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27. Dimensionality reduction
2022-08-04 21:14:00 【WuJiaYFN】
一、Two main motivations for dimensionality reduction
1.1 动机一:数据压缩
Dimensionality reduction is also an unsupervised learning problem,One effect of dimensionality reduction is data compression
Concrete example of a:从二维降到一维
- Suppose two features describe the length of the same item,x1单位是厘米cm,x2单位是英寸inches.This will result in a high degree of redundancy,So it needs to be reduced to one dimension
- 即将2D data are projected to Z 直线one-dimensional
Specific example two:从三维降到二维
- 将数据从三维降至二维: 将3D vector projection onto a 2D plane,强迫使得所有的数据都在同一个平面上,降至二维的特征向量
Such dimensionality reduction process data can be used toData of any dimension down to any desired dimension,例如将1000维的特征降至100维
1.2 动机二:数据可视化
Dimensionality reduction can help us visualize data,我们便能寻找到一个更好的解决方案
Given that there are data on many different countries,每一个特征向量都有 50 个特征(如 GDP,人均 GDP,平均寿命等).如果要将这个 50 维的数据可视化是不可能的
将其降至 2 维,Its visualization
这样做的问题在于,The dimensionality reduction algorithm is only responsible for reducing the number of dimensions,The meaning of the new features must be discovered by ourselves
2.1 PCA的介绍
主成分分析(PCA)is the most common and efficient dimensionality reduction algorithm
PCA将High correlation between variables into fewer independent new variables,Realize the use of fewer comprehensive indicators to represent various types of information existing in each variable,Both reduce the variable dimension of high-dimensional data,And try to reduce the loss of information contained in the original variable data,is a typical data dimensionality reduction method
PCA保留了The most important part of the characteristics of high-dimensional data,Removes noise and unimportant features from the dataset,This approach saves a lot of time and resources while suffering a range of information loss,It is a widely used data preprocessing method
在PCA中,我们要做的是找到一个方向向量(Vector direction),当我们把所有的数据都投射到该向量上时,我们希望The projected mean squared error can be as small as possible
方向向量是一个经过原点的向量,而The projection error is the length of the vertical line from the eigenvector to the direction vector
如上图所示,can be determined by two direction vectors,PCAwill select the direction vector1,Because the projected mean squared error of all data is smaller,Intuitively, the blue line in the figure is shorter in length
PCA Main applications in data mining and machine learning practice:
2.2 Description of the principal component analysis problem
- 主成分分析 trying to find a projection(Can be flat or linear)to project the data onto,make projection error(点到直线的距离)最小
- Principal component analysis of dimension reduction at the same time,also bring some errors,i.e. compared to the original data,数据可靠性降低;see trade-offs ;Suppose the constant term is0,Straight line through the origin is easier to observe
- 问题是要将 n n n维数据降至 k k k维,目标是找到向量 u ( 1 ) u^{(1)} u(1), u ( 2 ) u^{(2)} u(2),…, u ( k ) u^{(k)} u(k)使得总的投射误差最小
- 若是2维平面,distance is the original3The distance from a point on a dimensional space to a 2D plane
2.3 主成分分析与线性回顾的比较
主成分分析最小化的是投射误差(Projected Error)
- 上图中,左边的是线性回归的误差(垂直于横轴投影),
- 右边则是主要成分分析的误差(垂直于红线投影)
2.4 PCA的优点分析
- PCA 将n个特征降维到k个,可以用来进行数据压缩,PCA 要保证降维后,还要Guaranteed minimal loss of data features
- PCAOne of the great benefits of technology is thatDimensionality reduction processing of data.我们可以对新求出的“主元”向量的重要性进行排序,根据需要取前面最重要的部分,将后面的维数省去,可以达到降维从而简化模型或是对数据进行压缩的效果.同时最大程度的保持了原有数据的信息.
