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Develop and implement movie recommendation applet based on wechat cloud

2022-07-05 09:35:00 m0_ fifty-eight million one hundred and fifty-seven thousand ei

One 、 Project background

The project name is grapefruit movie , The purpose of this small program is to recommend movies to everyone , Different from other small programs such as ticket selling .

Two 、 Performance requirements

The increase of my shadow list 、 Delete and query . Complete implementation of the movie details page . For all aspects of the applet : Movie recommendation 、 Movie details 、 User authorization 、 Cinema inquiry 、 Cinema location 、 The user login 、 My movie list and other aspects are generally achieved , Achieved the basic requirements . The system should run fast 、 Stable 、 Efficient and reliable . It should have good scalability in structure , Convenient for future function expansion and maintenance .

3、 ... and 、 Function module

  Four 、 Detailed design

1、 home page

After opening the applet, the user will directly enter the homepage interface of movie recommendation . The top half of the page is a rotating picture , Store the database of the rotation map in the cloud database , When the page is used, it is directly obtained from the cloud database . The second half is movie recommendation , The movie database uses the cloud database in the wechat developer tool . Screen out films with Douban score greater than or equal to six , As a recommended movie .

2、  Movie details interface

The user clicks the movie recommended in the movie recommendation page , Jump to the movie details page . Use in the movie recommendation page navigator Component implementation jump , At the same time, click... In the movie cloud database _id Send it to the movie details page . On the movie details page , Find the specified... From the cloud database _id Other fields for , Render to page , Show the basic information of the movie . Click the plus sign in the upper right corner , Can add this movie to my movie list , After clicking , Return to my shadow list page and you can see .

3、 The user interface

The user clicks on the user tab , Be able to enter the user login interface , Realize wechat authorized login . Use the method of synchronous acquisition , Implementation of user login interface . The user clicks on the profile details on the login page , Be able to jump to the profile details page , As long as the user's Avatar is included 、 Nickname and gender . The user's Avatar can be modified according to their own situation .

4、 My shadow list interface

The user clicks my shadow list in the personal page , You can jump to my shadow list page , You can query the user's own shadow list , Convenient for users to find . When text overflows in the object, it is the way to display ellipsis marks , Make the layout more optimized , In line with the modern aesthetic . Display the promotional page of the movie 、 Release time and movie title .

On my song list page , Click the red button on the right side of Hello Li Huanying , You can delete this movie from my song list . When text overflows in the object, it is the way to display ellipsis marks , Make the layout more optimized , In line with the modern aesthetic .

5 、 Theater interface

(1). Authorization location interface

After the user enters the cinema page , Click to get location information , The system will pop up a pop-up , Prompt authorization applet location function , After authorization, you can see the nearby cinema in the page .

(2). Get the theater interface

After the user authorized location , The page will display the nearby cinemas according to the user's location . The cinema information in the page includes the name and location of the cinema , And the distance between the user's location and the theater .

( Nearby cinemas use cloud databases .)

(3) Get cinema information interface

Users click the location icon of the cinema , Jump to the cinema information interface . Gaode map is used here API Realize the location display of cinema location on Gaode map .

( The details of resources are in your blog resources )


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