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Yyds dry goods inventory three JS source code interpretation eventdispatcher

2022-07-06 08:08:00 Xin Ran

stay three.js in , Found a lot of use Object.assign and Object.create Method , And many constructors have inheritance EventDispatcher, Now for EventDispatcher Study the method

1. Source code

function EventDispatcher() {} // Constructors
Object. assign( EventDispatcher. prototype, {

addEventListener: function ( type, listener) {

if ( this. _listeners === undefined) {
this. _listeners = {};

var listeners = this. _listeners;

if ( listeners[ type] === undefined) {

listeners[ type] = [];


if ( listeners[ type]. indexOf( listener) === - 1) {

listeners[ type]. push( listener);



hasEventListener: function ( type, listener) {

if ( this. _listeners === undefined) {
return false;

var listeners = this. _listeners;

return listeners[ type] !== undefined && listeners[ type]. indexOf( listener) !== - 1;


removeEventListener: function ( type, listener) {

if ( this. _listeners === undefined) {

var listeners = this. _listeners;
var listenerArray = listeners[ type];

if ( listenerArray !== undefined) {

var index = listenerArray. indexOf( listener);

if ( index !== - 1) {

listenerArray. splice( index, 1);




dispatchEvent: function ( event) {

if ( this. _listeners === undefined) {

var listeners = this. _listeners;
var listenerArray = listeners[ event. type];

if ( listenerArray !== undefined) {

event. target = this;

var array = listenerArray. slice( 0);

for ( var i = 0, l = array. length; i < l; i ++) {

array[ i]. call( this, event);





function Texture() {} // Constructors

Texture. prototype = Object. assign( Object. create( EventDispatcher. prototype), {
test: function() {
console. log( 'test')
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2. Test code

const tt = new Texture()
console. log( 'tt', tt)
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#yyds Dry inventory #three.js Source code interpretation -EventDispatcher_jquery

3. Core code description

#yyds Dry inventory #three.js Source code interpretation -EventDispatcher_i++_02

If you make the following code changes

#yyds Dry inventory #three.js Source code interpretation -EventDispatcher_ Constructors _03

The output result at this time is as follows :

#yyds Dry inventory #three.js Source code interpretation -EventDispatcher_jquery_04

4. summary

  • three.js Many constructors in will inherit EventDispatcher Constructors
  • Object.assign Use of methods
  • Object.create Use of methods
  • three.js Event monitoring in is similar to other frameworks , for example jQuery The same is true , It's the same principle

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