为什么会写这个,Because something interesting happened,简而言之就是,Interview some intention company,没过;One of the interviewers are verynice,Also read my blog carefully,Do you think you didn't show it during the interview?,So I made a special call the next day.,gave me an extra chance,Just spend a few days on a small project,Submit it to him in a few days.
这是背景,Projects are about making a tool,You can specify two directories for comparison,If a file likea.txtexists in both directories,compare its content and present,The rendering effect can refer tobeyond compare或者git diff.
Spent more than three days coding,Two days to write documents,Finally made a simple tool to meet the needs,Lucky not to be humiliated;项目麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,Also wrote requirements analysis document、概要设计、详细设计等,The project itself is also very interesting,所以给大家分享一下.
One of the core points is the text difference comparison algorithm,Therefore, let’s start with an article to explain,铺垫铺垫.
差异对比,很多人会想到beyond compare、git、svn等.这里以git来说吧,git作为版本管理工具,It's really convenient,Many times I want to recommend it to friends who are not in the Internet industry.
版本管理工具,The most important point is the comparison of the differences between the different versions,看下图:
From the picture,The row on the right is greater than the row on the left,just a few more characters”xxxww“;But for software,怎么才知道,Just a few more characters,毕竟,按理来说,After insert a few characters,The character originally on the right is forced to the right,In fact, the program,is from where it was inserted,Already two strings are different.
But the software doesn't have the right character from where it was inserted,All marked as diff,所以,How does the software recognize it??
In fact, the above problem can be briefly explained by the following example:
Suppose there is a raw string that is:ABCABBA,Now we want to turn it into:CBABAC,Are there many ways??
比如,最简单的方式,ABCABBA依次删掉:ABCABBA,现在,Is it an empty string?,删7个字符,一共操作7次;接下来,Then on the basis of the empty string,依次加上:CBABAC,加了6次.
但是,这太暴力了,也不是很优雅,直观的感觉就是,太傻了,It doesn't seem to need that many times.?
所以,寻找一个算法,以保证:Conversion of success at the same time,Guarantee as few edits as possible.
This is the shortestdiff算法,diffIs the original string into a string,Various additions and deletions to be performed;or in mathdelta对比,我查了下,deltameans change.
"最短diff"This algorithm has a variety of implementation,在git diff的代码中,就有4implementations for us to choose from,分别是:
myers, minimal, patience, histogram.
在git help diff的文档中,There is a brief introduction:
默认的是myers算法,when to use other,There is a document here:https://luppeng.wordpress.com/2020/10/10/when-to-use-each-of-the-git-diff-algorithms/,有需要的同学可以看看.
This is simply to say that I am rightmyers的理解,算法比较复杂,I didn't get it,Everyone has a concept.(狗头)
diffAnother kind of visual display
The big guys thought of a way to expressdiff.还是上面的例子,ABCABBA转换为CBABAC.
Construct the following picture based on these two strings,The horizontal axis is the original content,The vertical axis is the target content.
This figure to see it that way,The upper left corner is the zero coordinate,水平是x轴,上下是y轴,x轴从(0,0)点到(1,0)点,为A字符;(1,0)到(2,0)是B字符,依次类推,on the horizontal axis8个点,有7个空,依次为ABCABBA,i.e. the content of the original string.yThe same is true for the axis.
It is now stipulated,(0,0)处,you have raw stringsABCABBA,currently points to the first characterA.此时,向右表示删除对应的字符,向下表示新增对应字符,The diagonal line means that the original content remains unchanged(Or delete add first,即不变)
从(0,0)移动到(1,0),需要删掉A,此时,ABCABBAfrom the current cursor position,删掉A,变成了BCABBA,The cursor now points toBCABBA的第一个字符B;
从(1,0)move one space to the right(2,0),to delete at this timeB,变成了CABBA
沿着x轴,move on to(3,0),删除C,变成ABBA;move on to(4,0),删除A,变成BBA;继续到(5,0),删除B,变成BA;继续到(6,0),删除B,变成A;继续到(7,0),删除A,变成空.
到目前为止,我们来到了7,0,string becomes empty;开始往下走,process of going down,is to increase the corresponding character,比如,从(7,0),走到(7,1),增加字符C,变成“C”;再走到(7,2),变成CB;再到(7,3),变成CBA;
大家可能发现了,Just follow that picture all the way,从(0,0)到达右下角(7,6),The original string becomes the target string.
当然,This road is more violent,delete the original string first(all the way to the right),Add the target string again(一路向下).
diffA graphical representation of the route demo
Let's try to draw another route.
现在(0,0)处,we are raw stringsABCABBA,
- Next is a step to the right-A,变成BCABBA.
- 向下,+C,变成CBCABBA
- meet the diagonal,Diagonal Corresponding CharactersB,At this point, it can be understood as deletingB,再加上B,Equivalent to moving the cursor forward,依然是CB|CABBA,我们用|表示光标位置
- 向下,在当前光标处+A,变成CBA|CABBA;加B,变成CBAB|CABBA;再-C,变成CBAB|ABBA
- Diagonal again,Diagonal Corresponding CharactersA,the cursor moves,变成CBABA| BBA
- 从(4,5)移动到(4,6),加C,变成CBABAC|BBA
- 从(4,6)移动到(7,6),依次删除BBA,即变成CBABAC
所以,Once again, we made it to the lower right corner,At this point the string also becomesCBABAC.我们也可以算一下,移动了多少次
-A,+C,+A,+B,-C,+C,-B,-B,-A,合计是9次(If you go diagonally,No characters are actually modified,不算在内).
Myers Understand the algorithm
If you understand before,我们大概知道,From the upper left corner of the figure,Every route to the bottom right,都是有效的diff.
而Myers的目标,It should be from the many routes,choose the shortest distance(number of times to the right + Sum of down times;Going diagonally doesn't count)的路线.
And the shortest route,is the shortestdiffAlgorithm answer.
MyersI don't quite understand the algorithm,But if we follow our violent train of thought,It is to calculate the distance of each route.(number of times to the right + Sum of down times;Going diagonally doesn't count),Then take the shortest route.