- PCA技术的一个很大的优点是,它是完全无参数限制的.在PCA的计算过程中完全不需要人为的设定参数或是根据任何经验模型对计算进行干预,最后的Results are only relevant to the data,与用户是独立的
- 但是,At the same timecan also be seen as a disadvantage.如果用户对观测对象有一定的先验知识,掌握了数据的一些特征,but cannot pass parameterization, etc.method to intervene in the process,可能会得不到预期的效果,效率也不高
PCA 减少 n n n维到 k k k维:
计算出所有特征的均值,然后令 x j = x j − μ j x_j= x_j-μ_j xj=xj−μj
如果特征是在不同的数量级上,我们还需要将其除以标准差 σ 2 σ^2 σ2
第二步:计算协方差矩阵(covariance matrix) Σ Σ Σ:
∑ = 1 m ∑ i = 1 n ( x ( i ) ) ( x ( i ) ) T \sum=\dfrac {1}{m}\sum^{n}_{i=1}\left( x^{(i)}\right) \left( x^{(i)}\right) ^{T} ∑=m1∑i=1n(x(i))(x(i))T
第三步:计算协方差矩阵 Σ Σ Σ的特征向量(eigenvectors):
在 Octave 里我们可以利用奇异值分解来求解,
[U, S, V]= svd(sigma)
S i g m a = 1 m ∑ i = 1 n ( x ( i ) ) ( x ( i ) ) T Sigma=\dfrac {1}{m}\sum^{n}_{i=1}\left( x^{(i)}\right) \left( x^{(i)}\right) ^{T} Sigma=m1i=1∑n(x(i))(x(i))T
对于一个 n × n n×n n×n维度的矩阵,上式中的** U U U是一个具有与数据之间最小投射误差的方向向量构成的矩阵**
如果我们希望将数据从 n n n维降至 k k k维,我们只需要从 U U U中选取前 k k k个向量,获得一个 n × k n×k n×k维度的矩阵,我们用 U r e d u c e U_{reduce} Ureduce表示,Then by the following calculationGet the required new eigenvectors z ( i ) z^{(i)} z(i): z ( i ) = U r e d u c e T ∗ x ( i ) z^{(i)}=U^{T}_{reduce}*x^{(i)} z(i)=UreduceT∗x(i)
其中 x x x是 n × 1 n×1 n×1维的,因此结果为 k × 1 k×1 k×1维度.注,我们不对方差特征进行处理
四、Reconstruction method of original data
在上面的介绍中,我们已经知道了PCA作为压缩算法,low-dimensional data compressed by the given$ z^{(i)} Reverse to get high-dimensional Reverse to get high-dimensional Reverse to get high-dimensional x^{(i)} $process of datato reconstruct the original data
**具体方法:**我们假设 x x x为2维, z z z为1维, z = U r e d u c e T x z=U^{T}_{reduce}x z=UreduceTx,相反的方程为: x a p p o x = U r e d u c e ⋅ z x_{appox}=U_{reduce}\cdot z xappox=Ureduce⋅z, x a p p o x ≈ x x_{appox}\approx x xappox≈x.如图:
- 对于U矩阵,it is an orthogonal matrix,转置等于逆,所以这里直接 x a p p o x = U r e d u c e ⋅ z x_{appox}=U_{reduce}\cdot z xappox=Ureduce⋅z
- 求出来的 X a p p r o x X_{approx} Xapprox和以前的 X X X会有一定的误差,Because of the projection error;
训练集的方差为: 1 m ∑ i = 1 m ∥ x ( i ) ∥ 2 \dfrac {1}{m}\sum^{m}_{i=1}\left\| x^{\left( i\right) }\right\| ^{2} m1∑i=1m∥∥x(i)∥∥2
我们希望在The ratio of the mean squared error to the variance of the training set is as small as possiblechoose the smallest possible k k k值
If you want the ratio to be less than 1%, 就意味着原本数据的偏差有 99% 都保留下来了. 另外,还可以使用5%(对应95%的偏差), 10%(对应90%的偏差) these ratios
通常95%到99%is the most commonly used value range.(注:对于许多数据集,Often the dimensionality of the data can be drastically reduced while retaining most of the variance.This is because many characteristic variables of most real-world data are highly correlated)
5.1 How to choose the number of principal components:
先令 k = 1,然后进行主要成分分析,获得 U r e d u c e U_{reduce} Ureduce 和 z z z,然后计算比例是否小于1%
如果不是的话,再令k = 2,如此类推,直到找到可以使得比例小于 1%的最小 k k k值
5.2 Better way to chooseK——调用“svd”函数
SVD代表为奇异值分解,函数调用 [U, S, V] = svd(sigma) 返回一个与 Σ(即Sigma) 同大小的对角矩阵 S(由ΣThe eigenvalues of),两个矩阵 U 和 V ,且满足 Σ = U * S * V’.
