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Effects of Scraping and Aggregation
2022-08-02 01:55:00 【weixin_39730971】
Occam's Razor, Ockham's Razor
Occam's Razor (Ockham's Razor) is also known as "Occam's Razor".
Occam's Razor was proposed by the 14th century logician and Franciscan friar William of Occam (circa 1285-1349).Ockham is in Surrey, England, where he was born.He said in the Commentary on Proverbs, Vol. 2, Question 15, "Never waste more to do what could be done with less."
This principle is called "Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily".It is sometimes used in its original Latin form to show its authority:
Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate.
Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora.
Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.
In the 14th century, William of Occam, England, was tired of the endless quarrels about "universals" and "essences", so he wrote a book to promote nominalism, only to admit thatThe things that exist, and the general essentials that think that they are empty and useless are useless burdens that should be ruthlessly "shaved off".
The "principle of the economy of thought" he advocates can be summed up as "don't multiply entities unless necessary." Because he is a British Occam native, people call this phrase "Occam's Razor".
After the razor was unsheathed, it shaved off the debates between scholasticism and Christian theology for hundreds of years, separated science and philosophy from theology, and triggered the Renaissance and Reformation in Europe.At the same time, the razor made many people feel threatened, considered heresy, and William himself was hurt.However, this has not damaged the sharpness of this knife. On the contrary, it has become faster and faster over the centuries, and has long surpassed the original narrow field and has a broad, rich and profound meaning.
Occam's representative work is "Summa Logical" (the Chinese translation is available in the Commercial Press), which points out that the world is composed of specific things, and there is no all-encompassing entity, and Logic is nature independent of metaphysicsphilosophical tool.Science is about specific things, things are individual, but there are universals in words, logic is about universals, words, and concepts.Occam made logic independent of metaphysics and theology.
Today, this cold, flashing razor is turning to our complicated Business Management challenges that many things are not good and that we are being overwhelmed by these self-made troubles.In fact, our organization is growing, with more and more cumbersome systems, more and more documents, but less and less efficiency.This forces us to use "Occam's Razor", using Simple management, simplifying complex things, making complex things simple.
Why make complexity simple?Because it is easy to get lost in complexity, it is only after simplification that it is beneficial for people to understand and operate.As society, economy develops, time andEnergy has become a scarce resource for people, managers have more limited time, and many managers who are busy all day are rarely productive. The reason is the lack of Easy Administration of Thinking and ability, unable to distinguish between "important things" and "urgent things", the result isunderperforming or failing managers.In this sense, the way of management is the way of simplification, and simplification means the real control of affairs.
Simple management is of extraordinary significance to Chinese enterprises in a period of transformation and growth, but simple management itself is not simple.Occam's Razor also states that it is easy to complicate things, and complicated to make things simple.Some people often sum up simple management by "governing by inaction" and "governing a big country like cooking a small fish", but how many people can do it like a cook?The Best Business We KnowEvery family runs a business with a very cautious attitude, such as Bill Gates" Microsoft away from Bankruptcy only 18 months" assertion, Zhang Ruimin's "jittery, walking on thin ice" mentality and Ren Zhengfei has always been worried about "Huawei's winter".It can be seen that simple management, as an ancient and new management thinking and ability, contains profound connotations.
cocktail party effect
The cocktail party effect refers to a person's ability to choose aurally, in which attention is focused on a person's conversation while ignoring other conversations or noises in the background.The effect reveals an amazing ability in the human auditory system to allow us to talk in noise.
For example, at a cocktail party, the long table is full of various foods, and participants can choose their favorite foods according to their own tastes.The human ear also has the ability to select different audio sources, such as each other in the theater loungetalking: in a loud voice, one can completely focus one's hearing on one person's conversation, and push other people's voices to the background.middle.
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