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Fibonacci sequence

2022-07-06 08:17:00 m0_ fifty-two million three hundred and eighty-four thousand ni

Fibonacci sequence is the most typical and relatively simple recursion , It is relatively simple to solve it with algorithmic thinking .

If you want to write an algorithm, you must first understand what Fibonacci sequence is , Fibonacci sequence (Fibonacci sequence), also called The golden section The sequence , Leonardo the mathematician · Fibonacci (Leonardo Fibonacci) Take rabbit breeding as an example , It is also called “ Rabbit Series ”, It refers to such a sequence :1、1、2、3、5、8、13、21、34、…… In Mathematics , The Fibonacci sequence is defined recursively as follows :F(0)=1,F(1)=1, F(n)=F(n - 1)+F(n - 2)(≥ 2,∈ N*) In Modern Physics 、 accurate Crystal structure 、 Chemistry and so on , Fibonacci sequence has direct application , So , American Mathematics will come from 1963 Published in 《 Fibonacci series Quarterly 》 A mathematical magazine in the name of , Used to publish research results in this field .( Source: Baidu Encyclopedia )

Recursion is a relatively difficult Algorithm , Now I only have some ideas of my own , Recursion is difficult because it has a complex process , Nest layer after layer , I often want to give up learning recursion because it is difficult to imagine the recursive process , But giving up is easy , But persistence must be cool , Learning Fibonacci made me have some ideas about recursion .

Recursion is a nested process layer after layer , My idea is to think only about the conditions for jumping out of the process , And loops that need recursion at first , The condition for Fibonacci sequence to jump out of the cycle is when n <= 2 when , return , If it is greater than  2 when , You need the sum of the first two numbers , Notice that here is the sum of the first two numbers , Instead of the sum of all the previous numbers , Because only the first two numbers need to be considered . These two numbers are not a specific number , All you need to know is how to calculate it , The previous number can be used feiBo(n-1) Instead of , The first two numbers can be used feiBo(n-2) Instead of , So calculate a greater than 2 The number of hours , As long as you need to return feiBo(n-1) + feiBo(n-2) that will do , There is no need to think about the complex recursive process . Of course, for the standardization of the code , It is necessary to judge whether the entered value is reasonable .

The end condition of recursion is :

if(n <= 2){
    return 1;
    return feiBo(n-1) + feiBo(n-2);

Add constraints and complete the construction as ( The words are not too standard ): 

class fei{
    public int feiBo(int n){    // Back to a int type 
        if(n > 0){
            if(n <= 2){
                return 1;
                return feiBo(n-1) + feiBo(n-2);
            return 0;

main The function and all the codes are ( In order to facilitate the constant test directly ):

public class demo17{
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		fei b = new fei();
		int num = b.feiBo(8);
		if(num != 0){
			System.out.println(" Incorrect input !");

class fei{
	public int feiBo(int n){
				return 1;
				return feiBo(n-1)+feiBo(n-2);
			return 0;

The test screenshot is :



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