若 A 为 m×n 矩阵,则 U 为 m×m 矩阵,V 为 n×n 矩阵
奇异值在 S 的对角线上,non-negative and in descending order,All other elements outside the diagonal are 0
我们的目的是从 n 维降到 k 维,That is to choose this n the most important of the features k 个,也就是选出特征值最大的 k 个
So get the matrix S 后,We can directly use it to calculate the ratio of the mean mean squared error to the variance of the training set,Instead of recalculating error and variance over and over again:
1 m ∑ i = 1 m ∥ x ( i ) − x a p p r o x ( i ) ∥ 2 1 m ∑ i = 1 m ∥ x ( i ) ∥ 2 = 1 − Σ i = 1 k S i i Σ i = 1 m S i i ≤ 1 % \dfrac {\dfrac {1}{m}\sum^{m}_{i=1}\left\| x^{\left( i\right) }-x^{\left( i\right) }_{approx}\right\| ^{2}}{\dfrac {1}{m}\sum^{m}_{i=1}\left\| x^{(i)}\right\| ^{2}}=1-\dfrac {\Sigma^{k}_{i=1}S_{ii}}{\Sigma^{m}_{i=1}S_{ii}}\leq 1\% m1∑i=1m∥∥x(i)∥∥2m1∑i=1m∥∥x(i)−xapprox(i)∥∥2=1−Σi=1mSiiΣi=1kSii≤1%
也就是: Σ i = 1 k s i i Σ i = 1 n s i i ≥ 0.99 \frac {\Sigma^{k}_{i=1}s_{ii}}{\Sigma^{n}_{i=1}s_{ii}}\geq0.99 Σi=1nsiiΣi=1ksii≥0.99
6.1 PCA具体使用例子
- 假使我们正在针对一张 100×100 像素的图片进行某个计算机视觉的机器学习,即总共有 10000 个特征.使用 PCA 算法的步骤如下:
运用 PCA 将数据压缩至 1000 个特征
Run the learning algorithm on the training set
在预测时,Use previously learned Ureduce 将输入的特征 x 转换成特征向量 z ,然后再进行预测
- 注:如果我们有交叉验证集合测试集,也采用对训练集学习而来的 U r e d u c e U_{reduce} Ureduce
6.2 Correct principal component analysisPCA情况
- Compression and visualization:
6.3 The main components of the error analysisPCA情况
这样做非常不好,Instead of using regularization.原因在于 PCA 只是近似地丢弃掉一些特征,它并不考虑任何与结果变量有关的信息,因此Very important features may be lost
And when regularization is done,会考虑到结果变量,不会丢掉重要的数据.
错误使用PCACase 2:默认地将主要成分分析作为学习过程中的一部分
- Causes the algorithm to run too slowly or take up too much memory
6.4 建议
Don't use it in the first placePCA,Better to use raw data first,Only consider if the original data is no longer availablePCA
Instead of thinking about reducing dimensionality,It is better to think about how to optimize the algorithm;
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