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Function periodic table filter value selectedvalue
2020-11-08 08:54:00 【osc_gp8avable】
SELECTEDVALUE Function belongs to “ Screening ” Class function , Affiliated to the “ Table function ”.
Microsoft's official profile says this :
When the specified column has only one unique value in the current context , Returns the value ;
Otherwise, the replacement result is returned , Omit and return null value ;
In fact, according to the understanding of white tea , To put it more generally , It is to match the relevant values according to the current context .
purpose : Usually used in measures , Get external filter .
SELECTEDVALUE(< Column >[, < Standby value >])
Column : Fix existing columns , It can't be an expression ;
Standby value : optional , If the first parameter context is null , Or when there are multiple duplicate values , Return the standby value ; By default, the returned result is blank .
Return results
Analog data :
Example 1:
SELECTEDVALUE ( ' Example '[ Group ], FALSE () )
result :
As can be seen from the figure above , At present [ Category ] In the context of , Only a fraction of [ Group ] It's a non repeating unique value , So return the correct result , Other return FALSE.
Change the current context , Let's compare :
take [ Group ] As the current context , You can see that each category returns the correct value , Only the total column context is empty , return FALSE.
The effect is , Equivalent to the following code :
Equivalent code =
IF ( HASONEVALUE ( ' Example '[ Group ] ), VALUES ( ' Example '[ Group ] ), FALSE () )
Comparing the results :
The effect is equivalent to , however SELECTEDVALUE It is more concise and clear .
Example 2: Used to switch dynamic data .
This usage is well known to us , It is also a frequently used usage .
It can be used to switch data dynamically .
TRUE (),
SELECTEDVALUE ( ' Financial dimension '[ Financial dimension ] ) = " profits ", [ profits ],
SELECTEDVALUE ( ' Financial dimension '[ Financial dimension ] ) = " Sales amount ", [ Sales amount ],
Specific case articles , White tea has been written for many times , I won't repeat it here , Interested partners can click to view .
Portal :
PowerBI White tea : Sales demand dynamic data zhuanlan.zhihu.comfriends GET Why? ?
White tea will share some function cards from time to time
( Documents on the planet of knowledge [PowerBI The demand circle ])
This is white tea , One PowerBI Beginners .
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