after they are connected, publisher 节点向 Subscriber 节点发送消息.Communication between nodes uses a basedTCP/IP
命令 | 功能 |
rostopic bw | 列出消息发布带宽 |
rostopic delay | display delay of topic from timestamp in header |
rostopic echo | 显示某个话题上发布的数据 |
rostopic find | 根据消息类型查找话题 |
rostopic hz | Reports the rate at which data is published |
rostopic info | 获取指定Topic Current published news |
rostopic list | 列出当前所有的Topic |
rostopic pub | 把数据发布到当前某个正在广播的话题上 |
rostopic type | View message types for all posted threads |
rostopic <command> -h
Help option for more detailed usage.
4、 Topic communication practice – The keyboard controls the turtle(turtlesim)运动
通过ROS内置的turtlesimTo carry out the practice of topic communication,There are two nodes involved in this practice,One is the keyboard node that controls the movement of the turtleturtle_teleop_key
,The other is a display node that shows the turtle's movementturtlesim_node
,They communicate with each other through topics,turtle_teleop_key
(subscriber)则订阅该话题以接收消息,Implement turtle motion.我们可以使用rqt_graph GUI来Displays currently running nodes and topics.
rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node
步骤3:Start the keyboard in a new terminalturtle_teleop_key
rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key
终端中(Be sure to select the terminal window,Make sure keystrokes are captured),Press the arrow keys on the keyboard to control the turtle movement.
5、Topic command practice
Cases to practice topic commands.
5.1 rostopic list
rostopic list
Ability to list all topics that are currently subscribed and published.
# (1) Lists all topics that are currently subscribed and published.
rostopic list
# (2) Lists all published and subscribed topics and their type details.
rostopic list -v
5.2 rostopic type
rostopic type [topic]
The command is used to view the message type of the posted topic.
# (1) View posted topics[/turtle1/cmd_vel]的消息类型.
rostopic type /turtle1/cmd_vel
# (2) 使用rosmsgView the details of the message
rosmsg show geometry_msgs/Twist
5.3 rostopic echo
rostopic echo [topic]
rostopic echo /turtle1/cmd_vel
当输入命令后,You may see that nothing happens,Because no data has been posted to this topic yet.This can be done by pressing the arrow keys on the keyboardturtle_teleop_key
节点发布数据.Remember if you can't control the turtle,请选中turtle_teleop_key
terminal window to ensure that keystrokes are captured.When the right and up keys are pressed,应该看到以下内容:
现在让我们再看一下rqt_graph.First press the refresh button in the upper left corner to display the new node.正如你所看到的,rostopic echo
(Shown here in red)Also subscribed nowturtle1/cmd_vel
5.4 rostopic pub
rostopic pub [topic] [msg_type] [args]
Commands can publish data to a topic that is currently being broadcast.
# The command will send a message to turtlesim,告诉它以2.0大小的线速度和1.8大小的角速度移动.
rostopic pub -1 /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]'
There is also a quick way to type:先输入以下命令,然后双击Tab键,最后使用<-和->键修改
.rostopic pub -1 /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist
下面我们用 rostopic pub -r
command to issue a steady stream of commands:
# 命令以1Hzfrequency to send messages toturtlesim,Make sure that the turtle continues to do a circular motion
rostopic pub /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -r 1 -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, -1.8]'
5.5 rostopic hz
rostopic hz [topic]
The command is used to report the rate at which data is published.
rostopic hz /turtle1/cmd_vel
5.6 rostopic bw
rostopic bw [topic]
rostopic bw /turtle1/cmd_vel
5.7 rostopic info
rostopic info [topic]
获取指定Topic Current published news .
5.8 rostopic find
rostopic find [msg_type]
rostopic find geometry_msgs/Twist
ROS.otg. ROS教程[EB/OL]. 2020-12-22[2022-7-5].
http://wiki.ros.org/cn/ROS/Tutorials. ︎
[ROS](06)ROS通信 —— 话题(Topic)通信
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