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Process control (creation, termination, waiting, program replacement)

2022-07-07 11:06:00 Exy-

Process creation

pid_t fork() and pid_t vfork()

The process is essentially a PCB, Creating a process is equivalent to creating PCB;

pid_t fork(void);pid_t vfork(void)

function : Create a new process by copying the parent process ( Subprocesses )

Return to child process id To the parent process , For child processes, return 0, Failure to return -1;

pid_vfork(void) characteristic : Parent and child processes share a virtual address space , Data sharing between parent and child processes. The modification of the original data by any process will affect the other party , And share the same stack , Therefore, function calls are pressed on the same stack , Cause stack chaos , So let the subprocess run first , After the subprocess exits , Or the parent process can run only after the program is replaced

about pid_t fork():

Think about it , If the parent-child process accesses the same global variable , Operation will definitely have an impact , Therefore, data should be unique between parent and child processes , Each has its own data .

After the subprocess is created , Reopen space for child processes , Copy the data of the parent process , Only in this way can we remain independent , But if the data is not accessed in the subprocess , Then the development of space and the copy of data are a waste of resources , For independence , And to provide efficiency , We use write time copy technology .

Copy while writing

When the thought sub process was first created , Let the child process be the same as the parent process , Mapping to the same physical memory , But if the data in a certain memory is about to change ( Either party needs to modify ), Then give the subprocess a new space for this piece , Copy data in the past .( Only open up the data space that needs to be modified )

Process termination

1. stay main Function return(return Only in main Function is to exit the operation of the program );

2. Library function : void exit(int  status); You can call the exit program at any position stdlib.h

linux Next :man manual main 1- command main 2- system call man3- Library function

3. System call interface :void _exit(int status); Can be called anywhere , Exit the program unistd.h

Add : For standard output devices ,\n Will flush the buffer

The relationship between library functions and system call interfaces : Library functions encapsulate the system call interface

difference : Whether to refresh the buffer before exiting ;

exit And return The buffer will be flushed before exiting the program , Write data that has not been written to the file to the file

_exit Call to exit directly , The buffer will not be flushed , But directly release resources ( There may be data loss in the buffer )

echo $? Check the return value of the previous program

return The following numbers and exit Parameters of status The role of : Set the exit code of the process , And the exit code is only kept low 8 Bit in (0~255) Between .

Process waiting

Zombie process : The child process exits before the parent process , In order to save the exit code , Not fully releasing resources ;

Concept : Wait for the subprocess to exit , Get the exit code of the child process , Release child process resources , Avoid child processes becoming zombie processes ;

Although we don't care about the exit code of the subprocess , But still need to wait for the process , Avoid child processes becoming zombie processes , because  

Subprocesses are harmful to the operating system .

operation :

int wait(int* status)

function : Blocking waits for any child process to exit , It means that if there are child processes and none of them exit, the process will be blocked and wait

Blocking waiting means : To accomplish a function , We initiate a call , If the function cannot be completed immediately, wait

Parameters :int *status One int Address of shaping space , Used to store exit code

Return value : Successfully return the processed exit subprocess pid, Failure to return -1

int waitpid(pid_t pid,int *status,int option)

Parameters :pid_t pid- Used to specify the child process waiting oid, If -1 It means waiting for any child process

int *status- The integer space address is used to obtain the exit code ;

option Used to set blocking flag 0- It means blocking and waiting ;WNOHANG- Indicates non blocking wait

function : It is also waiting for the child process to exit , But you can wait for the specified child process , And non blocking waiting

Return value : Greater than 0 Indicates the exit subroutine of the process pid; be equal to 0 Indicates that there are no child processes exiting ( Non blocking ); Less than 0 It means that something has gone wrong

Non blocking waiting : To accomplish a function , We launched a call , If the function cannot be completed immediately, the interface will immediately report an error and return

Before waiting for the process , What about the child process that has exited ?

wait/waitpid Not just dealing with child processes that just quit , But as long as a child process exits , Those that have become zombie processes will be handled , That is, if there is a process that has exited , Just process it directly and return

The nature of program crash : An exception occurred during the operation of the program , All detected by the kernel , When a program runs abnormally , Then the system sends an abnormal signal to the process after monitoring ( Indicates that an abnormal event occurred in the process , Can't be running ), Only the abnormal signal value of the process is 0 When , Indicates that the program exits normally ; Otherwise, it is an abnormal exit

Get the abnormal exit signal value  status & 0x7f  Get the process exit code (status>>8) &0xff

WIFEXITED(status), The process exits normally and returns true;

Program replacement

It is to replace the program that a process is scheduling and managing , Usually used after creating child processes , Replace the program run by the child process ;

For example, web server , When a request comes , Create child process , Replace different handlers according to the request

exec Family of functions

Operation interface :

extern char **environ; This is a global variable , This variable holds all environment variables extern Just a statement , No space

int execve(char* pathname,char*argv[],char *env[]);

pathname: The pathname of the new program to be replaced

argv: The running parameters passed to the new program

env: Environment variables passed to the new program , Set to environ It means that the default existing environment variable is passed , If given by ourselves , So what you give is what you give ;

Return value : Successfully returns 0; Failure to return -1;

Be careful : Program replacement function, if the replacement is successful , Then the code after this function call will not be executed , Because the program has been replaced with a new program , And the new program will exit directly after running .

There are also some specific interfaces :

int execl(char* path,char *argv,...) path: Program pathname ; argv,... I don't know : The parameter is assigned to a single , There is no need to organize into pointer arrays , But in order to NULL ending ; Environment variables use the default existing

int execlp(char *filename,char *argv,...NULL)

filename: The program doesn't have to give a path , Only give names , Will automatically default to PATH Go to the path specified by the environment variable to find

int execle(char *path,char *argv,...,NULLchar *env[]) Compared with the above , Set the environment variables by yourself without using the default

int execv(char *pathname,char *argv[]); Program given pathname , You do not need to set environment variables to use the default

int execvp(char* filename,char *argv[]);

int execvpe(char *filename,char *argv[],char *env[]);

Be careful :

  • If you replace all the instruction programs , Then take p, Don't give a path
  • If you do not need to set environment variables , You don't need to bring e, Use default
  • Parameters are used according to your data organization l still v,l Parameters are individually assigned ,v It is the organization of parameters into an array that gives

ordinary shell

  Implement a simple one minishell, simulation shell The terminal uses the program to replace

int main()
    printf("kali~dev$");// Because there is no line break , So the data does not flush the buffer , Can't print out 
    fflush(stdout);// Refresh the standard output buffer ;
    char cmd[128]={0};
    fgets(cmd,127,stdin);// Get a row of data from standard input , If a line is too long , Just get 127 Bytes 
    cmd[strlen(cmd)-1]='\0';// Wrap the line at the end of the string , Replace with the end sign 
    // Parse string 
    char argv[32][32]={
    int argc=0;
    int count=0;
    char *ptr=cmd;
      if(*ptr!=' '&&*ptr!='\0')
        while(*ptr!=' '&&*ptr!='\0')
    char *myargv[32]={NULL};
    for(int i=0;i<argc;i++)
    pid_t pid=fork();
      int ret=execvp(argv[0],myargv);
        perror("execvp error");
  return 0;

